
Anonymous 105712
does anyone else feel like they’re cursed or shadowbanned from life or something? like i am a normal normal looking and behaving girl but wherever i go people look at me and interact with me like i’m rotting meat i just don’t know what to do honestly it’s really scary and upsetting. i don’t have any friends and the isolation is getting to be very difficult to be with like i think i’m in a state of psychosis i’m not too sure. this isn’t just irl it’s also on the internet and everything it’s like everything i touch goes to shit
Anonymous 105716
>>105712honestly same. I'm just rolling with it i guess
Anonymous 105722
>>105712Are you sure it's not just your low self esteem?
Shadowbanned from life, lol, what a fascinating sentence. I love it.
>wherever i go people look at me and interact with me like i’m rotting meatWhat does this mean? D you mean people just don't like you and interact out of obligation?
Anonymous 105725
>>105712Yeah, kinda. When I was younger I got bullied and ostracized for a long time and to this day I still have no idea why. There wasn't anything super different about me and it was happening so much, so long, with so many unrelated people that it just seems way too coincidental. Always felt like there was something people could see that I couldn't.
At some point I got referred to psychs for an autism test bc my teachers thought I was weird but the result was that I don't fit the criteria to properly count as autist/aspie. Yet they did agree that something was off about me, so they pulled out some obscure diagnosis that I've never heard anybody talk about, before never talking about it again. They just slapped on the label and I didn't even fit most of the symptoms, plus there were a bunch of weird statements and mistruths in the report about me (which I wasn't even allowed to read, they literally wrote "not for anon!" on it and I found it accidentally). If I asked stuff about what I should do now that I have this diagnosis, like how could I get better, they'd be super dodgy and basically say "don't worry about it kid"Nowadays it's kind of better since nobody actively harms me but I still just "don't connect" with people and I get this pervasive sense that people are treating me weird. I always feel like people talk differently to me, kind of slower and more uncomfortably, or they say things that seem inappropriate but everyone acts like it's normal (and it's usually from women which is weirder). I don't get why since I don't think I'm ugly, but I've never had a normal social life.
Anonymous 105728
>>105722it’s not interacting out of obligation it’s more like people are disgusted by me on a spiritual level. i’m not really insecure and i don’t have low self esteem i think i’m an okay person so that’s why i’m so confused by it
Anonymous 105729
>>105725Do you remember the diagnosis?? Also maybe it's ADHD. Not having enough dopamine can affect how you behave which in turn affects your social skills. I was thought of as weird and realizing it was undiagnosed ADHD has helped.
Anonymous 105730
>>105728How can you tell they're disgusted by you?
Anonymous 105732
>>105728Thinking people are disgusted with your very spirit, your soul, what is "you" outside of how you act or look, sounds exactly like low self esteem. It's possible you're in denial about it because you don't want to have low self esteem and are projecting it onto those around you so you don't have to deal with it.
Anonymous 105733
Honestly it just seems like your low self esteem is making you see things that aren't there, maybe you're just not paying attention or noticing the people who do see you and treat you like a human being. That or mental illnesses?
Anonymous 105735
>>105729It was SPCD. To me it sounds like asperger's under another name, or another kind of autism-lite. The symptoms are stuff like "doesn't get sarcasm/irony/idioms" or "talks to every person the same way regardless of their status" which just don't apply to me and never have so I don't know why this was assigned to me. I remember some of the reasons they gave and they sound like bs honestly.
To be honest I don't know much about ADHD. Looking at a list of symptoms I can say that I'm not great with planning or focus and I procrastinated a lot, but also I don't really feel like it's a super major burden on my life? I might not be performing optimally but I could still pull together plans and get things done if I
needed to; I did very well in school. But again, I'm not super informed about it so it could be worth looking into.
Anonymous 105738

>>105735>or "talks to every person the same way regardless of their status"Are we not supposed to do that?
Anonymous 105740
>shadowbanned from life
I can count the times I have received positive attention on one hand, but the times when I was treated badly or ignored pretty much define my life. I'm like the homeless people you pass by while thinking "ew, they should not exist".
Anonymous 105759
>>105738In the sense that you should speak differently to a 6 year old niece at her birthday party compared to a 40 year old policeman on the street, yeah. Basically recognizing how to adapt your speech based on stuff like sex, age, authority, context
Anonymous 105762
>>105759oh! lol, yeah I understand now, thanks
Anonymous 105799
Differently how?
Anonymous 105801
>>105799being a bit more polite and proper? I wouldn't talk to my boss the same as my fellow co-workers because one of them signs my checks and its not my colleagues.
Anonymous 105805
>>105799If this were Japanese I would give you distinct verb ending and formality clauses, as it's inbuilt to the language. English dropped our formality system when "thee/thou" fell out of favor, so now you can't easily modify word structure. Most formality now is more based on tone, and word choice. Easiest example I can think of is, it would not be out of the ordinary for a Manager to say "Get that presentation made by 10AM Susan" to his secretary, but it would be quite strange for a Secretary to say "Get those reports out to your superiors by 10AM Michelle." Most of the time inferiors asking requests of superiors are phrased as such, requests. You don't say to your boss "Get me more people on my team." You instead would more likely say "I can't finish this without more people, can you get me more help?"
Sorry for stereotypical examples, but I'm trying to articulate the concept as simple as possible.
Anonymous 105806
>>105801This too I suppose. The closest thing left to a formality system English has built into the language left is curse words (i.e. "fuck", "shit", "damn" etc.) not to be confused with crass topics (i.e. sex, politics, religion etc.) Assuming you're talking to someone you are unfamiliar with who is above you in the company. Telling him that "Shit's fucked" is a bit of a social faux pas. It may be
true that shit is indeed fucked, but your
phrasing delivers the formality of the situation.
Granted this again gets incredibly wishy-washy in English because most English is dominated by Americans, and Americans have very egalitarian ideas. Superiors who are "chummy" with inferiors also confuse matters because they'll drop formality as a sign of friendliness.
Anonymous 105809
robo quote.jpg

>>105801Being more polite to someone just because you need something from that person and not because you feel respect towards that person seems wrong, like lying to them. If i ever ended up in a leadership position i would prefer to know what my subordinates actually think rather than getting sweet-talked to. But then again i agree with the robot's quote in pic related, people without autism are flawed and need extra attention when talked to.
Anonymous 105811
>>105809In any healthy social relationship being polite doesn't mean not speaking your mind. Common misconception I see on this board.
Anonymous 105814
>>105811I see nothing healthy about forced/fake politeness.
Anonymous 105818
>>105815Guess autism prevents me from embracing the virtues of lying and mental manipulation.
Anonymous 105819
>>105814Well yes, "forced" implies as such. Kind of similar to say "there's nothing healthy about unhealthy politeness", that's quite apparent to everyone. Have you considered the possibility of a non-forced politeness existing?
Anonymous 105820
>>105818>people without autism are flawed yeah you said it yourself already, if this is how you cope with autism I'm happy for you. being polite serves a purpose for nonautists tho
Anonymous 105822
>>105818sounds like a blessing. I won't lie when I say I manipulate people to get what I want but I do feel bad about it. pretty sure that makes me a sociopath, but most of life is a give & take game like that.
Anonymous 105824
>>105822Well one what you're describing is a psychopath not a sociopath, two you aren't a psychopath because you feel bad about it, it means you're a compulsive liar. Which is fine I suppose, if you have a problem with it I advise to stop compulsively lying or just starting actively lying, keeping yourself in that mental fog on the subject is probably slowing you down.
Anonymous 105826
>>105824It's not really a mental fog lol. at the most it's shower thoughts about the people I've manipulated in my life. I don't mind lying if it's for personal gain.
Anonymous 105829
>>105826>I don't mind lying if it's for personal gain.This is literally the opposite of feeling bad for doing it. Pick one.
Anonymous 105834
>>105829I CAN'T PICK ONE! I DO IT FOR PERSONAL GAIN, AND THEN FEEL SOMEWHAT BAD ABOUT IT! I'm sorry for being such a conundrum of a person
Anonymous 105835

>>105819Well, have you considered the possibility that no one in this thread claimed that in any healthy social relationship being polite does mean not speaking your mind?
>>105820No need to be upset, i'm not advocating rudeness, i'm advocating being genuine.
>>105822I'm perceiving INFJ like vibes from you.
Anonymous 105836
>>105835>No need to be upset, i'm not advocating rudeness, i'm advocating being genuine.not upset and also many people are genuinely polite.again you're autistic so I don't expect you to get it.
Anonymous 105839
>>105835>Well, have you considered the possibility that no one in this thread claimed that in any healthy social relationship being polite does mean not speaking your mind?Yes, yes I did in fact.
>>105811>Common misconception I see on this board.Most people who make this mistake are so bad at social situations they literally don't understand how to pose dissidence without upsetting people, so they shut up out of fear as opposed to any nuanced understanding.
Anonymous 105840
>>105835>No need to be upset, i'm not advocating rudeness, i'm advocating being genuine.How polite you are has little to do without genuine you are. You can be quite rude and a lying your ass off, or quite polite and honest at the same time.
Anonymous 105841
>>105835>Well, have you considered the possibility that no one in this thread claimed that in any healthy social relationship being polite does mean not speaking your mind?What the fuck is this supposed to mean then?
>Being more polite to someone just because you need something from that person and not because you feel respect towards that person seems wrong, like lying to them.>like lying to them.>not speaking your mind. Anonymous 105847
>>105841It means that sucking up to your boss is not politeness.
Anonymous 105957
>>105712Thread's gone to shit but i want to say that i also struggle a lot with this. For example i noticed that when i'm with a friend and someone is speaking to both of us, they tend to avoid eye contact with me and focus on my friend. Idk why maybe i have "crazy eyes" and they feel uncomfortable
Anonymous 105968
>>105809showing respect isn’t the same as sweet talking, absolutely retarded take
Anonymous 106008
>>105968Giving more respect to those who have power over you while looking down on those who are under your power is a slave's mentality. People should be judged by merit not social status. Also no one said that showing respect IS the same as sweet talking, i suggest improving your reading comprehension before implying someone else is retarded.
Anonymous 106010
>>106008nta but
>People should be judged by merit not social statusoffice org structures are literal hierarchies and symbols of merit
>improving your reading comprehension before implying someone else is retardedyou're that autistic anon right? you are literally retarded. it's not a bad thing but like you obviously are going to have a warped view on the world lol
Anonymous 106014
>>106010No one said about offices, please stop pulling things out of your ass. You are naive to think that positions of power correlate with moral superiority, usually its the opportunists and schemers who rise to the top. You call me retarded, but from my perspective you're the retarded one and i would be pleasantly surprised if you were able to tie your own shoes, because being retarded IS a bad thing.
Anonymous 106016
>>106014>No one said about offices, please stop pulling things out of your ass. except it's literally how this argument began, read again >>105784
>You are naive to think that positions of power correlate with moral superiorityI said merit not morality, you're the one pulling shit out of your ass girl can you read?
>You call me retarded, but from my perspective you're the retarded oneyou also think showing people basic respect is retarded lol. this means nothing to me girl
Anonymous 106024
>>106016>except it's literally how this argument began, read againWell, i'm reading and i see no office work mentioned, are you actually implying that hierarchies only exist in offices?
>I said merit not moralityMorality is a merit, both apply.
>you also think showing people basic respect is retardedI don't, where did i said that?
When i said that from my perspective you're the retarded one, i only said that to insult you and i feel like insulting you some more, but it looks like nature has already done that enough.
Anonymous 106027
>>106024>are you actually implying that hierarchies only exist in offices?yeah cause I clearly claimed hierarchies literally only exist in offices because that makes a lot of sense you mongo
>Morality is a merit, both apply.what kind of logic is this lmao
>When i said that from my perspective you're the retarded one, i only said that to insult youyou failed, I don't give a shit if a retard thinks I'm retarded
>i feel like insulting you some more, but it looks like nature has already done that enough.fuck…. you should've spoilered this burn… how will I ever recover….
Anonymous 106487
>>106010She's not autistic. She's untamed, wild and free.