
Weird little things your brain does Anonymous 113093
This thread is made to lightheartedly share small oddities that our brain do, that feel weird to us without being detrimental to our mental health. It can be current as well as childhood memories.
I'll start :
>Specific little sounds or bits of sentences pop up randomly in loops. Those days it's the sims 3 fairy laughter in fast speed, other times it had been this insistant meowing in the sims 4. It can also be words than i get stuck on for some reason.
>for a milisecond, perceive inanimate objects in the corner of my vision field as animals or people.
It can be pretty spooky sometimes.
>When tired, mistake background noises for voices.
>Sometimes I feel like my thinking voice is from someone else, it happens mostly when I draw and an otherly male voice guides me.
>As a child, I felt like numbers had a specific face with an associated expression.
The number 7 had some kind of agressive, repulsed look from what I recall.
Does any of this happen to you aswell ?
Anonymous 113095
>>113093This image, OP wtf am I looking at with these here eyes??
Anonymous 113096
>When tired, mistake background noises for voices.
most of the time, i don't even have to be tired for this.
one time i was in the shower and i thought that my aunt was constantly banging on the door when in reality it was the shower being wonky. made me really anxious. same happened today with the neighbours doing things behind my wall and i thought someone was breaking into my apartment.
>for a milisecond, perceive inanimate objects in the corner of my vision field as animals or people.
i have to take meds for this to stop happening to me (and other pseudo/hallucinations), it still happens sometimes but much rarely
some of mine:
>as a child, obsess and hum every time i see a 9 non the clock until it's gone (time changes to 00)
>be very invested in something and then your brain randomly stops paying attention completely and it's hard to regain interest
Anonymous 113100
>>113095https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/Have fun, fellow miner
>>113096>same happened today with the neighbours doing things behind my wall and i thought someone was breaking into my apartment.I had this 2 weeks ago when showering. Shower is the perfect time for these sensorial deformations, because of the water noise that messes up with the other noises happening around you.
>i have to take meds for this to stop happening to meDo you have a diagnosis ? Ir sounds very unsettling for you
Anonymous 113101
>>113093I have synesthesia and misophonia. Never talk about it or even posted about it ever, never will, this is all you get.
Anonymous 113116
>>113093wtf anon my brain plays mean tricks on me and repeats the sims theme songs in my head at random. then i get the sudden urge to play the sims again even if i haven't touched that game in years
things my brain does that drives me crazy:
>a string of words is repeated over and over in my head>i feel an intense blood rush when i'm frustrated and literally see blood red in my vision>sometimes i smell things that aren't there and can summon scents from memory (i can do this with the sense of taste too)>random intrusive memories that are embarrassing and make me visibly cringe/wince in public. this grimace scares people off and think i'm crazy.i wish i didn't have such an intense physical knee-jerk facial reaction like that when my brain decides to summon something humiliating
Anonymous 113127
Yeah I experience most of what op described sometimes.
Also weird little things my ocd brain does to me:
Intrusive thoughts. Those used to be violent when I was around 6 (like I couldnt stop imagining my kneecaps getting pulled off of my legs). Now they're more sexual, and I have to fight them every day.
Rituals, usually counting to a certain number, for example when washing hands or brushing teeth, etc.
Constantly having an urge to "fix" something until it feels right. The more stressed I am the more I have to do it.
Anonymous 113130
>associate numbers and vowels to specific colors, which makes writing in english a bit annoying for me, since I tend to mix the locations of Y/I and U/W in words because they all have the same sound in my native language (which makes them have the same color as well).
>vivid disgusting imagery appearing on head before sleep when i'm really tired (nothing creepy just nasty like worms on flesh or something really rotten)
>also that thing when you can't stop remebering something cringe you said so you have to pinch or hit yourself lightly to magically make it go away
i might be wrong but i guess most people experience these at least once
Anonymous 113144
i can't envision a bottle spinning slowly (or at all) to stop.
Anonymous 113154
OP those are schizophrenia signs
Anonymous 113186
>puts a layer of static over my vision
basically, i see some kind of colorful static in my vision, ESPECIALLY at night where this static is extremely visible (during day it's negligible)
>sometimes spot dark things from the corner of my eyes
Used to happen constantly every day when i was a kid, nowadays less often.
>associate specific sounds or songs with stuff i'm reading about at the moment
I was reading a comic (which i rarely do) some time ago, and i was listening to a song once while doing it. Now everytime i hear that song, the comic pops into my head.
>cringe overhaul
brings up really cringe memories and i have to curl up into a ball, hit my head, and i sometimes repeat random words like "stop". It always happens when i am alone, never in public or next to people.
>imagination goes weird and dreamy while shifting into sleep
While i am sleeping i am always fantasizing about something, for example re-imagining past conversations, imagining future conversation, or just making up whole new imaginary scenarios in my head.
But when i'm shifting into sleep and i become less and less conscious by the seconds, these fantasies become absurd and dream like and feel outside my control (unless i open my eyes or wake myself up, then it resets), despite me not dreaming at all
Anonymous 113197
I still hear my cat making his ordinary sounds, even though he’s been dead for a few years now.
Maybe it’s because I grew up with those sounds, and my brains have molded to assign unrelated sounds to him, or something.
But they sound exactly like him.
I… I miss him.
Anonymous 113229
Lately I've been feeling as if there were little earthquakes, but it seems that it's actually my pulse and shaky computer desk that makes it feel like that.
Also, when I'm listening to certain songs I like, at some parts it feels as if my mom's calling me, and I hate it because I usually listen to music at night so I'm always expecting to be scolded by her for staying up too late.
Anonymous 113230
>>113197I felt this for a few months too after my cat that I had since childhood died.
Something that still happens related to the memory of my cats is that sometimes I'll see something like a white bag, or a white pillow, stuff like that, on a chair or on the floor, from the corner of my eye, an my first impression is that it's my cat, which was mostly white.
Or when I have the door in the living room open, so I can see the garage, and sometimes I'll suddenly feel that there's one of my cats under the car, since they used to nap there all the time.
Anonymous 113255
To me, number 7 is a classy, independent and well-dressed old lady.
Anonymous 113287
>>113144do you mean you cant visualize a bottle slowly spinning and then stopping? or you cant envision a bottle moving at all? i was surprised to learn people struggled with this, like if youve seen a rotating 3d model of anything, you can basically do the same in your head?
Anonymous 113610
>>113229>when I'm listening to certain songs I like, at some parts it feels as if my mom's calling me, and I hate it because I usually listen to music at night so I'm always expecting to be scolded by her for staying up too late.I used to have this all the time when I still lived with my mum as a teen.
Our brain has this natural tendencies to interpret noises as familiar voices. Think about it : this ability help us to understand speech in a noisy environment. But when you take it out of context, things get weird.
>wtf anon my brain plays mean tricks on me and repeats the sims theme songs in my head at random. then i get the sudden urge to play the sims again even if i haven't touched that game in yearsWell I dreamt of creating a friend in the sims 1 the other night even though I haven't played this game since I was 7. This game used to be so exciting, I hate what EA did to the Sims 4.
Anonymous 113689
>>113287i can't envision a bottle slowly spinning then stopping, yeah. it either moves in weird, jilted motions, or keeps spinning when i try to stop it.
question for the thread: how clear are your mental images? for me it's like, kind of dim, but i still get the impression of having the entire picture. it's like if someone smeared ink over a paint canvas, but you still had an internal understanding that the sky was blue, the grass was green, there are flowers shaped like letters, etc.
Anonymous 113859

my brain is constantly looking for angles and how they would bounce for the next edge
it's hard to describe but it's hella weird
Anonymous 113868
>>113859You are probably good at snooker.
Anonymous 113869
>>113093>Specific little sounds or bits of sentences pop up randomly in loops. i used to have this when i played runescape, '99 range' would just play over and over in my head when i wasnt really thinking of anything.
Anonymous 114049
>>113101I also have synesthesia, graphme-color and the one where you view time as spatial.
Anonymous 114073
>>114049Ayrt, I thought time
was spatial, huh. What should I look up to find out more about this in relation to synesthesia? Usually I avoid but this sounds interesting, cheers for the reply
Anonymous 114146
This thread is super interesting. For some reason, before I go into another room, I have to sit or stand motionless and kinda "empty" my brain, like I have to finish thinking about everything there is to think about, and if I get interrupted or I leave too quickly, I get really frustrated.
When I was a kid, I would feel like the letters of the alphabet were either male or female. A was a girl, B was a boy, and so was C, L was a girl etc etc. Also this seemed to be really common with children, when they're driving in a car and they look out the window and they imagine a person or creature running alongside the car - I used to imagine a girl on a skateboard riding on the street and jumping between benches and stuff trying to keep up with the car. It's interesting to see how almost universal this stuff is.
Anonymous 218310
>>114146Holy shit, I used to think the same but with numbers. To me, all of the even numbers were girls, and all of the odd numbers were boys. 4 was the prettiest girl to me.
Anonymous 218336
>>113093I tend to always imagine weird scenarios where I show how cool and much of a good person I am whenever my brain isn't occupied doing something useful. It's kinda sad I guess