Anonymous 116379
Do you have a nickname?
Anonymous 117014
>>116379My boyfriend calls me his “ Butt Pillow “ because he likes to rest his head on my butt after sex
Anonymous 117015
>>116379In middle school everyone called me sourpuss
Anonymous 119391
A couple of people have called me a short version of my name that I had never even thought about. Unfortunately they were both guys with whom I've had unfortunate/awkward relationships and now we're not friends anymore.
And since I have practically no friends and don't socialize most of the time, I don't have a nickname. although I used to be called by my husbando's name online.
Anonymous 119651
>>116379family and eventually friends have called me "poops" or "poopy" my entire life. i have always fucking hated it and i feel like this doesnt even sound fkn believable
Anonymous 119718
>>119651Is English your family's native language because that's a horrible nickname. Especially for a child.
Anonymous 120432

>>116379I'm not sure why but whenever I shitpost on 4chan's /b/ people call me animaterr.
Anonymous 120457
My family calls me "Tita" and I've had a couple of nicknames but none of those lasted too long
Anonymous 133682
Everyone that I have ever known has at some point called me a retard so I'm assuming that's it.
Anonymous 133689
Common nickname for a common name. Now that I'm an adult I like to go by my full name. But my family and coworkers all call me by my nickname. When I had friends theh also called my by my nickname.
When I was little my grandma gave me a nickname that I hated but now I like it and kind of wish it had stuck!
Anonymous 133690
>>119651I can't stop laughing. That's awful. Is it based on your name?
Anonymous 133718
Yes, and I am going to hurt everyone who has ever referred to me by it.