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Anonymous 36547

Did Griffith ever actually like Casca? What exactly were Casca's feelings towards Griffith? Where does Guts fit into this?

Anonymous 36548

Griffith was gay for Guts but was willing to settle for Casca if his goal of becoming a king didn't come true

Guts idolized Griffith but wasn't gay for him

Casca liked both Griffith and Guts during the Golden Age arc

Anonymous 36551

Casca is just like me. My taste in men also keeps shifting from twinky to very masculine

Anonymous 36563

Griffith thought of Casca the way you might think of a very loyal lap dog, she was useful to him as a general and he enjoyed the power he exerted over her, moreso than the rest of the Band of the Hawk becauseshe was clearly so enamored by him. It's part of why he was so mindbroken that he started having cuck fantasies just before the eclipse, the idea that Casca would abandon him for Guts meant that he had truly lost everything he valued about the life he had made, and was utterly powerless. I don't think he ever really loved her in the way he was obviously gay for Guts, and the Eclipse rape only happened as a way to get back at Guts for his perceived betrayal

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