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Anonymous 35008

There's a 3DS emulator and website with free roms. You don't have to play 3DS games on a tiny low resolution screen anymore.

Anonymous 35016

I know already. Mediocre thread.

Anonymous 35022

Please tell me I want to play Nintendogs

Anonymous 35023

citra im pretty sure! they took down their stuff but if you look at their website via wayback machine you can download their emulator + find roms online

Anonymous 35112


I like the 3ds tho, it's comfy

Anonymous 35128

there's a fair amount of games that can't be played in it entirely on an emulator. just softmod your 3DS and download any game you want with no fuss

Anonymous 35129

Yeah. Even before they got shut down progress was really slow. I hope it gets more work done on it so we can have a good future option for people who don't want to buy a used 3ds.

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