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otome game reccomendation? Anonymous 35168

i used to be really into otome games but i ended up losing interest. now i'm back to playing! i've been enjoying love and deepspace and bewitching sinners so far and wanted to know of games that others have enjoyed!

Anonymous 35169

isnt this that gay ass bdsm game where u dom twinks and what not? I hope you find what you are looking for, nona. Because no matter what it is, I know you are not gonna find it there.

Anonymous 35170

How can you look at this artificial soyboy cringe and be attracted to it?

Anonymous 35178

U mad, no woman will ever like you?

Anonymous 35179


I dropped that game long ago so I haven't been following on the updates. They dropped a new boy? How was silverhead cutie's route?
Anyway, are you a phonefag only? Idk about these except for 2 games including LaD.
I haven't played otome for so long as well but I remember how much I enjoyed anniversary no kuni no alice. Not for the writing (Which wasn't the best) but for silliness and the heroine not being a pain in the ass. The only serious and mature otome I played was hakuouki.

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