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My Lovely Series General Anonymous 35657

Welcome to the My lovely Series General, dear summoner…

Or just /MLS/ for short.

>What is "My lovely series"?

My lovely series is a Visual novel with various mechanics and dark themes in them.

But all of them have one similar theme… Grief of a loved one, and the lengths one would go through to bring them back.


Any of them. The stories are not connected, so you really wouldn't miss out on much.

Games links below:

My Lovely Daughter: https://store.steampowered.com/app/580170/My_Lovely_Daughter/

My Lovely Wife: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1251930/My_Lovely_Wife/

My Lovely Empress: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2052990/My_Lovely_Empress/

Anonymous 35658

can you tell us more about your game op?

Anonymous 35659

51 minutes was the final post good fucking gosh

Anonymous 35660

Sure. But there's not much lore in the games, though. At least huge lore that would connect them together. They're made by a very small indie company that made the game N.S.F.W (not a simulation for working) with youtubers like markiplier played (I think). Apparently the first game, My Lovely Daughter, was the game that saved the company, and now started a series about grieving stories as I said in the opening post. Also, Manlybadasshero played the first game, so that might helped. MLD has you trying to resurrect your daughter, MLW has that but with your wife, and MLE has an empress. The only different with those two is the mechanics and that MLW and MLE has good endings unlike the first game. But I think the first game is still going to get updates and new endings, and personally, that shows me a company that loves their games no matter old it gets. Honestly, they can be boring for most people, but I just like them. There is this little charm I can't explain. MLW & MLW are very easy games, but the new one is going to be a lot harder though.

I recommand watching some gameplay videos of them first to see if you'll like them.

Anonymous 35664

For anyone that want to start and see if they are into it, here's ManlyBadassHero play with full playlist Hopefully both links work.


Anonymous 35665


I'm gonna give it a try, come back later to tell if worth it

Anonymous 35666

Thank you very much!

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