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Nintendo DS Thread Anonymous 35891

What games did you play growing up and what game is your favorite?

Anonymous 35893

I loved Phoenix Wright and Rune Factory 3.
I also played the shit out of Mario Kart.
DS was the best system of all time I will take this to my grave

Anonymous 35895

I played alot of Style Savvy and the two ds Zelda games as a kid. I'm currently playing Rune Factory 2 because I love the Rune series so much. Also the DS truly was the best console ever

Anonymous 35899


Anonymous 35920

At 12, Kirby Canvas Curse, Ace Attorney, Pokemon, naturally
Etrain Odyssey and Devil Survivor a few years later

Anonymous 35922

Hotel Dusk and Last Window

Anonymous 36362

pokemonnn all the ds mainline & mystery dungeon & rangers… also have the virtual console for some of the GB poke games:) but also fossil fighters, acnl, flipnote

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