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Anonymous 36645

Any anime recommendations that isnt fan service 24/7?

Anonymous 36646

Thunderbolt Fantasy

Anonymous 36647


>Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
A sports anime about horse girls racing. Plenty of good drama and zero fan service.
>Kageki Shojo
An anime about an all girl theater group. Tackles some serious topics but is really good.
>Asobi Asobase
A surreal high school comedy in an all girl school.

Anonymous 36648

I feel like that's pretty easy to find. I'm really liking Shangri-la Frontier.

Anonymous 36649


Anonymous 36650


Anonymous 36651

there hasn’t been a single decent ecchi anime for years anyway, all the new stuff is already being created for OP kind of watcher

Anonymous 36652


>Maria Holic
It's a parody of yuri animes

Anonymous 36654

Hibike! Euphonium is a CGDCT anime about a high school girl who wants to rape her teacher, but it's ok because he's hot.
Also there's some instruments in it idk.

Anonymous 36655


Revolutionary Girl Utena episode 16

Anonymous 36656

Anonymous 36659

Full Metal Alchemist was done by a woman who actually spent time writing a good story instead of inserting moid bait. The one sexy character (Lust) actually makes sense for her to be that way because she's meant to represent one of the seven deadly sins. And even then it's hardly considered fan service.

Everyone has seen FMA Brotherhood, though.

Anonymous 36660

If you enjoyed FMA watch/read Silver Spoon.

Anonymous 36664

Natsume's Book of Friends

Natsume Yūjin-chō

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