Anonymous 33950
Posting touhou to stop the evil moid invasion
Anonymous 33957
I never got into 2hu because the fandom was always nothing but scrotes that enjoy being cucked by lesbians, or imagining themselves as the 1 male in an all female universe, and I don't care to indulge that kind of entitlement for a nobody.
Anonymous 33958

>>33957tf are you doing here then, go be "me, me, me" stacy somewhere else, hiding thread option is free
Anonymous 33962

how is 2hu gonna stop the moid invasion?
Anonymous 33963
>>33962No idea, but OP believes posting media from a male dominated fandom (tranny infested too) won't lure them here somehow.
Anonymous 33964

>>33963should've picked a more fujo-dominated series like danganronpa but we got this instead
oh teh noez!1!