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Got any ideas for a new video game? Anonymous 34422

Anonymous 34424

FPS on a totally flat plane. Like Wolfenstein 3D, you can mouselook horizontally but not vertically. Instead, moving the mouse up and down moves a cursor forwards and backwards in front of you. This cursor is where your attacks appear when you click the mouse. So when aiming at an enemy, you must face them and slide the cursor to how far away they are.

Anonymous 34493

A game based on Watership Down. You play as a rabbit sneaking past predators and avoiding traps.

Anonymous 34507

Jurassic Park game, but about a year after building the park, you switch to being a park guest when the park breaks down

Anonymous 34841

game about owning a lot of intelligent cats that like building strange things. you keep them happy so they stay focussed. youd be able to interact with each cat

Anonymous 34842

A game where you cook food to feed your monsters. When they fight other monsters their attacks vary depending on what they ate.

Anonymous 34865

Yeah, it's called… erm, Band Hero and you and your friends play fake instruments and do karaoke to songs they like.

Anonymous 34873

Erm this game sounds frpping sweet. I imagine it could have fake guitar and drums, and errmmm fake trmpet?

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