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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 36257

What books do you wish more men would read?

Anonymous 36259

Any books at all

Anonymous 36271

Any book that is not just a reddit-tier or “Self development” bullshit

Anonymous 36272

Flannery O'Connor.

Anonymous 36273



Anonymous 36274

any book because they don't fucking read cause they're too busy playing slop games

Anonymous 36327

You'd have to actually pick up a book and turn the fist page for that to happen but everyone knows trannys and tranny colonies such as this site will never read a book

Anonymous 36333


What books have y'all recently read?

Anonymous 36334


Anonymous 36350

Anonymous 36364

Don't know what's up with the men don't read thing. People in general don't read including myselfnot counting manga

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