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Anonymous 36565

Why is the dirty old man trope so common in Japan and anime? As someone who has been SAed in the past, Roshi stuff with him perving on various women, especially Bulma who is underage, is disgusting

Anonymous 36566

roshi saved the planet a couple times let him have his pafu pafu

Anonymous 36567

Old people are expected to be respectable, so it's funny when they're not. Same joke with King Kai, which is enhanced by how serious his Japanese voice is.

Anonymous 36568

To show the reality of m*les

Anonymous 36631


If Japan were a person, it would definitely be a dirty old man, even though most people see it as a catgirl waifu. I was shocked when I found out that Bulma was underage, this anime has always been very popular in the shithole where I live, and as a kid I always thought Bulma was at least 23.

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