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youtubers I can mimic to appear like a normal person Anonymous 34948

trying to pass as normie and functional as possible. I used to watch kathleen lights, jenn im, and some other beauty/fashion vloggers to absorb the personalities. It worked and I was able to get friends and lots of tips while serving because I nailed the “bubbly girly” vibe down. I’m now looking for youtubers who have their shit together & behave calm and positive.

Anonymous 34949

Try Tam Kaur

Anonymous 34974

They will always know, even if your masking is perfect. Your incompleteness will infuriate them, their hatred is perfect.

Anonymous 35192

Not a youtuber but you can find mst3k episodes on youtube and I imitated them to try and be more "humorous" to normies and I think it might have actually worked. British panel shows like QI or taskmaster also work well for this because the jokes that they tell have to be very pc, but they're actually a little funny.

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