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Why did they make anime look like this? Anonymous 35910

Did anyone feel really disturbed by some anime from the 90s? Post anime styles that just made you appalled

Anonymous 36063


I have the opposite problem where I hate the new modern anime style, your pic looks weird too but definitely not bland and I don't associate it with gacha games.
It's just so boring, no matter how interesting they might make the buildings, environments, etc. I can't handle their empty, generic faces and styles. I would say they look like babies, even if anime styles have always mostly been neotenous, there's something about them that registers as especially child-like to me. Maybe it's the even smaller noses. Maybe it's the blandness that looks like it was made for toddlers.

Anonymous 36064


I will never watch an anime with this copy-pasted art style. It just makes me so frustrated with how lackluster the animation is as well, and I get so much hate for saying that. Vintage anime definitely had more soul put into their work, not the mainstream.

Anonymous 36262

>gacha games
My God, yes. The majority is just some generic Genshin Impact type artstyle.
The mass moefication in anime is just the nippon version of Calarts style.

Anonymous 36626

they look like that because they weren't trying to formulaically pander to a western audience. 90s anime had soul in their animation it was made for passion more than profit

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