
Moving to germany Anonymous 107408
I've noticed there's a couple German anons on this site, so I was hoping I could clear some doubts about living in Germany. I'll be moving to Berlin with my bf soon, he is already living there and is going to be doing his masters. We are planning to move into a shared apartment. Some of my biggest concerns:
-What is bathroom etiquette like? This is by far my biggest concern, specially in a shared apartment. How do you dispose of things like tampons and pads? Do you have bins in the bathroom? Can I just take the trash out any day? I live in the tropic and if you leave tampons in a bin for more than a day they get flies/maggots. Also do you clean the bowl after every use? Do I have to do that in public toilets too? I saw a sign saying I should.
-what are some social rules to follow for an autist like me
-Do you think my bf will be able to get a WG for us by November?
-Do Germans really stare that much? My bf says they do. How do I cope with this, stares are my biggest insecurity.
-I assume we can't express any terfy or too right leaning opinions, right?
-Is a paid VPN enough to download anime safely? Are there any chance they'll go through my phone at the airport? I have some downloaded anime/apps in there. I have a European passport if that matters.
I'm pretty socially retarded but I just wanna fit in. My family is french so I think I'll pass visually. I'm learning German but still only at level A1.
Anonymous 107426
>Do you have bins in the bathroom?
>Can I just take the trash out any day?
Yes, if you want to
>I live in the tropic and if you leave tampons in a bin for more than a day they get flies/maggots
That won't happen unless you like leave them out in the open with the window open
>-what are some social rules to follow for an autist like me
Everyone here is mildly autistic, I'm sure you'll be fine
>-Do you think my bf will be able to get a WG for us by November?
Will be tough, living situation in major cities is pretty dire. If he is super engaged he can do it
>-Do Germans really stare that much? My bf says they do. How do I cope with this, stares are my biggest insecurity.
Yes we do. Just avoid eye contact I guess
>-I assume we can't express any terfy or too right leaning opinions, right?
If you lived anywhere else people likely wouldn't care, but you decided to move to the epicenter of this shit. Apparently radfem groups exist there but idk if they can meet in public without getting attacked (Antifa is pretty aggressive there)
>-Is a paid VPN enough to download anime safely?
>Are there any chance they'll go through my phone at the airport?
They are allowed to but there's little chance they'll do it unless you traffic drugs or something
>I have some downloaded anime/apps in there. I have a European passport if that matters.
Unless you have loli/shota in there nobody will care and even then that stuff is technically legal here
Anonymous 107428

Also since you decided to move to the biggest shithole in the entire country here are some general concerns
>be ready to see people using drugs, vomiting, pissing and passing out in public (especially if you are using public transit)
>also be ready to be openly approached by drug dealers in public. Just say no and move on
>always lock your front door otherwise you will get junkies camping in your place
>try to avoid being out alone at night, especially in risky areas and certain public places like underground stations and parks
>don't be too dependent on public transit since outages are common
>if you feel threatened and call the police, tell them you feel someone is about to get killed otherwise they likely won't help you
>be mindful of demonstrations especially if the extreme left is involved, the potential of violence is quite high there
Some dangerous areas are:
Görlitzer Park.
Warschauer Brücke.
Kottbusser Tor.
Hermannstraße und Hermannplatz.
Rigaer Straße.
Also be aware that most people who move to Berlin either do it for work or because they think pic related is unironically a good vision for society
Anonymous 107440
>>107428>Also since you decided to move to the biggest shithole in the entire country here are some general concerns>be ready to see people using drugs, vomiting, pissing and passing out in public (especially if you are using public transit)>also be ready to be openly approached by drug dealers in public. Just say no and move on>always lock your front door otherwise you will get junkies camping in your place>try to avoid being out alone at night, especially in risky areas and certain public places like underground stations and parksThat honestly sounds more like the area around the frankfurter main station
Anonymous 107443
>>107440You can see this stuff in other major cities like Hamburg or Frankfurt but Berlin is the most notorious for it
Anonymous 107444
I wonder what it was like to be in Germany in the 1990s…
Anonymous 107446
>>107408>What is bathroom etiquette like? This is by far my biggest concern, specially in a shared apartment. How do you dispose of things like tampons and pads? Do you have bins in the bathroom? Can I just take the trash out any day? I live in the tropic and if you leave tampons in a bin for more than a day they get flies/maggots. Also do you clean the bowl after every use? Do I have to do that in public toilets too? I saw a sign saying I should. We have bins in basically every toilet, pads and tampons are disposed of in them, wrapped in toilet paper usually. You can take the trash out any day, usually we have larger bins outside of the house that you can put your trash in. You only need to clean the toilet bowl when you've gotten it dirty (and ofc regularly in your own home).
>what are some social rules to follow for an autist like medepends a lot on your social circle. i think mostly social rules are the same as other places? idk
>Do you think my bf will be able to get a WG for us by November? in berlin that might be difficult but depends on your budget.
>Do Germans really stare that much? My bf says they do. How do I cope with this, stares are my biggest insecurity.they're probably not staring at you specifically, but yeah people stare a lot, it doesn't mean anything though.
>I assume we can't express any terfy or too right leaning opinions, right? again, depends on your social circle and how you express them. most people here are pretty left leaning but there's a lot of leftists (at least in my personal experience) that are understanding towards
some TERF ideas/concerns. not full on transphobia though. right leaning opinions.. depends on what they are exactly.
>Is a paid VPN enough to download anime safely? Are there any chance they'll go through my phone at the airport? I have some downloaded anime/apps in there. I have a European passport if that matters. i've downloaded a bunch of shit without VPN and nothing has ever happened to me. and no lmao they won't go through your phone.
dunno why the other ppl in this thread are so negative about berlin, it's a fine place to live and it's not that hard to avoid people you won't get along with politically. it's not really a lot more dangerous than other big cities either and definitely much less dangerous than most US cities (if you're from there)
Anonymous 107447
>>107446samefag, sorry i didn't see that you were french. you're gonna be fine social etiquette wise lol.
Anonymous 107941
>>107408>>107447I'm french and I live near the german border, and I just have to say, you're going to be fine socially especially if you're autistic
When you're a french extrovert from the south and then you go near the germans, god, the cultural shock is massive. They're all autists, I swear. You'll be fine
Anonymous 107949

Bf found the green party poster. He thought it was satire when I showed it to him.
>>107941>>107447My family is french but I was born and raised in Latin America, so I would say I'm more happy/extroverted than Europeans.
One time I went to see a weeb musical in Paris and I was the only one getting all (quietly) excited during the show. People probably thought I was legit retarded.
Anonymous 107954
>>107949Parisians are a special breed, and a notoriously shit public
But still, if you're from latin america, you're going to really feel the coldness and autism of the german mind. I had one german friend who whas literally seething for an entire afternoon because I was ONE MINUTE LATE
They are autists of the highest order. They're fun when they get some beer in though
Anonymous 108326
>>107408>Also do you clean the bowl after every use? Do I have to do that in public toilets too? I saw a sign saying I should. Lifehack: put down a couple of sheets of toilet paper on that flat shelf.
No marks of any kind after you flush, no cleaning needed.
Anonymous 108329

>Do Germans really stare that much?
Contrary to what others said, I don't think Germans stare that much. Children might stare with no real reason or if you dress weirdly or act in an idiotic way, even adults will stare at you. But that's just general human behaviour as opposed to German-specific behaviour.
Most people just mind their own business in their daily lives. If you do as well, I don't think you have to feel insecure or worry about getting stares.
Anonymous 109036
>-What is bathroom etiquette like?
Don't be that nasty if it's shared bathroom. Chances are if you wanna move into a group apartment there's gonna be a literal plan for whom cleans what at which time. Germans love their calendars and lists.
>How do you dispose of things like tampons and pads? Do you have bins in the bathroom?
Yes, use the bin. Otherwise, as someone else stated - use the general trash. If you don't want others to see your girl trash wrap it in some toilet paper.
On that matter: Germans take trash separation seriously, so try to figure out how the recycling works where you live.
You will most likely have:
-plastic (including metal things like cans, but no electronic devices, light bulbs or batteries)
-bio garbage (if it doesn't exist: everything into generic trash)
-generic trash ( everything else, including leftover medication)
-furtiture, chemicals, batteries and electronic devices need to be brought to specific places called "Recyclinghof"
>Can I just take the trash out any day?
Yes, but there might be time regulations - particularly for glass because it's noisy.
>I live in the tropic and if you leave tampons in a bin for more than a day they get flies/maggots.
Hard to say. I've never had that problem, but since it's generally colder here you'll probably be fine for about a week.
>Also do you clean the bowl after every use?
Remove stains if it's a shared bathroom. Complete cleaning of the toilet heavily depends on the situation, but I'm gonna say every two weeks is a good middle ground.
>Do I have to do that in public toilets too? I saw a sign saying I should.
Remove your shit stains with the brush.
>what are some social rules to follow for an autist like me
Well from you pointing out that you're from a caribbean country you will have a strong cultural shock once you get here.
You will feel that everyone is really cold and distant. You will feel like an outcast. You will feel that particularly in a professional environment people will be rude.
Let me explain why that is and what you can do about it:
1) German coldness
Germans are a coconut culture. We're hard on the outside and it's really hard to get into. What does that mean? It means you will spend ridiculous amounts of time with people for them to befriend you. Sometimes months. It's not that people don't enjoy your company, but they just take a long time to consider you a friend. So for the time being try to befriend some fellow expats and let them show you the ropes. This will help you over the first couple of months.
2) German directness
Germans like their direct communication. Every bit of critique anyone ever gives another person is given with the understanding that they just want to help you be better. From my experience South Americans are the polar opposite, and I'm going to make the wild guess that people from the carribean are similar in that sense. Just keep in mind, if someone is being a dick and tries to dictate you how to do something differently they most likely mean no harm.
>Do you think my bf will be able to get a WG for us by November?
As someone else said: Depends on your money situation. Berlin, like many bigger cities just doesn't have enough apartments and the competition for the ones that are available is fierce. Chances are you might be forced to move into the general vicinity of Berlin.
>Do Germans really stare that much? My bf says they do. How do I cope with this, stares are my biggest insecurity.
No, we don't. It's considered rude to do. Everyone minds their own business and tries to keep their (~1m) distance.
>I assume we can't express any terfy or too right leaning opinions, right?
As long as you're not into waving swastika flags that should be fine. Berlin (as every bigger city) is a bit more left leaning. Also no jew / nigger / spic jokes.
>Is a paid VPN enough to download anime safely?
Probably overkill.
>Are there any chance they'll go through my phone at the airport? I have some downloaded anime/apps in there. I have a European passport if that matters.
Extremely extremely low. (We like our privacy, we're not like the usa.) Also nobody is gonna bat an eye at ripped anime.
>I'm pretty socially retarded but I just wanna fit in. My family is french so I think I'll pass visually. I'm learning German but still only at level A1.
Sounds good. For now stick with expats as they will be eager to create a social circle. That will make everything easier.
Welcome to Krautland.
Feel free to ask more stuff, I'll check every few days.
Anonymous 109038
>>109036>(We like our privacy, we're not like the usa.)I'm not aware of any US airport that would search a phone's actual data during a routine screening. I don't even know how that situation would even come about.
Anonymous 109039
>>109038I've been on a business trip there once, before I went my boss ensured that I didn't bring any corporate hardware because there had been a case where a colleague was forced to unlock his computer by border control and have them mirror the data on the hard drive for unknown reasons.
Since then it was policy not to enter the usa with any corporate data because they might as well just steal it. I'm unsure how much data was extracted and if any sensitive data was part of it, but the fact remains that the choice was "freely" giving them access, or being detained and rejected entrance for "failure to comply".
Things like that would never happen in Germany.
Anonymous 109078…

>>109069Whaaat? Do you think someone would go on the internet and just tell lies just like that? Particularly when it's something along left vs right politics?
Naaah, that would certainly never happen. Political extremists are known for providing level headed opinions about the state of things.
Anonymous 117448
>How do you dispose of things like tampons and pads?I flush my tampons IDGAF, our plumbing is solid. Pads I wrap and put in the bin.
>Do you have bins in the bathroom?Yes
>Can I just take the trash out any day?Yes?
>Also do you clean the bowl after every use? Do I have to do that in public toilets too? I saw a sign saying I should. I mean if you leave skid marks you should use the toilet brush but other than that…
>Do you think my bf will be able to get a WG for us by November? The housing market in Berlin is abysmal. I lived there for almost a decade. If you have a lot of money, it'll be easier. If not, prepare to spend 3-4 months actively apartment hunting
>Do Germans really stare that much? My bf says they do. How do I cope with this, stares are my biggest insecurity.In Berlin you won't stick out unless you're going out of your way to, nobody will care
>I assume we can't express any terfy or too right leaning opinions, right? You'll have plenty of likeminded people unless you surround yourself with woke LGBT expats in their 20s
>Is a paid VPN enough to download anime safely? Are there any chance they'll go through my phone at the airport? I have some downloaded anime/apps in there. I have a European passport if that matters. They're not gonna go through your phone, but you might run into issues if you download shit, not sure how much of a help VPNs are, but streaming is always legal.
>>107428Ridiculous post, have you even been to Berlin? Most of the areas you listed are popular spots for bars and cafes, you're completely fine unless you're gonna have a nervous breakdown if a guy asks you in passing if you want some weed. (Görlitzer Park/Hermannplatz are druggie central though and people don't usually go linger there unless they're actively looking for drugs) Also your pic related was a desperate grab for wokie votes from our hippie party, targeted towards the most wokiest neighborhood in Berlin, but most nice neighborhoods are actually really uptight.
Anonymous 117451
>>109078>>117448You can cope all you want but Berlin remains a shithole, literally everytime I go there it smells like piss everywhere and I meet drugged out hipster trash who think it's awesome to be a trannie or some shit. I hope the Russians come back
Anonymous 117457
OP here. My bf managed to find a very nice place before I got here. It's a bit far from the city center but the room is very big and the roommates are nice.
Worst part is that I got a shitty customer service job but hopefully I can move into something less soul sucking eventually. At least I get to work from home.
There are a lot of things I like here. Some of my favorites are that nobody talks to you in public, the bread is really good, my health is much better and my chronic constipation is gone, and I have freedom of movement thanks to public transport. Also I love lebkuchen. There is so much food variety here, how do you know what to buy? We try something new every week.
One of my roommates is very wasteful with food and that was very shocking. He often throws away half full bags of bread and other food that went bad before he could eat it. I had to throw away some raspberries once and I felt very bad. Food waste is pretty much non-existent where I come from.
On another note, can anybody recommend a yarn store? I can find a bunch through Google but I don't know which one to visit. Being able to buy yarn is so nice.
Anonymous 117459
>>117457> my chronic constipation is goneThis sounds like a food allergy, maybe soy or dairy.
Anonymous 118122
>Do Germans really stare that much? I never understood that stereotype about us, until I read somewhere that this is a myth. It's an illusion created by the fact that Germans might look at you for a few more milliseconds than in other countries. So many foreigners feel like they are being stared at, when it's just Germans holding eye contact a tiny bit longer than they are used to, creating the illusion that everyone is staring at them.
>>117457I am glad it worked out well for you. I am German myself, but I moved back to Germany after years of living in England, because I met my German boyfriend over the internet and we wanted to both move some place new in Germany to live together. It's nice to be back.