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Anonymous 35392

There's Minecraft let's plays and random podcasts with over 500 episodes but with less than 10 views per video. Why do they do it?

Anonymous 35393

Podcasts and Lets Plays take no effort so even if nobody watches there's no point in stopping

Anonymous 35394

Love. For the sake of it. Not everyone desires material success. It's beautiful, in a way.

Anonymous 35439

I know a guy that does it because he has a couple of friends that normally just like watching him play for some reason so they get him to stream.

Anonymous 35443

Maybe it feels less lonely? A desire to perform? A love for the game? LARPing as a twitch streamer? Who's to say, the human mind is a beautiful thing

Anonymous 36391

>Why do they do it?
the same reason my mom buys scratch-off tickets. she wants to hit it big even if she knows the odds are next-to-impossible

Anonymous 36392

Why the hell not, I personally see it as the digital version of when people discover ancient human footprint is about leaving your insignificant mark on the world just for somebody's else to find it and think "wow that's neat, hope they had a great time when they did that" I mostly spend my times going to dead websites and archiving images/photos and leaving the last message and positive commentary on art before the domain expires, is my way of saying goodbye to the lost and forgotten since other people might not care anymore but I do, I miss the era when true passion about doing something so useless in the grand scheme of things was king

Anonymous 36394

By your reason
>why do you spend your time on a slow as hell dead 2chan clone?

Anonymous 36446

I've noticed this myself, even with YouTube recommendations in the righthand column. It makes me wonder about the state of the world/society and how a vast number of individuals don't work and just produce content absolutely no one will ever watch. How do these people afford to even stay housed?

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