
Pokemon Anonymous 454
What is your favorite pokeman?
Anonymous 479

It changes every other month, but for now I'm going to say Raichu.
Anonymous 486
>>481Yes!!! Snorlax is the best.
Anonymous 494

Unironically slowpoke. He's just so dumb and cute
Anonymous 496

I just want to go on ocean adventures with him riding on his shell!!
Anonymous 497

They just seen like balls of cute lol
Anonymous 500

I love Jigglypuff and Mareep the most, but I actually love them all. My first gen2 game was Crystal, I was so sad I couldn't catch a mareep in this version.
>>484I always wanted a gengar but I never could trade one before. I should try to get one in Sun once I finish the main game.
Anonymous 503

>>500Oooh Ampharos was my favourite, followed by Flaffyy and Mareep.
Anonymous 542

Eevee has been my favorite since 1st generation, although Goomy has found a place in my heart.
Anonymous 566

Gardevoir! I wish it wasn't so popular among pokefuckers though. I can't help but feel like people assume I'm one of those when I say it's my fav. ;_;
Anonymous 568

>>454Charmander, always picked him in Blue even though he was a pain in the ass in the beginning to fight with.
I do have a few more favourites though, usually tied to old RPs (I had a long story with Pokemon Gijinka characters).
Currently playing Magikarp Jump! too because I live Magikarp/Gyarados a lot.
Anonymous 583

hey guys what's going on in this thread
Anonymous 605

I like a lot of Pokemon, but Feraligatr is my big buddy.I really hope that they don't shit up its mega. Johto, Sinnoh and Alola are my favourite regions.
Anonymous 927

I also really love Audino
Anonymous 928

Zigzagoon will always bee my fave <3.
Anonymous 2918
My favorite is Sceptile but I couldn't find a pretty picture. Treecko was my starter pokemon in my first pokemon game so of course I love him. He was always so strong and reliable and helped me win every fight. Also he always looked like a dragon to me and I love dragons.
Anonymous 2956

>>2918That's a really nice story!
I found this painting and thought it was cool-looking, but maybe that's not exactly how you pictured Sceptile in your mind. There used to be a tumblr that uploaded all the paintings from the TCG and some of those are also really nice, maybe you should try that database? I'll see if I can find it again, I forget the name.
Anonymous 2957

>>2918i just realized that's actually the mega-sceptile version, my bad. have a repaint instead!
Anonymous 3030

>>454Vaporeon! This pokemon has been an absolute tank for me since Red.
>>500Same. :(
>>2922I love mew, I wish it showed up in the regular games.
Anonymous 3078

Charizard. I haven't been into Pokemon in many years, but Pokemon Red was my first Gameboy game and I got SUPER into Fire types. I think I had an all-Fire team which is so stupid, but I loved it. Charizard, Moltres, Flareon, Arcanine, etc.
Anonymous 3079

>>2956>>2957You're so kind, thank you! I love those pictures. I haven't seen those trading card overpaintings before, it's so cool and creative.
When I was younger I used to draw Sceptile but I would butcher him by making him look too stocky and too much like a dragon when he is supposed to be swift and nimble lol.
Also I found another cool drawing of a Mega Sceptile. This artist (chobi-pho) has tons of super cool pokemon paintings on deviantart.
Anonymous 3122

You all have a really good taste in pokemon.
One of my favorite is Ditto. I just love this :} goofy face.
>>566I feel you, it is kind of sad.
Ditto is also often seen as egg mashineAnonymous 3151

I like spiders a lot so for me it is Spinarak. I love its ability to express emotions on its abdomen. I even made a stuffed doll of it when I was little (with my grandma's help).
Anonymous 3152

I always fantasized about having one to hug at night as a kid. But better keep that everstone with me because it's too cute to walk on two legs
Anonymous 3159
>>3030Nice choice. Vaporeon was also my favorite out of the first generation, it was so elegant-looking and pretty. Flareon was probably my 2nd-favorite but I didn't like the 'cool' design of Jolteon until the Pokemon Beauty Contests came along in the later games and then I wanted to collect them all and make them specialize in different categories. Vaporeon is clearly Beauty, Flareon is Cuteness, Jolteon is Coolness, Espeon is Cleverness, and Umbreon is Toughness.
>>503absolute unit
I remember catching a Mareep because I was thinking that I wanted to do a playthrough of Gold/Silver that
didn't rely on me tanking my way through the game with the starter Pokemon (and the rest of my team trailing 5-10 levels behind it) and I thought an Electric-type would be good because, y'know, like Ash and Pikachu. Mareep was the first Electric-type I stumbled across, and boy howdy I lucked out because Ampharos's stats ended up being some of the best in the game iirc. I was super proud of how strong it became by the time that I completed the game and it's always had a special place in my heart because of that.
Plus the steel-type gym leader (Jasmine's?) relationship with her Ampharos was very cute to me.
Anonymous 3181

I love Haunter. So much. Always been my favourite.
Anonymous 3186
>>3184what is their moveset like though
Anonymous 3287

I like the glameow/purugly line…they're so cute, I'd love to have either as my Pokemon.
Anonymous 3328

Clefable and Gengar, for sure. I love the theories behind them and how goofy they both look. I always have them in my party on every game!
Anonymous 3444
Mehryl Sheep.gif

I like calling Mareep "Mehryl Sheep"
Anonymous 3448

I love it's smugness
>>484>>543>>3181Ghost types are objectively the best
change my mind.
Anonymous 3481

Vulpix is still one of my favourite Pokemon. Or slowpoke.
Anonymous 3677

I love bronzong so much.. even though it's kind of awkward looking.
Anonymous 3697
>>3677I love bronzong, too! And for that matter, Bronzor. They're so cute.
Anonymous 4012

I bought a cute ditto plush from black Friday and I gotta say the little guy is really growing on me. I like to imagine it transforming into a cuddly pokemon for me to cry into when I'm sad.
Anonymous 4597

New Pokemon announced and sobble is the crybaby mascot we needed.
Anonymous 4614
>>3151omg I'm an oldfag and was never onto pokemon besides which ones I liked (and trying to become rich via cards lol) but thank you for posting this, this pokemon is adorable.
Anonymous 4634

Chikorita will always be my baby. Espeon is a close runner-up
Anonymous 4635
dapper young bird.…

It always used to be Vaporeon when I was younger.
But my favourite real animal has always been owls, so when this cutie came out I was done.
Anonymous 4744

>>454Lucario, Mewtwo, Charizard, Persian, Onix, Dragonair, Tentacruel, and Raichu were all my faves when I was younger.
I also unironically liked Star Yu and Seaking.
Anonymous 4752

>>566Gardevoirs are really cute and I love how their dex entries are about how much they care about their trainers and want to protect them.
Same thing with Gallades too, he's also cool though and I just love the entire line's theme of protecc
11/10 adventure companions
Anonymous 4753
>>4744Finally someone posted Lucario
Anonymous 4756

So hard to choose as I have many favorites, but it being my first fully evolved starter I generally say Meganium for nostalgia factor. Hate the new 3D models for it though; its face looks very off now.
I remember being a little kid imagining getting to ride on Meganium's back and going to sleep with it curled up around me.
Anonymous 4759

I'm a zoomer and my first pokemon game was ruby. Blaziken has been my favorite from the beginning.
Anonymous 4760

Sorry, I used to be a massive Blaziken fan but my ex uses that as his profile picture for things so now it gives me this feeling of visceral disgust.
Now I just like magikarp for the memes.
Anonymous 5278

can't go wrong with the bone baby
Anonymous 5358

so ethereal. i see her as a good metaphor for the past and nostalgic memories i cherish
Anonymous 5559

>>477I love him!
>>481He’s a sleepy boyo.
>>494I love that lazy, pink baby.
>>484>>543>>3181>>3448>>4727Ooh yes, ghost Pokémon are really neat.
My favorite new Pokémon is Frosmoth. Here are some of the new Pokémon I also really love!: Grookey, Obstagoon, Polteageist, Alcremie, Wooloo, Yamper,
Nicket, Ponyta, and Hatterene.
Did anyone buy Sword/Shield? I can’t wait to play it with my boyfriend! He’ll be playing Sword and I’ll be playing Shield.
Anonymous 5565
Wooper_anime (1).p…

For me it's wooper
>>5559No, I'm waiting to buy it and also a switch on cyber Monday. What starter will you go for? I've seen some gameplay from it and read some stuff though and for the first time I'm not really excited for a pokemon game which makes me sad.
Anonymous 5568

>>543Driftlooon is the best to walk with, you just hold his hand as he drifts beside you and he blows away anyone who gives you trouble
>>566Gardevoir = mommy pokemon
>>3448Ghost types do have something very cute about them especially Mismagus.
anyone want to exchange pokemon go friend codes? I'm down for it.
Anonymous 5569

>>5568Here's my friend code if you wanna add me! 4305 7760 2964
Anonymous 5570

>>5569I sent you a request. you are the only friend i've made on this game since i've started.
Anonymous 5572

>>5565>What starter will you go for?Grookey! What about you?
I happen to enjoy it, but then again… I am easy to please like a dumb kid lol
Anonymous 5578

>>5576wait… you can only trade with people who are nearby. Nevermind ;-;
as you can see, i am not an expert either.
Anonymous 5585
>>5578That's lame! Also a bit random but I think we live in the same state as each other lol.
Anonymous 5586
>>5585I think you are right O_o what are the odds out of this whole dang planet amiright. Maybe we could talk some.
Anonymous 5587

>>5586I know, kinda odd lol. Sure we can talk! Do you have a discord?
Anonymous 5673

>>5587you have unopened gift silly…Has anyone seen the new pokemon snom? He is becoming a favorite of mine. Very adorable and his evolution is a whole new level of cute.
Anonymous 5674
>>5673I think we should start a cult for Snom.
Anonymous 5675
>>5674what would we call it?
sult Anonymous 5676
>>5675Both are pretty cute. I think we should go with Sult!
Anonymous 5678

>>5676The cult of sult is hereby begun. Please join us as we wish all those who love snom a snom that wants them, and all snoms so many friends they can always be happy.
Anonymous 5711

I hated him so much when I first saw him but he really has grown on me
Anonymous 17135…

I think it has to be between Minccino and Salamance but the Dragapult line is really getting up there for me. I love how Drakloak dotes on Dreepy but as soon as it evolves into Dragapult it's using them as missiles.
Anonymous 17256
>>5587Exactly one year. And here I am again. Who knew that hope could be such a powerful force. One little interaction. One little year. And even after everything I am still driven by that little shred of hope. Friendship is one thing that you can never get back once its gone. No matter how short it was. Friendship is something that impacts your life and forever changes you… atleast that’s what it is for me. Without ever even being given a chance, while extending nothing but a chance this is the way things end. But that hope is still there for me. I wish it would go away.. but hope is a burden as well as a guide… damn it all. But I still wish we could’ve traded that bannet or drifloon even after all this I would have done it in a heartbeat. I don’t really know how to give up… sorry.
Anonymous 17796…

I like a lot of Pokemon though Pachirisu is super cute!
Anonymous 19022

>>566Same for Lopunny. They're so cute, cool and could kick ass. I always thought the design is more doll-like than a Playboy bunny.
Anonymous 19024

My happy little ball of poison <3
Anonymous 19043

Espeon but I also really love Vaporeon, Banette, and Lopunny
Anonymous 19213
luxy baby.png

>>454my first pokemon game ever was platinum and my most favorite team member was luxray. He was with me from beginning to end, and he was practically the backbone of my team! Ever since, whenever I start over I always make sure to have a luxray on my team! i love luxray so much
Anonymous 19214
>>19213currently replaying diamond after well over a decade and luxray has earned his place among my team. i named him cumdungeon
Anonymous 19219

Arcanine! I always liked this image because it looks like a Ginga Nagareboshi Gin screencap
Anonymous 22101

Latios forever. I love Latias too
Anonymous 22104
M A N K E Y.gif

>>454Mankey was the first pokemon I ever caught in a game, and every playthrough of Fire Red or Leaf Green since has featured one as a permanent member of my roster since.
Anonymous 22106

I just really like the design
Anonymous 22108

I still get excited on getting a free Pokemon for just evolving one.
And yes, I named one Sheddy one time.
Anonymous 22115

Can't believe no one has mentioned mine
Anonymous 22203
>>22115The song made me an instant fan:
Anonymous 32865…

Leafeon is super cute and cozy looking though I wish its shiny version has autumn colors.
Anonymous 34820

espeon, i've always loved psychic pokemon