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2024 Election / American Politics General Anonymous 35582

What’s your thoughts on the election this year? Who are you voting for? Are you watching the presidential debate tonight? Do you think it will go better than the last one?

Anonymous 35583

can't wait to read this thread. i've got a box of popcorn ready to read this as a non-american nona. i hope my american nonas will get someone in who will fuck them over the least.

Anonymous 35585


America feels like a clown country preforming for everyone's amusement. Except they also destroy the world in the process. America really needs to be split into smaller less retarded countries. Instead of being a giant retarded bully that ruins world politics and foreign culture.

Anonymous 35586

“[Kamala wants] transgender operations on illegal aliens in prisons” new all-timer Trumpism for me

Anonymous 35587

>"I love Israel more"
>"No I do!!!"
>"I am gonna pussyfoot around letting geriatrics take your rights away more!"
>"No I am!!"
My dad gave me such a dirty look when I applied for my learners and didn't also register to vote.
Wow, don't wanna miss out on this one.

Anonymous 35588

She's making him sooooooo mad kek. I don't think I've seen anyone make him lose his mind like this. kinda based

Anonymous 35589

Yeah Presidents are shit, but you should still vote in your local elections.

Anonymous 35590


Anonymous 35591

So the woman I have an embarrassing crush on is definitely going to win and I'm going to have to spend the next 4 years pretending I don't want her to sit on my face every time I see her picture? I'm not even out as bi.

Anonymous 35595

Is this a new meme? My boomer dad keeps sending me ai generated images of Trump holding ducks and cats.

Anonymous 35599


Anonymous 35600


Trump's maga cult made Elon go insane

Anonymous 35606

He didn't even @ her. What a coward.

Anonymous 35615


Trump is such a scumbag

Anonymous 35616

Kamala is pro-censorship, pro-troon, pro-corporation, pro-big pharma, a zionist, anti-gun. It's embarrassing that she gets touted as a "leftist" by the right. Our other option is a a retarded misogynist. Anyway, I'm voting for RFK Jr and dreading the next 8 years under kamala.

Anonymous 35617

Didnt RFK JR drop out?

Anonymous 35618

Yeah you're replying to a retard

Anonymous 35766


oh nona… I feel you. have you seen her when she was younger

Anonymous 35767

so… you're voting trump right nona?? please don't say sike

Anonymous 35768

why her eyes go in different directions like a french bulldog

Anonymous 35769


Her stepdaughter is gorgeous. She’s my age too and it kills me I’ll never be able to try and go out with her because I’m dumb and poor and not important ;_;

Anonymous 35770

This is the most normal looking photo of her I have seen. But yeah, she is a dime.

Anonymous 35771

This is the most normal looking photo of her I have seen. But yeah, she is a dime.

Anonymous 35772


And what?

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