Anonymous 35877
I want to read books but I don't know where to start
Anonymous 35878
>>35877Books don't have a requirement unless its philosophy.
Regardless you should read my favorite book of all time, Moby Dick since you don't have much initiative yourself.
Anonymous 35890
Align the book so that the spine is to your left hand, and then open and read from the first page onwards.
Anonymous 36015
just find stuff that interests you! unless you're reading something heavy like classic literature, most books from ~1950 onwards are easy to read :)
books from before then tend to be heavier to read because of the way they're written. because of that, i disagree with the nona who suggested moby dick. its incredibly heavy lol
I don't read a lot either, i've completed less than 10 books in the past 5 years probably…i'm trying to change that. but, my favorite books are: cats cradle by kurt vonnegut and a scanner darkly by p.k dick. look up their summaries and see if they interest you! :D they're both really experimental books, and cats cradle in particular is an easy read because of its short chapters.
i also really liked my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh, it has 2 female main characters and it was really relatable to me. I found it recommended on this board, I think a lot of nonas like and relate to moshfegh's works. they deal with isolation as a woman. i wanna read more books with female narrators because from the handful of books i've read theyre mostly male dominated.
anywho, my main point is, don't stress about it too much, just look online for people posting about what they like, then look up the summaries and see if they interest you!
Anonymous 36025
pretend you're a preteen getting into reading and read books for preteens like the hunger games or something, this will ease you into real books for adults.
Anonymous 36342
>>35877start wherever; if there's any movies you like that are adaptations start with those. That and short stories.
Anonymous 36388

>>35877Go to the young adult section of your biggest book store and pick out some anthology series. I like reading short horror story collections