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Real Housewives Anonymous 35352

Ive been obsessed with watching housewives series recently
Im onto season 11, watching the criminal stuff with Tom Girardi at the moment. Good time to watch it since his court hearing recently. With Erika, its hilarious when she breaks down at people when her voice goes really deep and she talks at 100mph. Demon hours.
I know they will fire rinna soon and I don't get all the hate she receives. Maybe it was social media stuff outside of the show as I have not caught up with that, but I really enjoy her.
I also read House of Hilton recently. Seeing the family dynamics between the Richards is interesting, and now they have brought on Kathy too. Kim is the best. I despised Kyle for so long but I have started to warm up to her, I never thought I'd be this way. Big Kathy is a demon.
The best housewife was Carlton and it is a shame she only had one season
I love the music on SLC and I miss Jen. Why are all the best housewives scammers? Also amazing photos of her with Elizabeth Holmes in prison. They can learn different scamming tips.
Meridith is my favourite but I do not like her son or Seth at all. She should ditch the entire family.
The body paint scene or whatever it was with Whitney, and her stripping on a pole in front of her emo nonce dad was wild. The mormon lifestyle really does a number on people.
Also the grandpa fucker, Mary. They are bringing her back this season and I do find her fascinating to watch, I hope she actually participates in the activities this season. I also hope that the only reason she is back is because they want to televise the takedown of her cult.
I find Heather annoying. I enjoyed her in season 1 but she is clearly yearning for popularity.
Kim Zolciak was facinating. I love the scene of her and Sheree in the car, playing Kims song with the wine and the cig. She is a mess now. Well, she was always a mess, but its so much worse. She should have stayed with big papa.
Pheadra is a gremlin.
I love early Atlanta so much, I stopped watching this most recent season sometime close to the reunion. I will need to catch up with it before they air next season.
Im onto season 6 where bookgate is happening. I really like Carole and Aviva is batshit for all the remarks about being an author.
Im at the scene where Heather is chasing the woman that was at Luanns Hampton house after the woman threatened to square up or something to Heather. If only a brawl actually happened.
Ramona is captivating. She is one of the housewives where I believe she is 100% that way cameras or not, and she really does just exist in her pino world.
Im waiting on Bethenny returning to the show. I know everyone hates her now for always posting batshit stuff on her socials. I don't know much about it but I've seen a few of the videos, so I want to see if she returns to the show showing the cracks.
Simon and Alex were amazing to watch. I miss their social ladder way of living. I'm sad about the ugt that she was in not airing anymore because of the Brandi lawsuit.

Anonymous 35359

Early (1-3) seasons of Beverly Hills were peak housewives.

When Bethenny returns is the best era of NY, several great seasons. She’s a necessary evil, the show isn’t the same without her.

Have you watched Potomac?

Anonymous 35396

>Early (1-3) seasons of Beverly Hills were peak housewives.
Camille was great and I don't understand why she got so much hate in the first place
>Have you watched Potomac?
I haven't yet
I started NJ and will start another once im done with BH.
I was going to watch OC after this, do you recommend that instead of OC?

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