
Anonymous 102561
The moid fears a woman with a firearm, he fears her because he knows he cannot exert physical control on her anymore as an unequal
Moids are animals who you can only dialogue with through means of threat of physical violence. Moids systematically abuse women and children because they don't represent a threat to their autonomy, but once an abused son grows up to beat the shit out of his father the moid quietly sits in the corner, his bravery and morale are gone like a literal animal that has been asswhooped by a rival, yet he can still turn to his wife and daughters for a slight sense of superiority. This is why the moid's biggest fear is a female who can physically put him down, without the inferiority of someone else the moid finds himself as nothing more than a turd smeared on the ground, loved by no one, needed by no one, useful to no one.
As long as women are untrained and don't possess the means to physically defend themselves their bodily autonomy will always be at risk and at the mercy of the moid, as you cannot always rely on culture which is ever changing anyway. Young women should not shy away from firearms but embrace them as an extension of themselves, as they are the true key to their wellbeing for generations to come. Do you remember Daesh, the bastards who go village to village raping and enslaving women and children? They literally shit themselves when they see the female Kurdish fighters because they cannot fathom the idea of a woman being a warrior and also believe if they get killed by them they cannot enter Jannah. You might think that this belief is exclusive of these bastards, but in fact for all moids there is no greater dishonor and fear than to be bested by a woman, and they will do ANYTHING to keep you down. This is why, sisters, grab a firearm today and train, because if moids want they will take away your rights, but if they can't they won't.
Anonymous 102563
Worked out so well for those US trained afghan all female units, at least they were smart enough to disband and blend in before getting murdered. You sound like a 14 year old, literally
Anonymous 102565

>>102563It's hard to help those who don't want to be helped, and they don't want to be helped because of patriarchal indoctrination. You can't change a whole country's mindset in 20 years, specially in the villages isolated from murrifat/gov's control. Now fuck off back to 4chan, scrote.
Anonymous 102567

>>102565Not OP or that anon but thanks non and fuck the entire planet I hope it burns
Anonymous 102579
>>102565>specially in the villages isolated from murrifat/gov's control.such as Kabul?
Anonymous 102582
>>102565Why do you think it's patriarchal indoctrination? Where the thousands of men who were in the Afghan army also under this patriarchal indoctrination that, apparently, neutered their ability to fight back?
Anonymous 102583
>>102582because it's a 14 year old tranny who's going through his gun nut phase, these things are incredibly complex geopolitical issues that go back 50 or even more years and most definitely shouldn't be discussed with retards who can only muster "moids bad" as an argument in such a topic.
> female Kurdish fighters because they cannot fathom the idea of a woman being a warriorThose yazidi girls were mostly used for propaganda by their elders, they barely saw combat and some of them were put on display after being abused and beheaded by ISIS.
Stop spreading bullshit, edgelords like yourself would be the first to run for their lives and abandon everyone else to their fate if anything went down just like the US government did after raising a generation of afghan women on false promises and hopes.
Anonymous 102584
>>102583>Stop spreading bullshit, edgelords like yourself would be the first to run for their lives and abandon everyone else to their fate if anything went down just like the US government did after raising a generation of afghan women on false promises and hopes.
>Give the Afghan government billions in equipment and training>somehow the Americans "broke their promise"I really wish we could bring back proper colonialism as opposed to this neo-bullshit, at least then the US could properly be blamed.
Anonymous 102587
>>102584I wasn't talking about supplies and weapons, but the general spirit behind the western presence. If you know that there is an unstoppable force looming over a country and there is no one to hold it at bay except for you, is it the right thing to do to set up "your" people for the inevitable failure and hostile takeover if you knew for a fact that you will have to leave eventually? It's not a simple question to answer and I don't think there's actually a "right" answer, but the signs were there all along.
And while we're talking about blame, who else is to blame for leaving behind a list of collaborators? You can't blame that on the locals and their lack of willpower.
Anonymous 102588
>>102587>If you know that there is an unstoppable force looming over a countryUnstoppable? Is the taliban supernatural? Could it continue even if the country was nuked?
>and there is no one to hold it at bay except for you, is it the right thing to do to set up "your" people for the inevitable failure and hostile takeover if you knew for a fact that you will have to leave eventually?That's why I said I hate neo-colonialism. If the US had just annexed Afghanistan, I could understand why it would be the Americans fault, they claimed dominion over the territory, now it's their fucking job to manage it. But that's not what happened, colonialism is bad, so instead all the Americans can do is try and and bolster the Afghan government's ability to resist the Taliban, then fuck off, because
they don't own the place. I would be 100% onboard with blaming the US if it were claiming the territory as US soil, and then fucked off, because claiming the soil includes the need to regulate and manage it, if all the Americans were doing is propping up a government that was supposed to make Afghanistan less fucking awful to live in, but the people can't actually keep that government, then why the fuck is it the US's fault?
I guess you could argue we just "went in and destablized the region", but this conveniently ignores the
presense of the Taliban backed government before US intervention. This is a return to norm for the region, this is the default, the bloodshed that is occurring is the will of the people rejecting what was offered and embracing what was already present.
Anonymous 102590
>>102588>Is the taliban supernatural?No, but they are very resilient and absolutely fearless fanatics.
>US had just annexed AfghanistanWhat exactly do you mean by this in terms of dealing with the taliban? What's the difference? They would still have continued to blend in with the local population and work from their caves, terrorizing and intimidating the locals until the occupying presence was absolutely exhausted.
>This is a return to norm for the region, this is the defaultI know, which is why I think this is a stupid thread, giving people false hopes, promises and unrealistic expectations is morally wrong. Propping them up to "fight the power" is even worse, if you can't actually offer anything except for cheerleading.
Anonymous 102594
>>102590>No, but they are very resilient and absolutely fearless fanatics.Okay, so stoppable.
>What exactly do you mean by this in terms of dealing with the taliban? What's the difference?Nothing, except 1. the US can never leave, because Afghanistan becomes US soil.
In that case leaving becomes a US failure because they claimed dominion over an area, but could not protect it properly.
>They would still have continued to blend in with the local population and work from their caves, terrorizing and intimidating the locals until the occupying presence was absolutely exhausted.Probably none in this department, it would just actually be the US's responsibility in this context, as opposed to this proxy bullshit.
>I know, which is why I think this is a stupid thread, giving people false hopes, promises and unrealistic expectations is morally wrong. Propping them up to "fight the power" is even worse, if you can't actually offer anything except for cheerleading.>billions in tech>cheerleading Anonymous 102596
>>102594>billions in techI was referring to this thread and it's message, not the situation in the middle east. I just used it as an example and to make a point.
Anonymous 102613
I actually kinda agree with the OP. The situation in the Middle East is complicated because women there have never tasted true freedom. Also, just because fighting a superior opponent carries a huge risk of getting killed doesn't mean it's not worth it or that you will never win, you can take the Taliban as an example of this. Personally if western women ever saw their rights threatened again I do expect retaliation as last resort. I would rather die than live serving some neckbeard.
Anonymous 102621
Are you really a woman? Seriously, this whole "build a militia and kill everybody you hate with big guns" feels like something out of a 16 yo moid that just discovered politics on the internet and got easily manipulated by the first right-wing ideology you saw.
Women are far stronger than that, we don't need to breed war and fire to change the world, we've been changing what we were and how the world would see us with only words, let moids burn and kill themselves with their little toys, we are far better than that.
Anonymous 102636
>>102621This mentality explains why woman are the subjugated sex around the world. Buy a gun sisters
Anonymous 102638
>>102621>I am superior to moids because I don't practice violence when they kill my sisters in the streets uwu Anonymous 102642
>>102636>>102638I have a gun, a cheap rusty revolver under my bed, but for me guns are just a tool and used for protection that I really don't want to use, means to an end, if I need a gun to pretend I'm strong then I'm not strong, I'm just like a moid using guns to compensate for their small penises.
The problem here are not the guns, is you thinking you need then for anything, and you don't, at least I don't.
And is not like I think women should not have guns, honestly, I think it should be mandatory to every women at least carry a weapon of some sorts, I'm just more interest in a world were this sort of thing is not necessary, and ego boosting little toys won't make that happen.
Anonymous 102643
>>102642"at least I don't" - nta. what a foolish opinion to express in public. I did need to protect myself, and I couldn't. You might have been born as me, instead of you, silly stranger. Give me a gun please, OP.
Anonymous 102644
>>102643samefag lets hug it out its wrong of me to call you foolish for your gilded cage, just its fair to see that others do not have this safety, ily
Anonymous 102646

>>102642>>102621https://voca.ro/1i6U8V6zG19h>>102643If you have a 3D printer you can find fingerprints for guns online, they usually also need other components though and aren't as good as the real deal, otherwise just seek out some black market dealer, druggies know people.
Anonymous 102681
>>102565>Afghan all female units arm themselves to resist Taliban>Afghan army gets defeated and Afghan female units are forced to capitulate and disband>they somehow can't be helped because of patriarchal indoctrinationwhat?
>>102588>Could it continue even if the country was nuked?Ah yes, let's nuke Afghanistan, causing the death of millions of people for no good reason. NTA, but you really do sound like a 14 year old edgelord
Anonymous 102683
>>102681Are you serious? Only a tiny fraction of Afghan women would ever consider fighting to be not exclusively a man's job, and out of those who don't most of their families would never allow them to join the army even if it was all-female. As a result you get only a handful women for your army thanks to moid indoctrination.
Anonymous 102684
>>102681>Ah yes, let's nuke Afghanistan, causing the death of millions of people for no good reason.There's a good reason to nuke a country at any time?
Anonymous 102868
>>102561Not unless she runs out of ammo! :D
Anonymous 102964
>>102561It's all fun and games until one gets tinnitus.
Anonymous 102971

>>102964Well I already have that.
click-clickNow lets go get Nathan junior!
Anonymous 102973
Extremely based and necessary thread OP. Unfortunately a lot of anons here won't take it seriously cause they are dumb passive bitches who are not really committed to the women's liberation cause and thus don't care. This website could be a great source for feminist discussions but most of the time it's filled with mediocre random posts
Anonymous 103206
this whole problem is because of islam and nothing else entire world is going to shit because of it ,
when will we accept that liberalism will not work with muslims and islam but no you are islamophobic while we distance from other cultures that we deem as islamophobic or setthe about uigher condition
its not about geopolitics
Anonymous 103466
>>102971How long did it take for you to get used to you tinnitus??
Anonymous 104095

>>103466I’ve always had it. Seems to be getting louder with the years. Music and air conditioning drown it out pretty well, but sometimes, when it gets nice and quiet, i have to try harder to ignore it. Sad not being able to hear silence.
Anonymous 104416
>>104095They say tinnitus is supposedly common. I got mine from loud noise exposure a couple months ago and am hoping it goes away, but it probably won't. Yep, silence was nice.