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Thoughts on Witch Hat Atelier? Anonymous 36232

Thoughts on Witch Hat Atelier?

Anonymous 36233

i really like coco and the first 40 chapters but after that the pacing gets really weird and it seems like the writing went in a very different direction. chapters 41 through 83 have taken place in exactly TWO DAYS and have taken the writer FOUR YEARS to write. also, it seems like the author tries to touch on various social issues almost every chapter, but kinda just mentions it once and the author moves on to another topic. however, this is one of the only anime i’ve seen to talk about and slam the ecchi trope, so i like that. the mood changes really quickly in the second half, and i don’t like it as much as the first half. overall i think it is good, but it loses a lot of steam in the later chapters.

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