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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 36529

So, I started a podcast. I love to talk per se, and to know different points of view. Everyone says I'm very interesting to talk to, so I thought: why not publish what I think and the talks I have with people I find interesting?

however I want to ask you, as my trusted community, what would you like to hear in a podcast? what kind of person do you like to listen to? I'm open to all kinds of ideas.

Anonymous 36530

bideo gemu

Anonymous 36531

movie reviews/pop culture commentary

Anonymous 36532

Anime reviews

Anonymous 36533


Do book summeries and analysis. Because I'm too lazy to read and want someone else to think about stuff.

Anonymous 36541

I am very stereotypical in this but "abnormal humanities." Outsider art videogames/film, eccentric people biographies, cults, paranormal/psychic/witchcraft accounts, true crime with unusual nonsexual elements.
I felt a deep and piercing shame once upon having these tastes described as "mallgoth tier." And I don't remember the last time I saw a mallgoth in the wild so pandering to mallgoths is probably not a growth market.

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