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Anonymous 33921

there's no way araki isn't autistic

Anonymous 33926

What clued you in on this revelation?

Anonymous 33980

>Being an artist and creating a mega successful series with millions of fans is apparently "autistic" now

Anonymous 33983

have you seen the threadpic? rohan is araki's self insert. if he's a normie, why would his self insert oc make autistic hand gestures? and why then is the jojo fanbase full of autists? maybe autism as a concept doesn't exist in japan but autists flock to this series for a reason lmao

Anonymous 33984

>maybe autism as a concept doesn't exist in japan
It's a medical term widely accepted by the global health community… Like Tourette's or dyslexia or Parkinson's disease. Just saying. You can literally search "autistic adults in Japan" or "autism in Japan" and you'll get a bunch of documentaries.
Kind of seems like even worse to grow up there than in the west, though, with all the focus on conformity.

Anonymous 33985

i wish psychiatry terms never became popularized

Anonymous 33986

>why would his self insert oc make autistic hand gestures?
Because literally every single character in the series makes these "autistic" gestures?

Anonymous 33988

ayrt. that's what i'm getting at. this show appeals to autists for a reason so why not let tinfoil about the creator having it too. live and let live.

Anonymous 33989

Every single anime appeals to autists so are you saying that all anime/manga artists are autists?

Anonymous 33990

not all of them exclusively do. mha and naruto have widespread appeal but its fans also grow out of it and move on to other media. anime/manga is an inherently autistic interest but show me a non-jojo one where the characters gesture and flap their hands like threadpic.

Anonymous 34010

rohan=autistic is a pretty easy to understand read, but he's simply NOT araki's self-insert character - if anything he's araki's waifu character.

i also feel like you haven't watched any interviews of the author bc he is very, very sociable and self-aware to the point of making everyone else in the industry seem even more autistic than they actually are

Anonymous 35489

Aren't autistic people supposed to be bad at interacting with other people? Why does being very passionate about your hobbies and interests (in Araki's case, fashion), or liking anime, qualify as autism now?
Those JoJo poses are inspired from fashion magazine photos btw.

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