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blind fantasy book buy challenge Anonymous 35722

I want to get back into fantasy lit and had this idea where I'd go to a used bookstore and blindly choose a fantasy book from a rack. If it is a series, I will go and read that series. I think this is a really fun idea and am going to try it this weekend.
Has anyone else done anything similar?
If you're also doing this, what book did you get and how do you like it?
I'm going to get a book this weekend, wish me well nonas!!

Anonymous 35725

What the fuck are you talking about? Plenty of nonas post anime here and I have no idea why you'd make such an unrelated comment. I started this as a positive thread related to reading fucking fantasy books this has nothing to do with weird AGP 4chan moids, chill out.

Anonymous 35726


This is a family friendly thread.

Anonymous 35727

Just ignore maleposters. This person has been just posting shit everywhere.

Anonymous 35728

maybe she has a point- this character is from an ecchi game but I don't play that stuff. I saw her on a yt thumbnail and thought her design was really cool and fitting for a fantasy themed thread. TY nona :3

Anonymous 35764

Did you end up picking a book? If so which one?

Anonymous 35765

Not yet, my weekends have been a bit busy but this sunday I'll go to the used bookstore and post the book I get. I hope to finish the current book I've been reading, "Year of the Unicorn" by Andre Norton(who's actually a female author, she used a penname).

Anonymous 35775

Whatever you do don’t read Sarah J Maas books
She’s a hack and it’s tacky YA fantasy
I don’t get why it’s so popular, it’s literally wattpad tier writing with Mary Sue and love triangles everywhere

Anonymous 35776

I'll take your word for that, I'm mostly drawn to 70's/80's/90's fantasy because I got into it through power metal lol.

Anonymous 35779

nice keep us updated on what books you read!
i'd like to get back into fantasy again, i remember reading the wheel of time but stopped because it was such a long series and the author actually died before completing it

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