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invincible show-45…

What's the appeal of this show? Anonymous 36636

It just looks like mindless gore for the sake of shock value

Anonymous 36637

Reminds people of their asshole dad?

Anonymous 36638

It's a slightly less horrible "The Boys"
>"Satirizes" the superhero genre
>Written by petulant morons who clearly steal all their ideas from Twitter
>Thinks it's far more clever than it actually is
>Winds up seeming even more childish than the literal children's media it thinks it's taking the piss out of.
>Compensates for this by being extremely brutal and violent.

Anonymous 36640

Americans can't into media anymore.

Anonymous 36642

Invincible starts out great, I read the comics and the first arc doesn't really satirize the genre at all, all that cringe comes down later.
I love the first "arc" so much because you actually get a really compelling storyline of Mark having to deal with having an asshole dad and its consequences to the world.
Unfortunately they rush instantly to a confrontation (which hits really hard and its quite the surprise to me because its fairly rushed) and shit falls apart and it becomes the usual comicslop but with gore (the invincible wars thing being peak cringe).
The entire thing should had always revolved around the relationship with Mark, Omniman and tackling a bit of the Empire. I couldn't give a less of a fuck about the side-characters.

Anonymous 36653

Stand ready for my arrival worm

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