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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 36311

Is there any movie, tv show, book, or any other entertainment where all the boys or men DON'T fall for the protagonist? Even strong female protagonists like Alanna from Tamora Pierce or Katniss from the Hunger Games end up in the same love triangles that trashy teen dramas like pic related have. I don't mind romance as a subplot, just with only one love interest. It's just not realistic for all the boys to develop feelings for the protagonist. At least not for me…

Anonymous 36313

I LOVE Mulan! She's one of my favorite Disney princesses. I did not have any of them in mind for my post, but ironically, all of the Disney princesses match the description, now that I think about it…

Anonymous 36349

The L Word has a ton of different couples and doesn't focus on just one dynamic.

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