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anyone else addicted to watch movies? Anonymous 32901

send me your letterboxd account if u have and tell which are your
favourite movies :)

Anonymous 32906


Oh, it's the nona who saw Love and Pop the other day. Hmm…
You could watch Christiane F if you liked Love and Pop. I thought it was more serious and dark compared to it.

I've seen the face of another and it's one of the boring movies I've seen in my life, lol. Belladonna of Sadness made no sense to me. Your taste is cool. I try to give "artistic" movies a try but most of the time it flies over my head so I prefer things being literal and personal.

Some of the movies that I watched recently and loved were Aftersun, Worst Person in the World and I'm thinking of Ending Things. Aftersun was so good.
I watched The Green Knight, In the Mouth of Madness, Sorry to Bother you, John Wick 4 and Right Now, Wrong Then and I thought they were okay movies but not worth recommending to someone else.
I don't have a letterboxd account btw.

Anonymous 32908

I just watched this funny Spanish short from the 70's and wanted to share it somewhere. Now I can stalk OP's letterboxd to see if she watches it.

Anonymous 32968

> i'm not the op haha
Wow, I thought it was you because of high ratings to all the artsy fartsy Japanese movies, lol. Also thanks.

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