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Anonymous 34594

Anonymous 34597

The romance is so awful in this VN. And I'm not saying that King Arthur can't love a random boy from the future. I'm saying that you can't just say "they are in love now actually".

Anonymous 34600


Fate was the worst route and Nasu realizes that.

>Urobuchi: Honestly, Saber doesn’t look much like a heroine to me. I can still see traces of the male version of Saber that appeared in the early version of Fate. Because of that mental image, Saber’s relationship with Shirou doesn’t seem like a realistic relationship between a male and a female, but a complicated relationship with a boy who became a girl.

>Nasu: Typical Urobuchi… I really can’t pull the wool over your eyes… (…) Just like Urobuchi-san said, it’s difficult to call the relationship between Shirou and Saber a relationship between a man and a woman. Saber has fought for a long time as the ruler of Britain, but then turned into a girl all of a sudden and fell in love with Shirou. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it. But I really wanted to push it towards that sort of boy-meets-girl story. So as a last resort, I had Shirou continually say things to her like “But you’re a girl,” and “Girls aren’t supposed to fight,” in order to remind the users that “she is really a girl.” It’s like the author’s actually the one trying to convince Saber that she’s a girl… I feel like I could have written it a lot better now, but that was the best I could do at the time.

>"It's like when you write - when you're younger, you look back on [previous work] and you think 'Oh, goodness what was I thinking,'" Nasu explained. "It's not that I'm embarrassed, I just don't like to look at my previous works."

>Nasu: When I wrote Kara no Kyoukai, I felt resistance towards so many things—society, entertainment, culture—and it was my motivation to write the story. Now, I am thrilled to be writing from a place of gratitude, though with just a touch of sadness. It feels like the old Nasu Kinoko has passed on. I suppose you could say I've gone under a heavy detox, and feel much more virtuous now (laughs).

>Saber has fought for a long time as the ruler of Britain, but then turned into a girl all of a sudden and fell in love with Shirou. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it.

UBW and HF are much better.

Anonymous 34601


it's been years since I read the VN, so I will pick it up again when the official English version is released. Though it's the Realta Nua edition, which I've not played anyway.
I managed to read it without really knowing any spoilers, as I'd never seen the anime. I just remember, after finishing it, how surprised I was at the fandoms innate hatred for Sakura. She seems to have picked up in popularity these days after the movies, but damn did the fandom hate her back in the day.
I crushed on Saber so hard though after watching the Zero anime.

Anonymous 34713

Favorite sevants are Hector, Abigail, and Hans Christian Anderson. Favorite master is Rin.

Been years since I read the orignal F/SN and I'm also excited to pick up the official translation. Maybe eventually we'll get an official release of CCC.

Anonymous 34726


Me personally? I love Liz.

Anonymous 34727


Anonymous 34728


Anonymous 35511


Always thought nobunaga was the coolest

Anonymous 35512


My favorite Fate is the cooking show one kek, so wholesome and comfy

Anonymous 35530

Summer event is so damn boring, but I have to beat it for Ordeal Call 3. Which will probably also be boring.

Anonymous 36164


Can you keep up with me?

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