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Colouring Anonymous 34561

Does anyone else like colouring line art or colouring books? I thought it might be fun to share our fun colouring activities or discuss the hobby.

Do you use markers, colouring pencils, or something else? Use anything special like copics or just whatever tools you could find? Do you print art to colour or buy colouring books? What kind of things do you colour?

Anonymous 34562


I try to colour something a few times a week because it's so happy and relaxing to me. I got a bunch of books for my birthday with some knock off copics and have been really enjoying colouring in pretty monster girls. I'm hoping I can get decent at blending and figuring out shadows but for now I'm just happy when the colours look nice together

Anonymous 34590

That looks really nice, Nona. Please share some stuff with shading when you try it!

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