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Writers of Novels Anonymous 34329

Nonas, are any of you writers for fun? I'm writing a horror novel rn centered around college-aged girls and women's rights rn

Anonymous 34330

Yeah. I'm trying to write a novel, but I keep getting writer's block.

Anonymous 34349

Can you tell us what the plot is?

Anonymous 34350

I used to write but now I'm so busy with work and school that I can't

Anonymous 34367

I'm writing a BL fanfic where Garfield becomes human and falls in love with John

Anonymous 34370

I love writing darker fantasy. working on my novel now but i keep getting ideas and rewrite…

Anonymous 34382

Same, being an adult sucks

Anonymous 34389

how ironic is it from a scale of 1-10?

Anonymous 34390


It's kind of like Rosemary's Baby and a woman's but modern and set in Texas. More of a Hispanic spin on a tale about abortion.

I'm also working on a piece about furries in the hood that started as a joke but is now evolving into something bigger about social justice and themes of shame.

Anonymous 34392


>Garfield makes a wish to become human
>Leaves John and Odie to live his own life as a human
>Realizes he's only happy around John and starts falling in love
>Without Garfield to take care of John decides to marry Liz and start a family
>Garfield confesses his feelings to John but is immediately rejected
>Garfield wishes he could be with John despite the rejection
>He turns back into a cat and time reverses before he made his wish
>The End

Anonymous 34425

Im trying to write one but it just comes out as incoherent passages that don't really connect about a sad and troubled woman. I don't want to be self inserty and base it off my own life too much but they do say write about what you know

Anonymous 34596

Yeah I am writing a novel about vampires and its based on real people haha
70 pages so far and I got positive reactions so far

Anonymous 34599

distressed possum.…

I have a million billion ideas for the grand Tolkienesque fantasy epic I'm definetly gonna write some day… But I've only actually written some notes and a few assorted paragraphs that I'm just too embarassed to read again. So basically same as it ever was for me

Anonymous 34721

I want to write a graphic novel based on a bunch of vignettes from my life but I suck at drawing so its really demoralising

Anonymous 34722

use ai. for a story to work you don't need perfectly matching characters or surrounding as long as your storytelling fixes these flaws. if you're autistic about it then see this step as a draft and not as final product. still the draft allows you to get into the process and produce something

Anonymous 34731


I'm more of a scriptwriter. Have a bunch of ideas for cartoons, and I am even making one myself right now, but I won't reveal what it is. I don't really know what to do with all the other ideas, for now I'm just keeping them for future use. The cartoon I'm making is an enthusiastic endeavor, it's indie. Do I need to have the education at some institution that teaches how to write to score a job as a scriptwriter? Or will a good portfolio do? I've read so many books on writing, so I'd say I know what I'm doing, sorta.

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