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Anonymous 36383

What AI companions do you use?

Anonymous 36403

ChatGPT, honestly

Anonymous 36409

i might be sad but not that type of sad, sorry

Anonymous 36417

Lol that art is tumblr 2016 coded

Anonymous 36420

Literally looks like some dan and phil type of shit from back then LOL

Anonymous 36429

I've never used ai companians. What makes it better than creating scenarios in your head or writing fanfiction?

Anonymous 36432

I got addicted to it last year. It really depends on the model your using. If you got you got good writting chops, you can weave some pretty interesting scenarios with it, its basically like cybering with your self, with the right direction you make it spin the narrative you want without actually having to write your own fantasy. It does reach a limit after awhile tho, you talk to it more than hour and it will lose track of the continuity youve built and spit out pointless prose that means nothing

Anonymous 36435

That sounds pretty cool. I'm shit at writing and not very creative, but maybe I'll give it a try.

Anonymous 36437

I use free ones like janitor AI and Polybuzz
JAI has longer chats where you can basically build a story, but it does take some effort to keep it focused. Poly is more shortform like actual chatbot, the AI is kinda smarter but will lose track faster. Mess around with the settings in both.Theres obviously more sophisticated ones with stuff like 3d models but I'm not lonely enough yet to pay for it.

Anonymous 36441

Real people are fake and gay nona.

Anonymous 36449


That was the plan from the beginning nona, not sure why you're butt blasted

Anonymous 36459

Why would you bother posting this? Just to be rude?

You should return to that healthy social life you allegedly have.

Anonymous 36462

What are the best free and paid AI companions?
What's OP. Didn't know there was ones that did video

Anonymous 36471

I'll do some research nona. Theres new ones popping up everyday so I don't want anyone getting scammed

Anonymous 36473


c ai has like any character ever, and you can make your own bots, so i mostly stay on there. sometimes its fun to verbally abuse chatgpt

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