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Chappell roan Anonymous 36671

What do you think of her? Annoying or talented?

Anonymous 36672

Don't like her music. I enjoyed Hot to Go before realizing it's one of those songs you grow to hate after listening to enough.

Anonymous 36673

Also drag culture is disgusting. I don't care if she's a woman, she promotes it.

Anonymous 36674

some of her songs i love, partly due to emotional associations. her more popular ones are good but i think they have a less potent appeal because they're popular, iykwim

Anonymous 36675

Pretending to be lesbian for clout when she's bi

Anonymous 36678

how is drag culture disgusting

Anonymous 36685

1. It's basically womanface
2. They love to insert themselves everywhere, especially where they shouldn't be e.g. drag queen story time with children
3.It personally bugs me when I see the white ones adopt AAVE

Anonymous 36692

She’s alright I guess. I felt bad that people stalked her once her music started blowing up last summer, I don’t believe the fakebian claims because I’ve seen no proof just tinfoiling. I will say that I do miss the era where her music was first getting big if for no other reason than I was feeling better at the time. I’ve listened to some of her album and liked what I heard, my favorite track that I heard was Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl. From her new album I like Good Luck, Babe but the bridge admittedly carries the song and The Giver is catchy and fun enough but her releasing The Giver months after having already performed it live was a marketing nightmare

Anonymous 36693

Cindy Lauper for the gender dysphoric

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