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Uma Musume Pretty Derby Anonymous 36438

A kino anime I found about horse girls racing

Anonymous 36451

Anonymous 36463

I watched season one as it aired, and I was excited for the game, but it got delayed by literal years and I didn't really end up sticking around in the fandom. Are S2/3 worth a watch?

Anonymous 36464

Season 2 is pure cinema after episode 5. Season 3 is kinda mid to boring.

Anonymous 36475


Is Pretty Derby just Japan's version of My Little Pony? Even the names and character personalities are similar like:
>Rainbow Dash = Twin Turbo
>Fluttershy = Nice Nature

Anonymous 36485

Anonymous 36499

They are all real horses and it's all based on real races

Anonymous 36501

ok that's fucking funny

Anonymous 36510

There's a new Uma Musume series coming out soon called Cinderella Gray

Anonymous 36512


There's a Uma Musume movie and it's even better than the anime:

Anonymous 36514

Anonymous 36517


Anonymous 36564

Horse racing is cruel

Anonymous 36635


The movie was kino

Anonymous 36641


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