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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 34461

do any nonas listen to malice mizer? what are your favorite songs? or albums? ^_^

i cant pick a fav song but rn but gardenia is stuck in my head. im still in the process of getting to know more of their songs but i cant name a bad one really

Anonymous 34462

waaah ive been waiting for a vkei thread !!!! gardenia goes so hard but i mostly listen to gackt and kozi solo, i feel like mm fans (at least on tiktok from what ive seen) put too much emphasis on mana-sama, and not on the band itself. its like they see him as some sort of leader because he dresses in an iconic way and is selectively mute. dont get me wrong, hes super important to the band, but i think the rest of the band deserves recognition !!
also, what is up with them not having music like anywhere?? they have an artist page on apple music but no actual music uploaded! kozi too
i dont know if its a deal with their label or what, but its rly annoying bc i cant put them on any playlist, like i have to actively seek them out to listen on like youtube or sm :(((
anyway, onto the actual music, au revoir is a classic, gardenias rly good too, i like beast of blood too (super basic, i know lol)
merveilles in general is all good, illuminati goes so hard

Anonymous 34463


yeah people on tiktok are just generally annoying and always water down artists to something so simple, in malice mizer's case all they see is mana lol. i deleted tiktok bc people there just made stuff unenjoyable to me T_T but still i gotta pay respect to tiktok bc i found out about them through it lol

i didnt listen to their solo songs, except kozi's honey vanity omg its definitely one of my favorites!! and i havent listened to the full merveilles album but i know most songs…and AHHH ILLUMINATI YES U HAVE GREAT TASTE!!!

also some people put mm songs on spotify as podcast episodes, so u can add the ones they uploaded on ur playlists, thats what i did ^_^ theres also honey vanity as an episode so its great

Anonymous 34479

i love aegen!

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