Anonymous 113430
How will you spend your time when the internet gets knocked out?
Anonymous 113431
>>113430that's why you save your favourite threads in the cloud retard
Anonymous 113432
By doing something actually productive for once, I guess.
Anonymous 113435
>>113430What I did before the internets and what I do when the internets goes out for whatever reason now: reading
Anonymous 113440
>>113430Imagine how much men will improve when they can only masturbate to magazines and their imaginations again
Anonymous 113463
>>113430being happy knowing that all the embarassing posts i made when i was 8 are gone
Anonymous 113466
Maybe getting an actual job tbh.
Anonymous 113470
As long as it doesn't fry my hard-drives, i don't care.
Anonymous 113567
>>113440Something broken from the start can't improve
Anonymous 113568
How long does it last though? If it's one day I'd probably go outside and buy something to eat and draw for the rest of the day, but there's probably gonna a shitton of people outside too, which is a problem
Anonymous 113600
>>113568Something like that would probably fry all engine starters, which would kill 5-6 billion people
Anonymous 113625
They’ll use this to squash bitcoiners. You wait.
>>113435Good lass.
Anonymous 113651

Read. Art. Walk. Get my life back.
Anonymous 113656
>>113430Reading. I've been letting my backlog grow in preparation
Anonymous 113861
Get a couple of horses and start living the Red Dead Redemption life with my husband out in the mountains. Find a plot of land and homestead and probably be happier than I ever have been with the internet.
Anonymous 113872
>>113430If this happens I will prey to the Sun as my new god. Based Sun taking out degenerate internet and restoring the mentally retarded to functional behaviour.
Anonymous 113900
>>113430read Star Wars books (the ones from the 90's) and probably start farming