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Forms of communication outside of discord Anonymous 33379

Hello I am currently like totally tired of Discord it has been a complete mess for me lol

So i've started using XMPP and Mumble idk if anyone else uses that?

Anonymous 33380

The method of communication is not the deciding factor. You will always be dissatisfied with it regardless of which mode you use because people themselves are disappointing.

Anonymous 33381

I get weirdos adding me on XMPP from time to time. often it's Russian spammers. else I use it to talk to other nerds who care about XMPP and other open protocols like Matrix and ActivityPub
t. used

Anonymous 33382

hmm that seems a bit better than the usual fare that seem to congregate on discord

Anonymous 33383

my problem is i don't know anyone who doesn't use discord for their main mode of communication- i am not sure how to meet people who use the alternatives

Anonymous 33384

Fediverse users (Mastodon, Pleroma, GNU Social etc) are likely to be on IRC, XMPP and/or Matrix

Anonymous 33385

Fuck troonverse

Anonymous 33386

The medium is the message

Anonymous 33387

Maybe pick who you want to communicate with and then pick a mode of communication?

Anonymous 33388

I still use irc to this day. I setup XMPP for vanity purposes, but it's dead unless you're in an in-group.

Anonymous 33389

umm i like snapchat!

Anonymous 33390

Matrix/Element is basically a better non-retarded version of Discord. The biggest problem is getting your friends to hop over, but honestly I think if they don't care enough about you to make an account on a objectively better chatting program they aren't a real friend.

Anonymous 33391

>tech toy
unfortunately matrix is full of trannies

Anonymous 33392

Used XMPP for years, it's great. Normal in Europe, almost everyone uses it.

Anonymous 33393

This is it.

I like jitsi for voice chat & screen streaming. not as "convenient" as discord but way more customization, choice, and transparency. dont have to fumble with "tags" and "rooms", if you don't want

Anonymous 33394

I use it /)

Anonymous 33395

Its literally full of cis lesbians and has nice instances like spinster.

Anonymous 33396

1688087086283190 c…

no way lmao

Anonymous 33397

I use it. I also use Matrix

Anonymous 33398

well if people don't join it'll stay that way…

Anonymous 33399

Mumble is the best one out of all of these. I'm in a mumble server that is open to the public full of real old school internet types that are really good with tech. Years ago these guys somehow managed to get root permission for some software that was managing a grain silo. They figured out where it was and was just messing around with some settings. Two days later they checked on it again and the server was offline. We looked up news and apparently the grain silo fucking blew up. Mumble is really good for running OPs.

Anonymous 33400

There used to be a lesbian one too. I don't get the resistance to use stuff like this, imageboards are also usually full of troons and yet…

Anonymous 33401

this is a very silly mindset to have that just cements male domination in these spaces

Anonymous 33402

who is spinster?

Anonymous 33403


Anonymous 33404

yeah literally anything decentralized and high-security like fediverse and element is for pedophiles

Anonymous 33405

>imageboards are also usually full of troons
thats why i only use crystal cafe kek

Anonymous 33406

cc is full of troons and moids too, like over half of the userbase is one or both

Anonymous 33408

this is why i use fc even though i’m not very interested in yaoi. it hasn’t been invaded by males so much yet. shame they killed the yume and s stuff though. those were the best boards.

Anonymous 34156


Op here

Okay lol i finally made a few friends on xmpp and it has been amazing wtf

Anonymous 34340


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