
Anonymous 104105
What do you think about firearms?
Anonymous 104108

>>104107A mace can be effective as well, though.
Anonymous 104109
>>104105They are cool and the great equalizer and any woman who is scared of men should own one asap.
Anonymous 104112
Glad they're forbidden in my country.
Anonymous 104113
>>104112You're glad only criminals have them?
Anonymous 104116
>>104113why is this the universal american talking point? The only shootings here are done by cops and you can't shoot back at them anyway. American gun violence statistics are dystopian and the gun and cultural masculinity lobby somehow tricked you into liking it.
Anonymous 104135
>>104116Bootlicker. Why do you get so mad over others wanting basic bodily autonomy over the state's monopoly and uncaring incompetence.
Anonymous 104136
>>104135They think everyone's as incompetent as them.
Anonymous 104137
>>104135why do you want testosteronal freaks and domestic abusers to have guns? widespread gun ownership can only be to our benefit if we're the only ones who can have them and men are excluded from gun purchases. we need absolute political power first. any legislation that makes guns easy to get will benefit primarily men until that day. if you think the male gun lobby is on our side you're crazy
Anonymous 104138
>>104137I'd rather everyone have guns than lunatics like you having a monopoly.
Anonymous 104140
>>104137>we need absolute political power firstAnd political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. The maoists didn't carry out history's largest removal of domestic abusers and rapists with pepper spray and pocket knives. They armed women first so they could clean up their villages. That's how you self-liberate from male governance, not by letting law enforcement men have a monopoly on violence until we magically gain political power out of nowhere
Anonymous 104142
>>104140The commie chinks aren't a good example of anything, really.
Anonymous 104145
>>104142the china of today definitely not. Guns, maoists and women's militias in general are banned there today. They patriarchy took the country back after deng xiaoping's betrayal of the revolution and the country is now just another playground for male business owners. Jian qing, mao's wife, died by suicide in life imprisonment in the 90s and the new chinese patriarchy completed its counterrevolution when the women that stood in their way were disarmed. We can learn a lot from the cultural revolution's eradication of the male power position and how it eventually failed against the resurgence of the chinese patriarchy when its people bowed to the same gun regulations that anon is defending
Anonymous 104148
All women should be allowed to carry firearms and men shouldn't. Exception is prolonged drug use and severe mental problems
Anonymous 104149
>>104113None of the criminals in my country have them lol. Save for the rich ones and hunters I guess.
Anonymous 104150
>>104148A matriarchy will never solve anything. Arm everyone and have a meritocracy.
Anonymous 104151
>>104145>Jian qingI'm reading up on her and female revolutionaries right now. I didn't hear anything about this in school. I think my anti gun comment was dumb I apologize
Anonymous 104152
>>104150Nothing solves everything. We should have a matriarchy though
Anonymous 104153
>>104152It would be a patriarchy with less shit done and more catfighting.
Anonymous 104157
>>104151>I didn't hear anything about this in school.The men that write the books robbed us of our history and have us hating our own liberators. We don't question male educational authority enough. If a man makes a historic claim, our first thought should be to question it because he is likely pushing an agenda that serves his position of power in society
Anonymous 104161
>>104113Yes, because the maffia almost exclusively shoots at each other and even that doesn't happen a lot. I live in a safe country and the ban on firearms and weapons in general has contributed to that. You can say what you want but we don't get randos shooting people from hotels or shooting up schools here. Kids aren't taught what to do during schoolshooting becuse that doesn't happen here. I'm of the stance that you can't protect yourself with a gun anyway, if they catch you in a moment of surprise, which is almost always, it's already too late. And everyone being allowed to own a gun only increases the chances of abuse.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't entirely get the US perspective on citizen ownership of firearms (I assume we're talking about an US perspective here). From what I heard people in rural areas want to own guns to protect themselves because it can take a long time for police enforcement to arrive, I get that. But I live in a small country and a ban on firearms works very well for our safety here and there's absolutely no way citizen ownership of firearms would further improve safety.
Anonymous 104162
>>104161you are helpless against the patriarchal state when the women of your country grow the sex and class counsciousness to mobilize against the authority of the male politicians, male police, male landlords, and male employers that control every aspect of our life. Submissiveness is nothing to be proud of.
Anonymous 104163
>>104162Innocent victims, including women, die every day in countries with flexible laws regarding firearm ownership at the hand of regular citizens that had no bussiness owning a firearm, it's clearly not working for you.
Anonymous 104239
>What do you think about firearms?
I want an FN SCAR 16S, but I cannot afford it, until I finish the payment of my car.
Anonymous 104265
>>104163If a man wants to kill you, he can beat or stab you to death. No guns are required to do that.
Anonymous 104266
I mean it's another way to defend yourself, and shooting creeps is always fun lol
Anonymous 104271
>>104163>muh victimsgrow up, women benefit the most from firearms being widely available. They level the playing field a bit. You ever been grabbed by a man before? I'm not talking about soy-addled neomoids, like a real gorilla strength gigamoid.
Anonymous 104450
>>104239Get a Robinson Arms XCR or CZ Bren 805 if you want a similar aesthetic and functionally similar 5.56 piston rifle. The SCAR has a ton of little issues due to being (what I consider) a first generation ACR-style rifle and it's just plain overpriced. If you must get a SCAR at least get the 17s since there are no good 7.62 alternatives on the market.
And dont get the Bren 2, the 805 is superior.
Anonymous 105379
>>104271Ahhh yes that's why there's hundreds of thousands of cases of women shooting rapists when they try to abuse them, right? SO many cases that gun nuts never use that argument, probably because it's SO obvious…
Anonymous 105382
>>105379NTA but don't women own and carry guns at significantly lower rates than men? Not American but that's the impression I always had, it would explain why there are very cases of that happening.
Anonymous 105415
>>105412Depends, you need to get a really good kick in and despite most comical jokes while the groin is a weakspot it's really hard to swing into when you're in a high intensity situation. For instance, the second scene is a pretty good example, the bully already has Bobby pinned to the ground, in what would actually be a likely situation for a rape victim to be pinned into while she's being raped. Notice the animators have to have him stop pinning Bobby before Bobby can kick the groin. This means that if the rapist already has you pinned and on the ground, and you know, raping you, it's incredibly hard to actually hit that area.
Personally, I wouldn't go for a kick as much as a grab. Your job is to dive towards those family jewels, grab them, and squeeze with all your strength. All of it. I want you to squeeze those testicles like your life depends on it, because it does. In the meantime the moid will probably hit your head with his fists. You might be feeling the urge to fall unconscious, but you must resist, eventually the pain will take the moid down.
Anonymous 105417
>>105415>Personally, I wouldn't go for a kick as much as a grab. Your job is to dive towards those family jewels, grab them, and squeeze with all your strength. All of it. I want you to squeeze those testicles like your life depends on itAlways keep your nails a bit long and sharp too.
Anonymous 105462
I wish I could have access to guns, but they're mostly illegal in my country. It's a pain in the ass to get licensed to legally own one and it's really costly.
My only option is to buy a gun illegally from some locals which I IRONICALLY plan on doing on 2022, but even then the gun i'll buy will be overpriced and old, and obviously I could get in trouble for having it.
Violence rates are stupidly high in my country and every shitty criminal gets weapons, so why shouldn't i? at least when i learn how to shoot i'll be able to better protect my family
(reposting because I accidentaly posted this on the "dumping drinks on the floor" thread)
Anonymous 105542
>>104105They're cool, collecting an absurd amount of them is cringe consoomer behavior though. I believe in gun control. I'm not sure about the laws in my country but if I ever live alone I'm going to try to get one