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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 36112

Is anyone here playing Infinity Nikki? I can't put it down, it's like a combination of botw and a dress up game

Anonymous 36113

Is there anything to do besides dressing up your character?

Anonymous 36114

It has combat/platforming

Anonymous 36115

That's cool.

Anonymous 36118

I heard it's on PC but it's not on steam? I'd totally play it especially if it's free

Anonymous 36120

You have to download the game through their website. I heard it's also on Epic Games, but I downloaded it through the site

Anonymous 36124

I have a shit conputer and doubt I’d be able to run it. My graphics card is from 2012

Anonymous 36125

It's also on smartphones and Playstation, but it gets melty on older iphones.

Anonymous 36127

Download Toram Online and join my party…

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