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i like to learn things Anonymous 119882

a thread we can share resources to learn things. anything goes!

Anonymous 119884

i'll start by a website i recently discovered https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/

Anonymous 120007

What do you like to learn? Anki is a good resource for doing my own studies and memorizing things with decks

Anonymous 120022


Great resource to learn about the only subject that matters, math:

Anonymous 120027

I like Primer (aka PrimerLearning) on YouTube
If you want to learn about something more useless/autistic, check out pannenkoek2012

Anonymous 120028

Any computer programming?

Anonymous 120029

Anonymous 120030

Thank you! Anything on java please?

Anonymous 120050

Anonymous 120051

w3c has tutorials on many different languages and lots of information on what is standard/protocol

Anonymous 120107

I usually only learn things through osmosis, or through putting books under my pillow and dreaming about the contents

Anonymous 120110

wow that's amazing! This is the same site we used for biology in highschool, ah the nostalgia…

Anonymous 120117

looking for free resources for a few things I want to learn, if you can help with any feel free to share resources!
japanese grammar and kanji lesson/studies (already have both genki textbooks)
learn to sew and pattern draft
learn music theory and writing songs
diy lolita fashion dresses/accessories etc
also ways to study and improve both digital/traditional art would be super helpful

Anonymous 120128

Javascript tutorial: https://javascript.info/

Complete introduction to frontend web development: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn

Stay away from Youtube tutorials if possible. Even if the videos themselves are good, Youtube is designed to keep you on their site consuming content rather than actually coding yourself.

And don't just read tutorials either, try to pick some project that you want to create (for example a website) and work on that while going along with whatever tutorial you chose. You won't really learn otherwise.

Anonymous 120143

internet friend (who’s dead so i can’t ask more) linked this to me a long while ago, so I’m not sure how up-to-date it is, but eh whatever


Anonymous 120166

does anybody have resources abt history of ancient rome

Anonymous 120172

>>120166 The Fall and the Decline of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

Anonymous 120465

this has a lot of different stuff

Anonymous 120467

if you're fine with podcast format than mike duncan history of ancient rome is worth a listen

Anonymous 229558

old thread but does anyone have good resources to learn finnish or icelandic? or is anyone interested in learning made up languages such as Navi or Elvish?

Anonymous 229627

1 year late. On the anki website, there are a lot of japanese decks. i was using the hiragana one, it has audio and a picture. I also like the renshuu app, it has a lot of pictures and i think you can select the genki book and learn the vocab from there.

Anonymous 229637

>namedropping famous books
How about try providing beginner resources for the laymen instead of larping like a university scholar?

Anonymous 229638

also lol at you not even getting the fucking name right.

Anonymous 229639

I have a request: Beginner books/resources on:

Anonymous 229640

Large collection of sites worth checking out:
https://based.coom.tech/ (site was created by a male autist, so be warned)

How to 'rice' windows:

Large collection of guides and resources for learning Japanese:

Tech wiki created by /g/:

Learn to code:
https://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/ (For Python)

Anonymous 229651

Anonymous 231625

My main aim this year is to learn and improve in:
Game design

Because I want to make a game.
Radiorunner has an amazing guide and i’ve been following that as much as i can but unfortunately for programming and anything related to gaming has beeb hectic, so many useless junk online nowadays

Anonymous 231666


A few resources for the serious student of music. In order of simple to complex (not fundamental to specialized.) Favor mastery of counterpoint, always.

Brief, concise introductions to basic terms and categories of music theory (do not spend too much time here, the 'chapters' tend to become increasingly redundant as it goes on.)

A highly pedagogical overview of many musical ideas with a particular focus on CPP voice leading ideas, CPP formal ideas/analysis, and four part keyboard style accompaniment. A particularly good introduction to form and idiom in music.

Partimento, solfege, common practice harmonic language, bass schema, realized counterpoint. (For the "beginner" I'd strongly suggest you begin with the first few 'chapters' of Giovanni Furno, Lavigna's counterpoint studies with Master Fenaroli. This particular site is overflowing with valuable resources for those who've got the means of utilizing them.)

From the personal stash. If you're able to get to a level of comprehension where you can appreciate what this man has to say then his work will be a rare treat for you. His thesis "Thoroughbass, Chorale, and Fugue: Teaching the Craft of Composition in J. S. Bach’s Circle." is in a league of its own.

Essential texts:
Counterpoint in Composition by Salzer & Schacter (Very hard for the beginning contrapuntalist, deep species study required to get into the meat of it. Going from two-part textures to three-part textures within each species, as the book suggests, might not be advisable.)
Analyzing Classical Form by William Caplin (Try to get the classroom version, this book is suitable for both beginner and the veteran)
Reharmonization Techniques by Randy Fetls (Suitable for the beginner in as far as the techniques are readily applicable to any composer, not suitable as understanding a lot of them requires quite a bit of insight into modern 'Jazz harmony'. Note that it's an unusually nice gem from the Berklee Press, don't expect such quality from most of the texts they publish.)
Handel's Exercises for Princess Anne (Brilliant exercises in the basics of harmony, will require a basic understanding of voice leading principles but not much beyond baby's first 4 part harmony rules as taught in high school music theory.)
Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments by C.P.E Bach (Fascinating book, great for keyboard players and music nerds alike. Do note that C.P.E is somewhat of a tyrant of idiom and that he shows his true colors in most of his examples, his harmonies are far from fundamental or 'neat' so do not expect that from him.)

These resources might seem somewhat 'anachronistic' to you but if it counts for anything I'll tell the reader this: I'm trained as a jazz musician, I hope you'll believe me when I tell you that this 'anachronistic' mode of pedagogy outlined above is simply far more effective in educating competent, versatile musicians. Sing, play, and improvise every day. And if you're looking to become a better instrumentalist then simply take anything from these resources and 'translate' it to your instrument, no method of training will be more effective.

Anonymous 232554


I need to learn how to be more technologically literate. So like, how to have good op sec online, pirate things, remove viruses from computer, etc.

Anonymous 232555

Ok, that Japanese website is cute. Anyone have anything similar for these languages?
> Latin
> Italian
> Portuguese
> Spanish

Anonymous 232577

I haven't tried them myself but these were recommended to me for learning italian:

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