
Food And Supply Hoarding Anonymous 100097
Does anyone else hoard non perishable food, medical supplies, and random shit in general? There's no real reason for me to be doing this and I've done it for several years now. Recent pandemic has made my hoarding a bit worse, and I have a bugout bag that I'm working on.
Also wanna add that I'm not being an asshole when I hoard, I built it up slowly instead of taking the entire stock of bar soap or some shit from the store.
Anonymous 100103
Do you honestly believe in wild prepper ideas? I’m actually thinking about getting whole communities into this sort of mindset. So that in case of emergencies, there’s a safety net, not roving bands of marauders looting and assaulting people.
Or is it mostly a sort of OCD trait you picked up from your dad or something?
Just curious
Anonymous 100118
>>100103I don't really believe there will be a serious event within the next 15 or so years, like nuclear or war, but corona really proved that supplies get scarce quickly when something happens. Not just toilet paper.
I've never really thought about community prepping like that but I assume it would be easier to pull off in a small town.
And yeah, my dad is a military dog who still works in security. He's excited that I'm getting more into emergency preparedness and has been a wealth of information for me. Definitely came from him
Anonymous 100124
I impulsively hoard certain food items as an extension of my ED behaviours. I can be very peculiar about what way I store/organise my hoard. For example, I have 20ish cans of coca cola organised on a shelf in my wardrobe. I used to have a handbag filled with candy (namely chocolate bars) that I'd organise into meticulous stacks. In my pantry, I'm a fucker for putting legumes into large jars, as well as autism tier stacking of cans
Anonymous 100131
Around here it's recommended you have ~2 weeks worth of water/food/pet stuff/toiletries in case of natural disasters.
Covid definitely got me thinking more seriously about the state of my supplies and bugout bags for the household.
Anonymous 100247
>>100097Do you hoard or do you have it organized like the pic you used? If it's organized that it isn't hoarding, that's just emergency preparedness/food storage.
Anonymous 100249

I don't quite understand the method of prepping. I understand a 72 hour bug out bag, because you're banking on the government having some kind of response to some of the largest disasters that can hit an area, and it might take them some time to get there. You don't want to be stuck in the cold, hungry, and thirsty until civilization comes to rescue you and die of those in isolation or combination.
For periods of longer than that is when I start to get confused, let's say, a 6 month of food hoarded up. What exactly are you stocking food for in that scenario? If the disaster relief programs can't meet you in that time, something happened to them, and there's probably no more functional society, which means no more functional food supply chain. If there's no more food supply chain, you don't have six months without food problem, you have an indefinite rest of your life food problem.
Is the plan you just start farming? Because that takes time to get good at. Hunting? What exactly are you expecting to occur after the six months of food supplies runs out, or a month, or a year. What exactly are you preparing for?
Anonymous 100280
everyone should have a zombie plan
if you're ready for zombies, you're ready for anything
Anonymous 100638

>>100249From everything I know it's good practice to keep about 2 weeks worth of food + water in your home, plus stuff like batteries. That's at least what I always read on government posters.
The first covid wave really cemented my believe that 2 weeks of food is important to have around. Our area was the first one to get hit by covid (back in early march) and it all happened in a flash. It had big end of the world vibes when our chancelor announced "X town is completely quarantine" followed a few hours later by a total quarantine of the entire area. People freaked out, traffic jams, grocers were overrun (though they had been for a while).
If people followed the 2 week emergency supply tips there would have been way less chaos and less people would have contracted covid imo.
A lot of time disaster relief is underway but just underfunded or badly managed so anything that can keep you over water for a few weeks to a few months is good.
Anonymous 100658
Anyone else hoard cooking sauces? Got a million sachets of stir fry sauce rn
Anonymous 100765
>>100658Why? Is this your priority? Like you'll be in the post apocalyptic badlands and shoot a rat and then be like 'oh ye now i can make this cooked rat tasty'?
Anonymous 101091
I honestly don't understand why people prep for like, more than 1 month survival. In this age if you're not contacted in 1 month then it's over, no matter how well prepared you are you're going to eventually succumb to madness or disease or looters. Unless you're in a big Amish/Mennonite community I don't see it happening.
Anonymous 101115
I started hoarding medical supplies when those camera phone videos of people collapsing on the streets of China started showing up. I'd already kept emergency supplies prior to that, but that was the first time I really put money into ensuring my access to certain products in an emergency situation.
I already grow most of my food, collect all my water and generate my own power, so medical supplies seemed like the only thing worthwhile to stockpile…besides disgustingly overpriced ammunition.
Anonymous 101328
For the people asking why even have a supply of food for longer then a month, please consider the fact that some people enjoy living. Just because shit may hit the fan eventually doesn't mean I want to immediately die after a month in an apocalyptic situation because "muhh government won't help :( :("
Even if nothing happens in my lifetime, at least I have the forethought to be a bit more prepared. So what if I have some non perishable food I have to eat every few months and replace before the expiration date. So what if I have a larger medical kit in my home then most families do. So what if I have a military can opener on my keychain, a bugout bag in a designated spot next to my bed. This virus already proved that people react badly when something happens, and proved that yes, these kinds of situations happen.
It's a good idea to be prepared even if nothing ever happens.
Anonymous 101337
>>101328You seem to feel personally attacked, when I am one of the ones asking this question, I legitimately don't understand the rationale, and just want to know why you are doing what you do. I'm sorry if this seems to bother you, please, explain to me the string of logic.
>For the people asking why even have a supply of food for longer then a month, please consider the fact that some people enjoy living.If you don't grow your own food and have your own water supply you're not going to be living past that month, so I'm asking if you like living so much how exactly are you still doing that after the food supply runs out.
> Just because shit may hit the fan eventually doesn't mean I want to immediately die after a month in an apocalyptic situation because "muhh government won't help :( :("Want to die? This implies a choice. If you only have a month's worth of food, you can only survive for one month. If you love living so much
what is the plan after that first month?
Here's a better way of asking this question.
I understand food preppers that practice self-sustenance, they make sense. What is the game plan for food preppers that
don't practice self-sustenance after the food supply they saved up depletes? If you like living so much why are you not learning how to do so indefinitely independently?
Anonymous 101458
>>100097Lmao my dad does this shit, he's stacking beans and vitamin pills in the garage. I don't know what he expects out of it but whatever makes him happy i guess
Anonymous 101460
>>100097hoarding is ultimately bad overall and canned food, particularly the cheap kind that is manufactured in the thousands with other cans, does indeed get to the point where it's probably not fresh eventually. They have linings inside of those cans that are basically plastic, and will leach into the food.
Prepping in general may not be a bad thing where all food can disappear off the shelves in an afternoon, but you should consider at least rotating out the food you hoard just like it was a regular non-perishable. People claiming it's 'edible' after two years omit that it's still not a good idea to eat it unless you're forced to.