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I just bought Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout New Vegas Anonymous 34639

Which should I play first?

Anonymous 34641

all are great, only jews

Anonymous 34642

*all are great, jews will tell you that fallout 4 is bad but its definitely my favorite. grinding my way through fallout 1 right now, gaming in the 90s mustve fucking sucked

Anonymous 34643

Honestly? Start with Fallout 4 but quit the moment you get bored and then switch to New Vegas. Fallout 4 has the best introduction to the setting and the most accessible gameplay, so the first half of it makes a great prologue before diving into New Vegas, which is the better game overall. That's how I was introduced to the series and it makes things a lot easier.

Anonymous 34675


I blew up Megaton

Anonymous 34677

No 1 and 2?

Anonymous 34683

I don't like the gameplay and lack of voice acting in Fallout 1 and 2

Anonymous 34701

3 > NV > 4 is how I played them, and would recommend. imo each seemed like an improvement upon the previous. 76 though is skippable imo, it's somewhat fun but a downgrade to the singleplayer games in many ways. I quit it and went back to 4. seems like an unpopular opinion but 4 will always be my favorite. feels like the biggest game, and I for one have got a lot of enjoyment out of the settlement management.

Anonymous 34704

I finished Fallout 3 and started New Vegas.

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