
The fact a lot of women want the government to suply them menstrual products is weird to me. Anonymous 111716
The fact a lot of women want the government to suply them menstrual products is weird to me. If you look at most products made by the government you'll see they're cheap garbage that doesn't even meet the limits.
Also when the government produces the menstrual products there will be less brands and the quality will hit the ground.
A girl postet or retarddit a picture of the tampons that were given for free at her school and they looked like they'll give you TSS if you wear them for more that 10 minutes.
Still for women who can't affort menstrual products I think there mshould be canpaigns to help them out and give them the needed stuff, nobody deserves to suffer like this, but the fact that women with way enough money to buy their needed menstrual products and women with high paying jobs saying the government should produce those things is trully disgusting me.
I will never trust the government. Not even one drop. Products made from private conpanies are the best, most high quality products.
Anonymous 111733
>>111716the government's role is to help people so let them. or do you really want to not pay taxes so bad?
Anonymous 111734
>>111716I make my own pads by folding paper towels and taping them to my underwear.
Anonymous 111740
>If you look at most products made by the government you'll see they're cheap garbage that doesn't even meet the limits.
>Also when the government produces the menstrual products there will be less brands and the quality will hit the ground.
>I will never trust the government. Not even one drop. Products made from private conpanies are the best, most high quality products.
fuckin' Americans I swear
Anonymous 111755
god, burgers are no joke…
Anonymous 111789
You should never trust the government, but you definitely can't trust private either. Procter & Gamble’s Always pads were found to have several cancer causing agents in them by several outside labs. And they're a multi billion dollar company.
Anonymous 111818
>>111733>or do you really want to not pay taxes so bad?Actually, yeah. But I'm not going to get into it because I would get banned again.
Anonymous 111850
The government is supposed to supply bare minimum shitty things so that the bottom rung of society is still functioning. You can go ahead and pay more for better tampons, but do you really want hobo women freebleeding on the street? Nobody benefits from that.
Anonymous 111851
I won't even bother arguing against you, this is just sad.
Anonymous 111870
>>111733>the government's role is to help peoplelol
Anonymous 111875
If youre American most homeless shelters will give you pads and tampons for free. That being said if you're on food stamps or WIC as well as in low income housing buying tampons/pads should be quite easy? It's the equivalent of toilet paper, food, medicines, etc but I don't understand women who act like tampons or pads takes a big toll on your income, it's under $10 for even bougie brands most of the time and it only lasts a week. And if you can't find it in your budget to be able to spend $10 once a month then you have bigger budgeting issues or need to look into programs that help low income people
Anonymous 111938
>>111716I mean the government doesn't give out free toilet paper or soap, so why tampons?
Anonymous 111958
In both places where I've lived, there are health clinics that will give out free tampons/pads/condoms and sell other contraceptives at a reduced price, which is sometimes free if you're seriously poor. The government supports and advertises them.
Anonymous 111982
>>111789That's because a company's ultimate goal is just to make profits, not actually help people or give them the best quality. Corporations and the government often work together so the former have a lot of power, since they got the money. The "higher quality" offered by private companies is just a side-effect of them wanting to attract the most customers, and "less brands" doesn't need to mean "lower quality" (why the fuck do you need to "choose" between 50 different brands of the same kind of tampon or pad anyway?).
>>111818>doesn't want to pay taxesMove to North Korea.
Anonymous 112065
If we had a matriarchy we would have best quality menstrual products for free
Anonymous 112154
>>111716the government doesn't produce anything
they write a list of criteria and companies bid to be the vendor that can provide a product that satisfies said criteria at the lowest cost. blame the companies or ask for better criteria
Anonymous 112208
I suppose it would be a weird concept to someone who has a penis.
Anonymous 112312
>>112208>has never heard of menstrual cup Anonymous 112821

>>111733The government’s job is to represent the people. They suck too bad at helping people
Anonymous 113290
>i WaNt FrEe MeNsTrUaL pRoDuCtS !!!
here's your main quest: how about you buy 1 menstrual cup every 5-10 years and/or buy some reusable cloth pads that last you till you're out of eggs? pretty cheap, right
>BuT tHeY aRe UnCoMfOrTaBlE !!!
the planet turnt to shit thanks to people who put their comfort above mother nature, also, you'll get used to them, you whiny bish
side quest: use the money you saved on menstrual products to invest in organisations who buy (throw away) menstrual products for the homeless and the poor
imo, only the homeless and the poor (and disabled people) have the right to use throw away products because they don't have to means or ability to clean and sanitize them properly
Anonymous 113292

>>113290shit take, the planet didnt turnt to shit bc throw away menstrual products.
if u want to blame something, blame the companies like nestle :)
Anonymous 113450
>>113292>the planet didnt turnt to shit bc throw away menstrual productsyeah no shit. imagine the planet turnt to shit thanks to only one thing: waste of menstrual products
i didn't say that, anon. learn how to read jezus
Anonymous 113462
>>113290>how about you buy 1 menstrual cup every 5-10 years and/or buy some reusable cloth pads that last you till you're out of eggs?How about everybody gets them for free? :^)
Anonymous 113615
>>112312What have menstrual cups got to do with anything?
Anonymous 116383
>>111958>>111875You can also get birth control for really cheap and skip periods if you really need to save. If you live near a Walmart equate has tampons under 5 dollars as well. I get tampons and stuff are a burden to buy but I never understood the idea that they're super expensive and really put a dent in the budget? Even when I surviving exclusively off of minimum wage buying pads or tampons was never an issue
Anonymous 117781
>>111789Shit, what brand pads should I use then? I don't want to use tampons or menstrual cups.
Anonymous 117786

>>117781I use Bella. They have non-scented pads, pads of all sizes for night and day and they use pure cottom. I've never had an problem with them and they're one of the cheapest brands at the store.
You can try also ConfyLady or Flirt, but I also recommend using the ones made from your country to support the smaller brands or make or buy ones that can be used more than once to safe money. Good luck, and Merry Christmas.
Anonymous 117806
>>117781literally make your own or buy a few from some mommy off of etsy.