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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


What games are you playing today my dear nonna? Anonymous 34689

Grinding guardian parts for armour upgrades on BOTW as of right now :) I wish I had a switch when this game first came out, the exploration appeals to my spergism in a way I can't explain. 10+ points for cute protag

Anonymous 34690


Garten of Banban 7

Anonymous 34700

touhou 11

Anonymous 34737

ohhh elden ring

Anonymous 34744

You are using the glitched guardian method where you can get max guardian parts in like 20 minutes, right? Otherwise youll waste unnecessary time for one of the worst aspects of botw

Anonymous 34760


Anonymous 34787

I spent 10 minutes listening to a podcast and getting materials, you can make grinding fun if you do it in short bursts throughout your playthrough. Glitches ruin the magic for me, maybe get gud if it's that difficult for you.

Anonymous 34798


Playing Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance reminded me how cute the main character is. Even though I wish he would show more emotions, he’s still a cute little nacho beano.

Anonymous 34807

every door in the …

The Elden Ring DLC is out! The new weapons are fun. My fav so far is the perfume bottle, that exploding mist Perfumers spew can now be used by the player and the moveset is super fluid.

I hope they adjust the balancing. They had some good ideas but I opted to go in on my overleveled collectionist main for now. Feels like when you're starting out, with generic undead killing you in three hits. While that's fun, I dunno how replayable the DLC will be if I always have to grind to level 100 in the base game first.

Anonymous 34847


What the fuck was this dude's problem?

Anonymous 34910


I love the Miquella party

Anonymous 34914


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