
Tumblr Anonymous 35028
Anyone still uses it? It's comfy these days and you don't easily get banned for expressing your opinions and views.
Anonymous 35029
>>35028Post-porn tumblr is far better than it used to be. The big ban drove most moids off the platform, which only ended up making the site better.
Anonymous 35030
>>35029It's funny because there's still softcore pornography there and those annoying onlyfans posts, i don't get it.
Anonymous 35031
>>35028I always get on Tumblr! I am subscribed to nothing but art blogs so I see nothing else. I don't want to see anything else. God I love Tumblr still but I hate the new ads.
Anonymous 35032
>>35031I heard that some artists are coming back to it and it made me so happy. I still think it's the best platform to post art.
Anonymous 35033

>>35029>Post-porn tumblr is far better than it used to be. The big ban drove most moids off the platform, which only ended up making the site better.haahaha if only this were fucking true
sorry, but they are still very much there in large numbers, as with everywhere else on this god damn internet
if you were an artist, you would see it
Anonymous 35034
i use it if i ever feel like looking at some nice aesthetic posts, art inspiration, fashion, etc. i don’t follow any people who post many text posts so it’s nice to see the media without the social, like pinterest. sometimes if i feel sad i’ll just search for cute animals in the tags lol. although one time in the bunny tag there was a girl wearing bunny lingerie promoting her OF or something and i got really mad. i don’t usually mind seeing porn since i’ve been on the internet forever and it’s a given but if i am in a sad mood where i just wanna look at something cute it makes me want to delete my fingernails. i wish it truly was post-porn tumblr
Anonymous 35035
>>35028yes i still use it. never left.
Anonymous 35036
I hope we still can get not easily banned for expressing views and opinions.
Anyway, porn seems to be back on tumblr?
Anonymous 35037
As much as I hate to say it, Tumblr was better in its classic days (2013 to 2018). It's probably cosy now but it's also relatively dead from what I can tell. I was a very active user around 2015-2017 and it was already a dying star at that point. I miss Slimetony and Glumshoe and all the insane drama would just come from nowhere (shout out to the random American white girl who larped as a transgender Chinese sex trafficking victim Muslim living in India with their transgender lesbian wife and dying of HIV just so she could justify writing a Hamilton fanfic about AIDs)
Anonymous 35038
>>As much as I hate to say it, Tumblr was better in its classic days (2013 to 2018). It's probably cosy now but it's also relatively dead from what I can tell. I was a very active user around 2015-2017 and it was already a dying star at that point. I miss Slimetony and Glumshoe and all the insane drama would just come from nowhere (shout out to the random American white girl who larped as a transgender Chinese sex trafficking victim Muslim living in India with their transgender lesbian wife and dying of HIV just so she could justify writing a Hamilton fanfic about AIDs)
I've been on Tumblr since 2011 and can confirm. I met good friends from early tumblr but 2012 and onwards it started going increasingly to crap as rabid SJW PC-ness took over it. It used to have great culture, especially animanga posts, and some of the most hilarious ones were on there. Being in Tumblr fandom was really fun and chill, regardless if you were animanga/superwholockian/homestuck/aesthetics blog. Although, most people were still going on it just for porn, so they really shot themselves in the foot with the porn ban. It's back to being more chill now, since the porn ban made all the rabid SJWs scatter to Twitter and Reddit, but it'll still never be the same as it was in its glory.
Anonymous 35039
>>35038what doesnt make sense to me is how tumblr is forced to ban porn bc apple said they can't have 18+ app in their app store, yet twitter has endless porn and stays in the app store no problem?
Anonymous 35040
>>35028I don't know how more people aren't complaining about the ads.. I've been active on Tumblr since 2010/11. I've NEVER seen ads on the tumblr pages themselves. I miss the days when people created insane bordering on psychopathic pages. It used to be you just never knew what you could find on there. There were no limits. I didn't really like the psychos, but the art you could find in those days was just vastly improved. People had so much.more range to express. I liked the shock factor.
Anonymous 35041
>>35036They just allow suggestive content now, porn still isn't allowed i'm pretty sure.
Anonymous 35042
>>35039Yeah somethings fishy as fuck about that. However I’m pretty sure it’s because yahoo bought tumblr and there was a problem with a few images of amateur CP circulating that girls had uploaded of themselves and bots and pedos reblogging them. To be safe and make sure they wouldn’t get in legal trouble yahoo decided to implement a ban on all porn.
People talk about 4chan and other imageboards being a haven for porn but to be honest twitter and reddit are absolutely full of porn.
Anonymous 35043
>>35042Reddit especially, with all the gross subreddits.
>>35036They have this thing where they allow people to express their beliefs freely to find like-minded people, they won't ban you unless you attack other people i guess? (But even that is hard).
Anonymous 35044
>>35040People aren’t complaining because the ads can look hilarious and absurd that the userbase just let it slide
Anonymous 35045
>>35038The rabid sjw/pc/woke/high on morality crowd really did suck out the fun from tumblr.
Genderbends/racebends became controversial
Fandom discussions were now very politically charged.
Every few months an American cause would go viral and the whole website becomes a bit unusable because you’ll be guilt tripped into reblogging about police brutality again.
Even shipping became much more toxic than it used to before.
Anonymous 35046
i stumbled onto radfemblr when i started to reuse it a few months ago and i haven't been the same since tbh
Anonymous 35047
>>35045Hth to fandom and shipping become politically charged, and how does anyone take such a thing seriously enough to warrant discussion about it
Anonymous 35048
>>35046What do you mean by that, did it peak you?
Anonymous 35049
I never used it for expressing anything. It's just comfy enough browsing and following some relatable nona blogs, also good source of discovering art.
Anonymous 35050
>>35046It’s the best. The women on there are all 200IQ stacies. They tried to warn the world and no one listened.
Anonymous 35051
>>35050I mean, some of them are batshit insane too.
Anonymous 35052
>>35051You realize you can be insane and extremely intelligent too right?
Anonymous 35053
>>35050Do you mean to tell me they don't have an image board of their own somewhere????? They all had to go somewhere
Anonymous 35054
>>35053Im pretty sure some of the people that terfpost here are part of radblr too.
Anonymous 35055
>>35054Terfs don't get banned on Tumblr? I never thought I could get away with it so I never tried. Mostly I don't care about trannies though
Anonymous 35056
>>35055If you don't be too obnoxiously anti-trans they don't ban, it's just they do ban actual death threats and sommmme ladies like to scream it's not because of their fedposting when it is. That's all.
Anonymous 35057
>>35054Yes. There is also some senseless AI posts going on in some threads sometimes if you notice like its a bot spamming. You know what to do.
Anonymous 35058
>>35056That is easy to circumbent you can just use other words like calling them troon or ywnbaw sometimes woke SJW mods dont notice those things they can never keep up because when something is censored we will just create new words. They always lose in the end.
Anonymous 35059
>>35058Bad advice, using very well known phrases instead of actual ones that would remain hidden, overall bait score: 3/10
Anonymous 35060

Me reading an adult troon "big sister figure" posting "this is my daily i love you from me, remember to hydrate" to every 13 year old grooming victim 'transgurl' it can find
Anonymous 35061
I have a lot of nostalgia for 2010-2013 era Tumblr and I feel bad about it because I know the person I am now would hate it, but I miss how I felt at home back then on the fandom side. It 100% was the beginning of the political crap we're dealing with now; I mostly joined because I wanted to talk about a TV show, but even in 2012 I saw "sex work is work", "penises can be female" and "sexuality isn't about genitals, cis gay people are bigots for not dating transgenders" on there, but it was just a niche that the anti-SJWs (like me) laughed at. But now a lot of it is mainstream…
Anonymous 35062
>>35061Same. But even then, there were radfems. I remember I followed a Greek radfem and she was so badass. I wonder if she ever posted here.
Anonymous 35063
>>35062That's true, but not on my side, since I was just there to have fun and not read politics. But ironically, I did start lurking those blogs, because they were the ones calling out the "lesbians should date transwomen or else" posts that I started seeing in droves. Seeing the trans incel stuff shocked me since the reason why I initially liked tumblr was for how sexually open and positive it was, as a girl who grew up Christian that felt really liberating to me and I got to feel less ashamed of my sexuality and the stuff I was into. But then they spat in the face of basic teachings about sexuality and consent.
I hate radblr though, but I'm just not a radfem in general. The opinions of theirs I agree with are common sense.
Anonymous 35064
>>35062Greek is still a horribly patriarchal country, they need more radfems
Anonymous 35065
>>35064Either that or its filled with cringe anarchist faggots that in the end all they do is neoliberal politics but while punching poor people, they are the biggest drones in any political enviroment. Moids always be retards.
Anonymous 35066
Some people are coming back to tumblr.
Anonymous 35067
>>35061and i cant even gush about my ships on there anymore because theyre "problematic"
Anonymous 35068
>>35067drawings are dangerous but men entering women's bathroom is a-ok!
Anonymous 35069
>>35067Talk about it anyways, don't let them stop you.
Anonymous 35070
>>35033I agree but I still think it did good since it made the site is a lot more niche now due most insane people fleeing to Twitter. It's only social media site I use now
Anonymous 35071

>>35037>random American white girl who larped as a transgender Chinese sex trafficking victim Muslim living in India with their transgender lesbian wife and dying of HIV just so she could justify writing a Hamilton fanfic about AIDsActual Gigastacy
Anonymous 35072
i love tumblr because it feels like one of the only social media platforms where you can still curate your experience on the site without terrible clickbait shit invading your feed. also, in my opinion, it's only gotten better since the porn ban, since most of the obvious sexpests left. i kinda grew up on the site but got real tired of randomly seeing horrific bdsm porn pop up in tags/on my dash so i left for a bit, but since coming back to it in like 2019, its one of my favorite sites again. love looking at silly little images
Anonymous 35073
sage for samefag but the only complaint i have about current-day tumblr is the fucking manscaped ads lul
Anonymous 35074
>>35072i was watching something the other day and the person mentioned in passing that tumblr was bringing back porn, but i dont know for sure, i havnt used it in forever
Anonymous 35075
I love tumblr but I only use it for fandom stuff. It's my happy place.
Anonymous 35076

>>35074I keep hearing they're going to let porn back on the platform but I haven't seen anything official stating this as an actual fact.
Personally I would be fine if it was just hentai and general erotic art. And they still kept live action/irl porn baned because it's hard to figure out how much of that stuff is from human trafficking and revenge porn.
Anonymous 35077
It's cool if you ignore the trannies.
Anonymous 35078
radblr is really good, there's a lot of really smart women in there and the terfposting is fun and active
Anonymous 35079
I left tumblr because it's dead. There just isn't much content, my dashboard was very slow.
Anonymous 35080
>>35078Can we have names? Is it allowed?
Anonymous 35081
I stopped using tumblr a long time ago since some people were awful to me on it and I had generally an horrible experience in the fandom.
That site made shit taste become popular and being arrogant and pretiontious a cool thing.
I genuinely hope those people that hurt me get all the shit pushed back in.
Anonymous 35082

I haven't logged in my blog since 2014. I never really liked Tumblr and I was practically forced to create an account because the fandom I was in since 2008 decided to migrate from LiveJournal around 2012.
Anonymous 35083
Is it true that it's the end of it?
Anonymous 35084
It's pretty comfy if you just look at the arsty part.
Anonymous 35085
dude same i didn't get any of the social experiences others got on the early internet days, just brainrotted for years
recently using tumblr tho & its kinda a nice platform
Anonymous 35086
>>35084There's a lot more good art on instagram
Anonymous 35087
we got stuck w the shitty mind-numbing platforms unfortunately
Anonymous 35088
>>35086All the good artists are on twitter
Anonymous 35089
still using, love it love it.
Anonymous 35090
>>35088>>35086Yeah, but why register on cancerous platforms?
Anonymous 35091
>>35090You can use nitter to see twitter art
Anonymous 35092
>>35091I thought nitter died and was unable to access twitter data since the stupid X rebranding.
Anonymous 35093
i used to use it exclusively to read fan fics but then i realised that i could literally just use ao3 instead of having to subject myself to the people on tumblr
Anonymous 35094
>>35083No I don't believe anything alluding to Tumblr dying anymore because it's happened so many times and has always turned out to be fine
Anonymous 35095
I'm so fucking glad I never used dumblr.
Anonymous 35096
>>35092a lot of the mirrors died but some are still working, nitter.poast.org works
Anonymous 35097
i recently started using tumblr and was too young during it's heyday so i never really got to experience that. it has a lot of good art posting and fashion posting so i curated my algorithm to show that only. i don't follow any blogs or people so it's kinda boring and slow but it's chill i guess
Anonymous 35224
I just recently made one yes. A lot of mentally ill young girls on there though. I really like the site still because the customization is really cool that others like ig and X don't have. Plus it being kind of dead there makes it better in a way because I feel more free to post what I want
Anonymous 35230
>>35028Half of the “radfems” there are just pickme tradwife retards now and make actual terfs look stupid, racist, and uneducated on world events. It’s not comfy just because most of the userbase left. There’s more TiMs writing creepy lesbian rape-correction fics than ever.
Anonymous 35323
I keep following people because they post about things I like then without fail just after I follow they get obsessed with something completely random and I have to see 700 gifsets of some uggo musician or actor they’re obsessed with now.