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Anonymous 36031

Honest thoughts on My Chemical Romance? Was Gerard your husbando?

Anonymous 36032


Three Cheers was their best imo. The real question is which era Gerard was the best

Anonymous 36034

I like some of their more outwardly silly songs like "Headfirst For Halos" but "The Black Parade" is such an annoying song that it fills me with rage.

Anonymous 36037

I never grew out of my swoop bangs emo phase so of course i'd love mcr, but i will say parasocial relationships ick me out

Anonymous 36038

What is the appeal of MCR and Gerard

Anonymous 36039

Is he the guy who wrote umbrella academy?

Anonymous 36042

the appeal is that the music is good and the man is (or used to be) pretty. You either get it or you don't. It helps to have been depressed as a teenager.

Anonymous 36043

Yes, and co-created Peni Parker from Spiderman
music was his side gig of all things

Anonymous 36045

I used to be super involved in the fanbase but I grew out of it. Unfortunately, it seems the band members themselves never really matured (except Ray), so I'm at a weird place now where I still enjoy their music but participating in fan culture anymore is embarrassing, due to actions of the band members themselves and the new generation of fans being unbearable.

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