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Anonymous 33240

Did any nonas play Moviestarplanet as kids? I miss old social games like this so much and would give anything to go back to a time when they were still full of life

Anonymous 33241

YESSSS BROOO i was obsessed and i had an MSP channel too..
here's one of my videos:

Anonymous 33242

had my first heartbreak on that game

Anonymous 33243

Omg I had a youtube channel too for msp music videos! Unfortunately I deleted all of it when I quit playing and I hate myself for it

Anonymous 33575

YEEEEEEEEES i remember it. infact i still play it sometimes lol along with animal jam (trying to accomplish a childhood dream of getting a rare item)

Anonymous 33576


i was fucking obsessed with MSP as a child. they had a summer competition once and i made my dad mail a bunch of shit and drawings to their office and i won 1 YEAR VIP. i will never let that fucking go, i still remember the excitement of logging into my account and suddenly seeing hundreds of diamonds kek

Anonymous 33587

I stole my parents credit card for this game…. can't remember how much money I spent and it still haunts me. Does anyone remember what the highest VIP rank used to cost around 2013 or so?

Anonymous 33621

NOSTALGIA god i loved this game as a kid!

Anonymous 33681

Hell yeah, I used to scam people for their "rare" clothes, I'd promise them all kinds of pricey stuff and after getting the rare I just blocked them kek. Also had a glitch where my VIP would get renewed every month with no cost, not sure what was up with that but I didn't complain.

Oh and did anyone else level up fresh characters to level 6 and then use the starting money to buy things for your main account? I used to spend my afternoons just grinding exp, sometimes with multiple accounts at once. My main character was STACKED

Anonymous 33683

at around 2015-16 when the lisa hack worked I used it to level up and give money to my new accounts (they would get autobanned shortly after) and then gift my actual account a ton of stuff, I was able to buy everything I ever wanted lol

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