
Anonymous 12278
what are u
Anonymous 12280
just chilling in my bedroom before going back to work tomorrow
mini oreos
kinda shitty tbqh
blood under my belt
Anonymous 12281
Taking my last midterm of the winter term, eating breakfast biscuits with coffee, feeling some remorse for playing D3 all weekend (new season tho..) instead of making waffles and studying, listen a this:
https://youtu.be/Iiqf2R462loHow bout you OP?
Anonymous 12282
Reading crystal cafe
Uhh I had mcdonalds for breakfast
I have a migraine right now I blame the McDonald's , also feeling sleepy
My sister is watching ahs season 2 so I'm just listening to it
I hope u have a rad Wednesday anon!
Anonymous 12283
Screen Shot 3.png

>>12281>doinadding more cool stuff to my iTunes collection
>feelanp shit tbh
>listenanpic related
Anonymous 12284
Wasting a bit of time at work while I wait for a report.
Bacon jerky
Last Podcast on the Left
Anonymous 12285
>doinwatching my asian romance dorama
>eatannoodles with broccoli, shrimp, onions, and garlic
>feelanbored. lifeless and living it through retarded asian dramas
>listenanto japs speaking
>>12280>>12283why do my babs feel shitty? :^(
Anonymous 12286

venting to an ai like a fucking loser and browsing netflix for something to watch aka living the life
air (and probably cat hair) (mostly cat hair)
like absolute shit my dude
dirty dancing soundtrack and my cat doing sleeping noises on my feet
Anonymous 12287
putting off going to bed
coffee…no food
Anonymous 12290

working from my futon (online job ftw), waiting for the bf to get home
nothing atm, craving some good poke tho
the little shop of horrors soundtrack lmfao, idek why
Anonymous 12291

>>12285because I want someone to cuddle me in bed. Anonymous 12293
youtube n internet stuff
alrite but it could be a lot better
youtube vlogs =P
Anonymous 12298

Hey hope everyone has a chill Thursday
Bedtime here, maybe crywank before sleep not sure yet.
Made nice fishy steamed rice veggies. First meal in a while
Anxious. Friend reunion soon.
Nothing, I don't listen to anything anymore. Nee-chans feel free to send your favourite songs, so I've got something to put on at work later. Not picky.
Anonymous 12300
>>12278Its Thursday night here hbbts
>doinBout to watch some Sex and the City, eat a burrito and drink some beers
>eatanSee above
>feelanPretty fucking good. I love my "alone" time
>listenanSee above
Anonymous 12313
new eats pizza.png…

>doinbrowsing c.c. ~.procrastinating.~
>eatannothing, but i'd love some pizza.
>feelantired yet fulfilled despite having not done anything worthwhile ( lol )
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6w2QPqYtrs Anonymous 12317
>>12312search engine evaluation (thru lionbridge) & small-time social media management. lionbridge is more of a temporary thing, but between the two jobs, i make enough cash to survive so i'm not complaining
Anonymous 12334

chatting with my wonderful bf
my inner cheeks
crappy for the most part due to some problems that are going on
proust by sayuri
Anonymous 12337
>>12334>eatan>my inner cheeksgod damn i know the feel. the urge. the intensity. the final orgasm when ur barely satisfied but left in pain.
Anonymous 12376
looking at some cute girls to figure out how to fashion
annoyed bc i have a stomach ache
Anonymous 12377
wasting time on /r9k/ (like my third time ever snooting around there) because I'm desperately trying to avoid doing homework
nothing, but fuck, I want to binge so bad. technically i didn't eat over my calorie limit since it's tomorrow already…but ugh, tempted as fuck.
sad, pathetic
best of joy division album
Anonymous 12384
just chillin and playin vidya
nothing atm
stressed out and lonely
Umineko tracks
Anonymous 12387
>>12278I love this thread!
>doinwas reading smth until I got bored and decided to post here
>eatanan oroeo biskit and an burgeru
>feelanbit euphoric for no reason at all
Anonymous 13969
I should probably be doing my homework…but here I am posting on anonymous image boards
fried pork skins
I have a lot of anxiety
Anonymous 14051
Listening to music
Strawberry sundae :3
Nothing unu
Angus & Julia Stone - Santa Monica Dream
Anonymous 14284
lying in bed, I haven’t moved since I woke up
nothinnng I could probably get a bagel tho
pretty disappointed I didnt get up earlier to do uni work
the window is open so I’m listening to the traffic I guess
Anonymous 14339
Waiting to write my last exam of this term.
Toasted bagel with butter.
Nervous. Excited. Tired. Can't wait for this exam to be DONE.
Juicy by Biggie Smalls
Anonymous 14347
browsing cc, chatting with my bf
a stupid dog barking outside
Anonymous 14386
lookin for jobs
french-ish buttered cabbage and spaghettisquash and malort and beer
listless aimless
michael hurley
Anonymous 14388
regretting my eternally great life choices
i ate some leftovers my mom made for me. it was good
like a poop bag!
Anonymous 14390

Job applications.
Too stressed to eat, but I need to force myself because I've lost a lot of weight.
The Mountain Goats.
Anonymous 14402
Thinking about life, listening to my boyfriend talk to his sister on discord, relaxing
Hitomi Kaji
Anonymous 14407
Watching Netflix instead of finishing my last assignment of the semester. It's super easy and I'm half done, so I'm tellin myself that's ok
Pasta salad
super sleepy and kinda lonely. Just took my bf to the airport and he won't be back until Sat
to wong foo playing in the background
Anonymous 14409
>>14390>I've lost a lot of weight.Were are you a fat person or you were not and now am skeletal?
Anonymous 14817

trying to relax in bed but I have really bad menstrual cramps at the moment
nothing but I had jello a bit earlier
really blue
A silver lining - they dream by day
Anonymous 15017

jchillin readin a book about iconography
i had a slice of liverwurst on garlic naan
tired and stimulated and !okay!
my bedroom ceiling fan spinning and slowly coming loose
Anonymous 15018
Lying in bed, just like every other day…
I had a tasty kale salad earlier with a lemon slice to spice it up
Exhausted and run down, welcoming death, hoping it comes soon
emo music, trying to resist the urge to self harm again
Anonymous 15291
not my application
too many snacks
shitty from not working out in a while
shit from dead oceans (jay som, japanese breakfast, Ó, etc)
Anonymous 15300
sad skelly.jpg

>doinWasting my time on the Internet again when I should be doing work
>eatanCrap foods that I shouldn't be eating (i.e. instant noodles and ice cream)
>feelanSad and disappointed
>listenanNothing right now but I was listening to instrumental pieces earlier
>>15291>jay som, japanese breakfast, Ó, etcYou have excellent taste in music, Anon.
Anonymous 15302
staying up way too late
nothing I don't really eat after lunch anymore
stoned but also missing someone a lot
fan of computer
Anonymous 15882
>doinstudy and end of term projects
>eatanlunch: lentils & rice, carrots
>feelannot as bad as yesterday, but tired because I didn't sleep well
>listenanto a band that had a 15-year reunion show last week, THT
>>15300>taste in musicI didn't see that until now but thank.
Anonymous 15884

it's wednesday, my dudettes!
downloading a game
some veggies
kinda down but overall good since im relaxing, should be doing important things instead
Sadie, Little prayer
Anonymous 15885

watching bates motels on netflix, it's really good, do recommend
water, air, and cat hair, but the last thing i ate were some homemade "digestive" style cookies i made, they are really good
sleepy but pretty okay mostly
currently santana ft rob thomas-smooth
Anonymous 15886

>>12278it currently 6/6/2018, wednesday, so i guess this post is valid
>doinplaying tf2 and downloading fez
>eatanbreakfast at 6:41 pm
>feelanlonely and empty
>listenansad music, vidya OSTs, and ASMR
Anonymous 15888

literally fockin nothing
jamaican patties
horny as hell
Anonymous 15904

browsing cc and getting ready to sleep
pretty comfy
my AC
Anonymous 16094

Wednesday has arrived.
relaxing after a night at work
veggie (sort of) loaf is in the oven
bad because I have acute bronchitis and also tfw no bf is going strong
to a zodiac killer documentary
Anonymous 16108
Happy wednesday miners!!!!!!
browsing LC and CC
coffee w too much cream in it
pretty good, i finally got a solid night of sleep
Kitchen Nightmares is playing in the background, I get to hear gordon tell bad cooks that they are bad
Anonymous 16112

working on my website + procrasturbating
not much, just chugging too much coffee
peaceful + lonely
bailey jay show podcast and death grips
have a great wednesday my babes
Anonymous 16114
5YIU0qD - Imgur.gi…

browsing the webs with my morning cuppa
had a smoothie for breakfast, now coffee
ready for summer 8)
old pop punk shit for the nostalgia
Anonymous 16115
studying for finals
shitty school sandwich. I regret not bringing lunch
feelan pretty wednesday today, to be honest
the AC
Anonymous 16122
studying!! and on cc of course
leftover chipotle, maybe soup later
a bit harried, I still have a lot to do
jazz musik
Anonymous 16129
>doinpacking my bags to go to nola tomorrow
>eatanmy own mouth'sinsides
>feelanjittery, fevery, okay
>listenannew england peepers and
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzy5TSB2tTchow are you?
Anonymous 16133

weeb songs
sage 16134
connecticut. but now i live in austin.
i lived in nola for 11 months last year so going back to visit for a few days.
looking forward to breathing water and having decent pho ^__^
Anonymous 16135

browsing steam
the hype, cookie jar
sage 16184
Just set one up. picnic bog is what it says my name is… Dunno what I'm doing
Anonymous 16185
>>16184nta, but your handle is your name plus the #xxxx number following it.
For example, anonchan#0000 is what the other anon would need to add or message you.
Anonymous 16186
>>16184anon you can try to join the discord, go to meta and click the link there
Anonymous 16187

>>16185>anonchan#0000kek. is that your discord by any chance, anon-chan anon?
Anonymous 16211
you have to talk to the mods
Anonymous 16213
Usually the mods will contact you in a few minutes after you get the newcomer role and read the rules!
Anonymous 16272
Somebody please explain discord to me, is it like a regular chat or something? Sorry, just never seen anyone using it. Kind of embarrassing to ask haha
Anonymous 16275
>>16272It's like Skype, but instead of having group chats you make "servers", they serve the same purpose. There's also private messaging, and you can add friends. It's just another chat app.
Anonymous 16396

>>12278>doinBrowsing cc, a gaming forum in in, /vg/, bout to launch Siege
>eatanI'm drinkin vodka
>feelana bit tired, its very early here, and somewhat hungry but its too early to eat.
>listenanhardcore gamer playlist on spotify
Anonymous 16407
>>16396 who do you main on r6? I’m hibana/frost. Maestro has been a big disappointment yeah? I was hyped but he is so boring •__•
Anonymous 16419
>>16396The only other woman i’ve met in siege was a fuze who yelled at me in a casual match for breaking open a barricade. I dont use mic at all and I am level 50 without a single ranked game. There may have been other women I have played with but I can see why they didnt use mic.
Anonymous 16420
>>16419 I use mic but I don’t recommend it to anyone who doesn’t have skin made of titanium. Classic examples include;
>”next time you speak, take your microphone out of your vagina first” mic quality is fine, he was just upset he died because he ran into glaz smoke (???)>someone vote kicking multiple people and then knocking me at the start of every round (so they wouldn’t get kicked for TK but nobody could vote kick anymore… super shitty)>someone repeatedly spamming chat saying I’m bad and they hate despite 14k carry >general TKs >shit talking me and asking if I’m “triggered” when I’m trying to clutch >general creepiness Thankfully I usually play in a premade with my clan but it’ll never sink into me how weird it all is. Growing up only girls played vidya, boys would go outside and play football so it was always a bit weird moving into multiplayer online and being like wait what? My vagina means you’re gonna be a prick? Sage because off topic whinging
Anonymous 16448
tryin' to stave off heat
angry at m*les
piano music :D
Anonymous 16452

feeling sick
nothing please
Anonymous 16464

relaxing after a boring day of running errands
nothing atm
kinda stressed, kinda angry
one of my crush's spotify playlist, hold the line by toto specifically
Anonymous 16467

its almost wednesday
painting (more procrastinating than painting) pic related
icecream, mango flavor
Pain in my face from frowning inadvertently
nothing now. but earlier I was listenan to Slugdge, yes all the lyrics are about slugs, would recommend/10
Anonymous 16474
yes, it's mine, thank you! I hope it wasnt too off topic to share it.
Anonymous 16489
>>16474You're so skilled, it's really cool!
Anonymous 16494
it's actually Wednesday now sooo
Readin' and browsin' cryscafe
just went out with grammy to get breakfast before I have to go back to university
Anonymous 16495
Drawing a cute boy.
Just had a breakfast.
Petite Meller, I wish she'd put out more songs
Anonymous 16497
>>16495>drawing a cute boyMay we see him?
Anonymous 16498

Chilling in bed
Nothing for now
Better than yesterday
Anonymous 16502

>>16497>>16499>tfw art on same level as hc brown tumblr shitP-pls no booly.
At least I'm not shilling myself as a pro.
Anonymous 16503
>>16502That's actually pretty cute, anon
Anonymous 16514
>>12278it's wednesday again!
>dointryin 2 learn songs on guitar and hurting my fingers
>feelanbig boredom but otherwise am good
>listenanbilly joel, my husband
Anonymous 16545
Wednesday ends for me soon, better hurry
f5ing my 2 imageboards, wrapped in a blanket, about to watch more Made in Abyss
comfy, braindead/sleepy/exhausted/not wanting to work tomorrow, missing a friend
xxxtentacion and lil pump today
Anonymous 16552
>>16502This is actually very good! Keep it up, anon.
Anonymous 16585
>>16467are you illuminati? that painting is 100% illuminati mkultra/monarch reprogramming
Anonymous 16712
>>16495I love looking at Petite Meller, she looks so interesting, kind of larme-looking
>>16502At first I thought "that looks VERY tumblr" but then I kept staring at it and now I quite like it. What witchcraft is this?
>>16585 Sorry, I'm not illuminati but now I learned something new, thanks
Anonymous 17909

hanging out with my cat, working on the pc a little
just drinking water
Somewhere only we know
Anonymous 17917

It's Wednesday again my girls, what y'all up to?
you know, chillin' killin', but really watching buzzfeed unsolved and listening to some music, actually chillin
just ate a fresh tomato from my garden, really good one
sad and lonely
2pac-hit em' up
Anonymous 17918
last minute packing for a trip I'm leaving for tomorrow
idk might grab some drive-thru before I leave?
anxious but excited, I'm full-on the summertime sads but still trying to keep on keepin' on
shit I didn't think of what to listen to on the drive, guess I'll wing it
Anonymous 17932
browsing lc /ot/. on twt
had some leftover chinese earlier.
tired and frustrated
vivid - heejin
Anonymous 17937
In doin' work for a holiday semester subject at uni
not the bestest… been rlly overworked.. so tired i just wanna curl up and go to bed
rlly into Japan (the band) at the moment! David Sylvian is my anime wife…
Anonymous 17953
laying in bed, texting a boy, trying to decide between runescape or finishing made in abyss
lactose free chocolate milk
exhausted and in physical pain
Anonymous 17980
>>17973I tore something around my shoulder at work.
On light duty, somehow it's so boring it made me even more tired than usual.
Anonymous 17983
>>17980I hope you get well soon, anon. Get some rest.
Anonymous 18465
bumping this for tomorrow
Anonymous 18622

Lying down on the floor before napping
Already ate 30 mins before
Tired as fuck, anxious about upcoming exams
The AC blasting (fuck you roommate)
Anonymous 18631
called out from work, browsing IBs before reading or playing stuff
spicy weeb ramen and green tea
lonely, a bit sad, mostly physical pain
Lucid Dreams by Juice WRLD (pls no bully)
Anonymous 18639

Listening to music
Just drinking water
Every little thing (Dishwalla)
Anonymous 18645
>>homemade cherry wine
Dumb question, but does it taste like cherry?
Anonymous 18668
How do you get the taste of yest out of your wine? I have had problem with this and even tough I use all those yeast stopper chemicals and such there is always a couple of millimeters of yeast on the bottom of my wine when I have had it bottled and placed in a cool place.
And yes I let it sit for a couple of weeks in a cold room so the yeast goes inactive and settles on bottom. I once were able to make killer sorbus wine though with none of that happening but I have no idea what I did right.
Anonymous 18672
Damn.. you are almost definitely right about this. I just let the yeast go inactive and then just take the top layers out from the fermentation bucket. I leave about 5 litres on the bottom where most of the yeast resides. I only do that siphoning once because I'm too thirsty for alcohol. Maybe I should try getting a real cheesecloth or something like that for filtering the wine or siphoning it maybe more than once. I'm pretty new to this too but my family has excess of berries in the autumn so I get creative with the stuff we can't fit in the freezers.
Can you post a picture of how clear your wine is? I would post mine but in the dark, long and dark winters I consume or sell almost all of my products so my storage is completely empty now.
Also I recommend trying lingo berries for wine. It's a painful and long process as the lingo berries have a tendency of killing yeast so you have to keep adding them in one cup per couple or so days. Infusion from these berries are to die for too. Just get a strong vodka and put some sugar and lingo berries in it for a couple of months and you won't believe how sweet and rich in taste that becomes. I use this method to make cheap liquors for myself from a moonshine my coworker makes.
Reading this all aloud made me realize that I may have a slight problem but I hate buying alcohol when I can make some tasty stuff in home.
Anonymous 18676

That colour and depth looks so perfect and tasty for a red wine. I'm jelly as fuck.
Next week all the berries should be ready but this damned heat might have caused the crops to fail so I just have to hope I get to make some for the long winter.
Keep me updated on your wines pretty please? It's one of my passions as a naturalist hippy wanna-be.
Anonymous 18678

Happy Wednesday everyone!
laying in bed listening to chill music, relaxing a bit and maybe i'll put on a movie
tasty water
kinda down, kinda melancholy but kinda chill, wishing i had somebody to hug and be comfy with right now
Cigarettes After Sex-John Wayne
Anonymous 18696

At a restaurant with my family
I want to die
Shitty rock the freaking Mexican restaurant is playing
Anonymous 18707

Getting ready to go to bed and zzz in a few minutes
Nothing. Going to brush my teeth soon.
Pretty good
Nothing, just the AC
Anonymous 18729
Waiting for my burger to come, I'm tragically eating alone, I've been busy studying
Hopefully a burger and potato gems soon
Very stressed by The Grind
grimes, alt 80s music
Anonymous 18743
>doinTrying to write my thesis that i'm already behind plans on, but all I keep doing is amassing maybe relevant papers
>eatanrondo keks maybe? I've torn the label off but its biscuit with a chocolate filling, way too much biscuit in the ratio though
>feelannot amazing, where I work English is everyone elses second language so I can feel very excluded sometimes and today's one of those days since a few times I made hints that I wanted to join the conversation but they kept going in their native language after giving me a cursory reply.
Oh also fat because it's very hot here and I gained some weight. When i'm out I vow to not eat until I'm thin, but once indoors I seem to forget all about it
>listenanI'm wearing earplugs, honestly silence is sometimes the sweetest. Otherwise i'm on a real St. Vincent kick. Also discovered goreshit which is sometimes nice.
Man i'm a real negative Nancy. It's not even Wednesday.
>>14407 oh the movie with Patrick Swayze (sp?) in it? That film is always such a pick me up, I love it.
Anonymous 18756

>doinwas nap. now more 3d model learning
>eatanpeanut butter sandwich with sliced banana and homemade jam
>feelanabstract feel wanting to cuddle and hold another girl. watch a movie under blanket but being bi is a sin because you are not allowed to love people.
>listenansome band from my country
https://youtu.be/522UlJX_NiA?t=26 Anonymous 20041

hiding in the bathroom at work playing on my phone
I want to cry and I want to die
bathroom fan
Anonymous 20045
>>20041>I want to cry and I want to diewhy?
Anonymous 20046
original (30).gif

talking a bit on discord, trying to settle for the heat to die down so i can go get my exercise
just ate some jules destrooper almond thins
tired as fuck, but mostly okay, i woke up kinda pissed off because of something but i'm better now
sufjas stevens-mystery of love
Anonymous 20051
I just finished folding some clothes. Just chilling now.
Hard boiled egg
I'm alright, I guess. A little moody, but everything's fine!
Vid related
Anonymous 20065

setting up my new phone, sewing a patch onto my bag, i should be typing my thesis however ;-;
nothing, however i just had dinner
anxious about the thesis i am not typing
a lets play series listening to my broken toilet drain of water every 30 seconds or so
Anonymous 20069

At work :')
My supervisor just brought in donuts.. and I know I shouldn't but I'm eating them
happy af cause I live in about 30mins and i'm off tomorrow!
to everyone's calls. I work in a call center.
Anonymous 20070
Watching utube
alright, but a bit in pain since i burned myself earlier while cooking
Anonymous 20460
bumping for tomorrow(today?)
Anonymous 20461
making some music files louder
Im about to go make some bacon and sausages
im feeling good, a little sick though
Anonymous 20463
me fighting hoes.g…

getting ready for my trip and talking with a friendo, trying to help them
coffee yum yum
angery and stressed as fucc
the psychedelic furs, love my way
Anonymous 20466

Just getting back home
Pretty noice
Power pop
Anonymous 20470
futzin' around before class
grapes & iced tea
vid related
Anonymous 20475

watching someone play detroit: become human
just had a croissant!
pretty good, got some fun plans today!!
youtube video I mentioned earlier
ngl anon, that beer sounds pretty good, especially since I'm a sucker for anything banana flavored.
Anonymous 21353

leaving class
Anonymous 21354

Trying to rest a little after a crazy morning
Good I guess
Goo goo dolls
Anonymous 21355
is wensday
browsing on lolcow and here
nothing. Oh but I made a nice pretzel fudge a few days ago, it was good
inspired and discouraged by a great artist's drawing
theres some classical concert on tv. Oh it just ended
Anonymous 21357
Called out from work sick but am actually not. My first plan was to neck myself once my roommate went to work
Now instead I'm walking slowly around downtown to buy some stuff to enjoy moping in bed with.
Latte rn, chocolate or pastries once home.
I want to listen to the Deathnote OST, but sadly only the rain atm
Anonymous 21358
also, happy wednesday brosisters and dudettes
Anonymous 21359

laying in bed
these shitty glazed chicken tendies from mcd's
fuckin awful
supermega lets plays
Anonymous 21381
checkin my lottery numbers
talking heads
Anonymous 21383
Reading, weed
>eat an
>feel an
Human league
Anonymous 21416
even tho it's not wednesday anymore i gotta do this cause tradition so
listening to a podcast and having an early dinner
chicken & potatoes
pretty alright. had a nice slow day, i might take a nap
Anonymous 21425

It's nearing the end of Thursday for me. Had a slow, unproductive day. I need to be semi-productive the next couple days though.
stayed in bed and played games most of the day
made tuna fried rice and it was pretty good. now eatan some fruitz and greek yogourt
pretty alright
have joel from vinesauce on in the background
Anonymous 21695
Wednesday posters are the most powerful on all of CC.
Riding the bus to work atm.
Sippin on chocolate milk.
Sleepy, comfy, mellow. I smoked some pot on my walk to the bus station and feel really nice but might be slow at work.
Nothin because no headphones.
Anonymous 21696

drinkin morning coffee
had a bagel for breakfast
stress about my midterms
new Mitski album
Anonymous 21698
Out with my friends, going to a park
Kinder chocolate, it's so nice!
Sean Kingston - fire burning (classic)
Anonymous 21701
just got back from my therapist appointment so i'm browsing CC before I finish watching this old movie I started last night
nothing because i'm trying to lose weight
although probably about to go grab a cheese stick and some cold water so i don't get too hungry and binge-eat later on in the day
vaguely optimistic because i'm starting a new job next week and it will be nice to have spending money again and not be stressed out by finances 100% of the time.
also a little better after talking to my therapist because our last appointment was pretty bad but at least i didn't cry a bunch this time.
also cold, because i'm right underneath the air-conditioning unit.
to this loud-ass air-conditioning unit atm but it's about to be a bunch of old-timey actors speaking french.
Anonymous 21702

Resting between sets/Lifting weights
Nuttin, just drinking water
Sweaty, strong, albeit sore
The gym radio
Anonymous 21704
watching life is strange 2 gameplay
pretty good but a little weird since I start school soon
just the vid im watching
Anonymous 21709
>doinlaying in bed, I have to go sleep
>eatannothing but earlier today I ate some icecream mixed with plain yoghurt and I really recommend it because it's not too sweet and it doesn't leave you thirsty after eating it and also you don't feel so bad because it doesn't have as much calories as plain icecream
>feelansome acidic feeling in my stomach
>listenanto kids playing outside and muffled traffic
>>21701Good luck on your new job!
Anonymous 21710

reading posts
Anonymous 22033
It is wednesday my brosisters
On bus heading to work. I took one a little earlier in order to get a coffee and 420 blaze it before clocking in.
Pretty heartbroken. I'm hurting but it's getting better.
Runeacape soundtrack
Anonymous 22034
>>12278I'm very ill because I think my job overworked me and I worked 5 days bank holiday weekend nonstop so a little down I can't be productive today, instead I'm taking it easy!
I want mac and cheese….
Anonymous 22036
watching csgo and looking at some real funky life forms
some tuna pasta soon
i feel good and energised
Anonymous 22043

browsin cc and playing some l4d2 to distract my mind
tasty h2o
kinda shit tbh, angry and also exhausted as fuck, also tired of dealing with a lot of dramu in my life
Anonymous 22044
>>22043the zoidberg mod is one of my favourites for that game
Anonymous 22048
sittan on a couch at work though I should be workan
nothing atm, but there's these walnut sugar solid candies that I'm tempted by
comics alternative podcast. for a PhD graduate, he's not that critical of media, lmao.
Anonymous 22052
mindlessly browsing the internet, trying to distract myself. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow to distract myself some more.
nothing, finished eating pumpkin a while ago
some ambient music
Anonymous 22053
>dointrying to study but none of it makes sense
>eatanspinach/mixed salad
>feelanmildly stressed
>listenanmy study playlist but this is the actual current song (
Anonymous 22055

Browsing the web, waiting for my bf
Nothing but I wish I was eating sweets
Not sure yet but I guess I'm going to listen to some soft rock
Anonymous 22059
>>22057I wish I knew, anon! I found it ages ago, prolly on Pinterest. Sorry.
Anonymous 22060
>>22059it's ok! have a lovely time with the bf!
Anonymous 22089

Watching Netflix and playing ACNL.
Water but I'll probably eat some cereal in a bit.
Pretty comfy.
To the movie "To all the boys I've loved before".
Anonymous 22278
>doinAbout to buy a steam game
>eatanSome fruits
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju4yDEY89C8 Anonymous 22385

Sitting next to my sister, waiting for another family member to show up. We're at a restaurant.
Nothing yet
People talk
Anonymous 22387

getting ready for the day
breakfast: bagel and coffee
sleepy, I need to stop being on my phone before bed
the sound of the dishwasher running
Anonymous 22389
large (8).jpg

about to study for a bit (hopefully), browsing discord and going thru the interwebs
orange candy
exhausted, i wanna work out but i'm too exhausted and sick to do so reee
english girls-the maine
Anonymous 22396

Painting stuff for a cosplay
Spiced veggies, potato salad, roasted seaweed, and rice with shredded chicken. Late lunch.
Pretty meh tbh. And tired cuz I slept like shit.
Fortnite: Battle Royale vids on youtube
Anonymous 22680
It's past midnight here so why the fuck not
Posting on CC and the farms
I just chugged a cucumber and aloe smoothie and am about to indulge in some wine my brother gifted me the other day (thank you based bro)
Lonely as fuck and a bit sad but okay. I figure I may as well get used to my own company again.
To the ambient noise of my house and neighborhood.
Anonymous 23600
trying to write the introduction paragraph for my essay. fml.
like i have a lot to do but no motivation to do it! awesome
just watching some vids on youtube in the background while i try to think of how to start off my essay
Anonymous 23602

Supposed to be packing my things and cleaning up. Got caught in an f5 loop.
Boring, melancholic, comfy
To the breathing of a girl who fell asleep during a discord call
Anonymous 23604

talking on discord, playing games and listening to music
worst i've felt in days, but slightly better than this morning
black keys-the only one
Anonymous 23605

mending clothes
nothing, but thinking about what to make for dinner
mixed about tomorrow, last first day of school
kids see ghosts
Anonymous 23606
Being lazy after a day full of errands.
Sourdough toast with a little mayo, tomato, and pepper
High of painkillers
90s dance music
Anonymous 23609

its 11:30 here so technically still wednesday
watching youtube vids because i cant sleep
nothing right now and almost nothing the entire day ;3; im trying to lose weight tho
i feel like i have so many disorders that i also feel like im maybe a hypochondriac or something but that would just be another disorder and AAAAAAAAA
unlucky morpheus recently released album "change in generation" 10/10
Anonymous 23841
large (5).jpg

first wednesday of october!
browsing mods for l4d2 and watching youtube, relaxing after a stressful afternoon
coffee flavoured almond milk
in pain but otherwise p chill
sleeping with sirens- james dean & audrey hepburn acoustic version
Anonymous 23844

waiting for bf to come back from work and watching youtube
mint drop
yt video
Anonymous 23847
sitting around in a blanket catchin up on crystal cafe
orange juice and a chicken tender with honey mustard on it
im sick. my nose is stopped up and my throat is sore and it took me until 1pm to get out of bed today
ghost duet.
for ten hours goddammit.
Anonymous 23848
Sitting with my cat, putting off making a call(gonna force myself after this post)
Me and my dad are about to have some squash!
I'm good today. Missing someone, homesick and in culture shock, but feeling upbeat.
Anonymous 23855

Relaxing after school. Probably going to doodle later and do some laundry.
Corn chips…when I should be eating salad
Anxious, angry about allergies
News about the sims
Anonymous 23861
Looking at overcooked 2 dlc
Choccy milk
I'm very warm and it's making me uncomfortable
bladee- trial
Anonymous 23862

At work counting down the minutes til I leave (in about 25mins)
nothing sad.jpg
excited because I'm off tomorrow and I'm possible going to go see the new My Hero Academia Movie
The type of keyboards becauuse I work in a call center
Anonymous 23874
wasting away because depresshun ayyy
random shit
like a sack of unwanted potatoes
pointless youtube video #81492
Anonymous 23886
browsing cc and youtube
just brushed my teeth!
not bad, pretty sleepy
cherry glazerr
Anonymous 23946

>>12278>doindrinkin, considering going /nightwalk/ as the thots and chads exit clubs
>eatanhad a bratwurst at Oktoberfest on a date
>feelanalone in a state where i know no one and really want friends
>listenanMOTM1 and some Lauryn Hill
Anonymous 23949

studying for driver's test
pic related
mixture of comfy, depressed and confused
synthwave playlists on youtube
Anonymous 23951
>>23862I went to go see the movie! It was amazing
Anonymous 24200

browsing the web
we're gonna have soup soon
bf play pokemon
Anonymous 24201

watching youtube and packing
very down, exhausted and numb
troye sivan-fools
Anonymous 24204

sketchin some qt classmates
anxious about a test, kind of had a sad day overall. almost cried on the bus like an idiot.
trashy youtube GRWM
Anonymous 24207

switching between reviewing for a test tomorrow + lurking / posting on other chans
gonna have mac & cheese soon
Anonymous 24211

school work as a means of procrastinating on applying to jobs
just had some mac n cheese
anxious as fuck
New Compassion - Haerts
Anonymous 24226
Waiting for someone so we can play a videogayme until her bedtime
Nothin, I think I've been eating a total of one time when replying to the Wednesday thread
I felt terrible all day. I walked to get an icecream cone to feel better but there was a hair in the center of it so I got mad and threw it as far as I could. I feel a bit better.
Anonymous 24227

listening to music!! it's so fun!!
just had a strawburry mikshake
scarling <3
Anonymous 24449

playing vidya and listening to music
just drank some hot cacaolat
very upset, sad, and hurt
all signs point to the lauderdale-a day to remember
Anonymous 24452

tryna study mang
biscuits & tea
like I'm getting sick? FUQ
MICO - Departure
Anonymous 24454

browsing le web
peppermint tea
nothing atm
Anonymous 24457

>doinWatching Amelie for the first time.
>feelanInfatuated, romantic, nervous, etc.
>listenanMy small room heater making white noise in the background
>>24449Why are you hurt?
Anonymous 24462

having a beer & chilling after work
so tired. i thought it was thursday all day :((
Illinois - Sufjan Stevens
Anonymous 24489
sitting on computer, gonna play runescape
kielbasa and energy drink
I was thrown an unexpected curveball yesterday concerning my entire plans for the future and I've been a mess ever since
brian jonestown massacre atm
Anonymous 24506

browsing through horror movies. i've started keeping track of every one i watch so i can rank them more honestly.
water with honey in it
it's been over 10 years and i'm still sad i couldn't save luis
Anonymous 24508
>>24506pls tell me some horror movie recommendations, i feel like i've gone through all the ones on netflix and i need fresh meat
Anonymous 24542

>>24508Yeah, Netflix doesn't have too much
good horror. I find Amazon has a much wider selection. Here are some that I enjoyed:
>1974 Horror HighPrecursor to Revenge of the Nerds.
>1983 Sleepaway Camp Camp slasher.
>1984 Silent Night, Deadly NightChristmas slasher.
>1985 Return of the Living DeadZombies and punks.
>1987 Blood RageMental asylum escapee slasher.
>1989 SocietyTeenager syndrome.
>1997 CubeFeatures a cube and people trapped in it.
>2002 MaySocially awkward woman looks for love.
>2009 The Loved OnesGirl looks for love.
If you want more recommendations or you've seen these, let me know. I haven't finished organizing my list yet.
Anonymous 24571

browsing discord groups and random message boards
a little too hot
the doors - hello i love you
Anonymous 24585

>doinPreparing to play some heroes of the storm. LAter on, I'm gonna make something for an architectural project.
>eatanNot really onto it. But thinking on making some pasta later on.
And thinking about drinking some whiskey, just for relaxing.
>feelingWell, I feel kinda tired, have some little pain on my back, Im feeling lonely, kinda anxious in general.. but quite confortable, I think.
>listeningFrom this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ehpe7b4fX8To this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aah5IeW_Xy4Something between jazzy and funky, mostly.
I dunno if only drawn stuff should be posted, but whatever. Anonymous 24926
>be a nurse
>Walk past 5/10 patient, slightly swathy, greasy black hair which I need
>Doctors doing something with his balls
>I notice how small his penis is
>I think I'm out of earshot, tell my kind of friend there it's only 4 inches and have a giggle
>The guy, I think he was called Lachlan or something stiffens
>I think he heard
>Never said anything luckily
What if I loose my job?
Anonymous 24928

watching pic related
drinking tea
good! missing my bf, he's at work
pic related again
Anonymous 24929
>>24926is 4 inch flaccid small? don't penises grow to like twice their size?
Anonymous 25017

In class working on a stupid monologue. I’m a pretty good writer I guess I just don’t like doing it, it’s very tedious to me.
Nothing, had lunch at around 10:40 and I don’t get home until like 4:00and I hate eating in front of other people so I wait till I get home
Miserable, my family is religious and my cousin wants me to go to church with him tonight but I’m so antisocial and just want to sleep
Currently just eavesdropping on everyone’s conversations while browsing cc, I don’t have any friends in this class so this is what I mostly do when I’m not working on anything
Anonymous 25061
happy wednesday everyone
going to bathe and then work on some runescape quests the rest of the day
hardboiled eggs and green tea
TheGuyWithTheRobe vocal covers on youtube
Anonymous 25075
Getting my ass slowly ready for the gym
A bit down. I just had a midterm and I failed it for sure.
Myself typing
Anonymous 25078
>>24926Honestly you should be if true. Highly inappropriate. I hope this is a troll.
Anonymous 25090
>>24929I'm so confused by anon's giggle. Bf has 4 inch, hell, maybe even 3 inch dick that grows to be 6.5ish inches hard.
>>25045I had a giggle at your first concern, anon.
Australians can sound butt-uggo.
Anonymous 25174
>>24926He's probably not gonna do anything because he's not gonna tell anyone you laughed at his penis size, but that was really mean of you.
Anonymous 25192
>>24926>all the anons responding to this baitKek
Anonymous 25510

No Wednesday posters? Too busy being spooky?
Eating supper and relaxing.
Fish, potatoes, and spinach.
I have an infection but I'm feeling okay overall. It was nice to see some trick-or-treaters on my way home today, super cute! I miss being a kid sometimes.
A video criticizing advertisements.
Anonymous 25512

only drinking green tea, but going to have a snack (egg, a bit of persimmon) soon
tired, but excited because after exams I'm going to visit my bf's family for diwali
Anonymous 25513
yamada halloween.p…

chatting with my best friend
drinking lemon water
kinda cold tbh, but good
rupaul's born naked (don't judge pls)
Anonymous 25524
rewatching skins uk
wine and benzo, bout to make some egg
Anonymous 25528

grinding xp in my videogay
relief but my jaw and head hurt so bad, new perfect mouth
final fantasy 10 soundtrack atm
Anonymous 25530
>>25528I'm glad everything went safely and well, tooth-anon.
Anonymous 25550

my chips crunch
Anonymous 25911

>dointrying to make a statement for a performance i'm doing
>eatannothin'. but have a real craving for cold/leftover baked chicken
>feelansick, worried about time.
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y7m2vpDkH8 Anonymous 25915

>>25911I love that painting
>doinwasting some time before I go to college
>eatannothing, for breakfast I had corn porridge, tea and a donut and now I am so. full.
>feelansome pain in my head from tiredness
>listenanto nothing, if you don't count the sound of machines outside
Anonymous 25918
UP THE ENTIRE NIGHT BEING A NEET LOSER. Caps used to emphasize my energy levels, my brain feels like a motor engine
little Debbie cream filled cupcake things
like such shit but also amazing. I feel complete despair about who I am and the position I am in yet made an amazing breakthrough and confession a few hours ago and like I am ready to move on and fix this slump I am in and finally accept myself
random weeb stuff I couldn't even tell you what this song is titled because it's written in anime runes
Anonymous 25922

>doinrunescape, sipping coffee and browsing people argue online
>feelansuper sleepy and numb
>listenancorbin - giving up
>>25918good luck on fixing your slump
Anonymous 25923
>>25922I made 1.2 mil doing hunter tonight feels good. Not doing slayer tasks again until Bandos gear.
>good luck on fixing your slumpty ty brosis
Anonymous 25930

browsing the web after breakfast
just had a capuccino
alright but could be better
nothing yet, i don't listen to music this early in the morning
Anonymous 25942
>doinPlaying Nier
>eatanSome oatmeal
>feelanYesterday I realized that the reason I always respond to people in non-substantial ways is probably because I'm scared of committing; like when somebody would flirt with me I'd respond in a way that neither confirms nor refutes interest on my behalf, but as wittily as possible, so as to make the conversation move on smoothly. Feeling good though.
>listenanhttps://youtu.be/pQrQEmClpWc Anonymous 25949

studying, and afk fishing in maplestory 2
just ate a blood orange oikos and some homemade cookies, p good
stressed and very sick
sous le ciel de paris- edith piaf
Anonymous 25955

>>12278>doinFeeling sorry for myself because I can't fucking do any of the assignment questions ffs
>feelanLike shit. I hate this fucking school term. I feel like I'm going to fail my courses and … I can't. I want to die.
>listenanAmbient noise from school hall
Anonymous 25967
lachlan's nursepos…

>>24926Go to bed Lockie, you don't need to live like this.
Anonymous 25983

Anonymous 26427
trying to update my dad's GPS for him because he is a literal boomer
smoked sausage, cheetos, energy drinks
sleepy, hungry, cranky, but feeling good about my skin today.
dragon ball Z stuff
Anonymous 26439
pasta for dinner
like shit cuz I overate and feel like I'm regressing in trying to stop binging
semi-watching binging with babish in the background
Anonymous 27102

Waiting for class to start
I just finished a cappuccino
Bad, I just witnessed a conventionally attractive girl flirting with a skelly brown guy and realized I'm fucked and will be alone forever because not only am I weird looking I also have a shitty personality
He doesn't even have an attractive face himself. No one is safe.
People chattering amongst themselves
Anonymous 27114
- Remote call center job
- coffee
- Bollywood soundtracks
- excited about tomorrow
Anonymous 27119
trying to muster up the willpower to finish many writing assignments that are due today before I go into work
nothing but I just ate some ice cream. am drinkan coffee
pleasantly alone, but pathetic because of my choices that have affected my life
Still Corners - The Trip
Anonymous 27128
studying, I have a test tomorrow
cup noodles
a little scared about the test and a little happy because I am eating my delicious cup noodles I wish I could eat them daily
nothing right now
Anonymous 27136
Wednesday girl that deleted her post please come back.
Just woke up.
Bluebery yogurt and coffee. We are out of bread for now.
Not sure.
my cat is saying good morning
Anonymous 27140
playing sims, making grocery lists at hoe foods
half a everything bagel creme cheese
bored..waiting for hubby to stop playing vidya and play me
pom pom whining
Anonymous 27156
giphy (4).gif

At work booo
just got through eating pretzels
p good I leave in about an hour
To keyboards and phones cause I work in a call center
Anonymous 27160

Just got off work
One single beer
Ready for my 4 day weekend
The Early November - Tell Me Why
Anonymous 27177
I'm on my lunch break.
Just finished an apple, moving on to my sandwich.
It's time to change jobs.
To the cars and wind outside
Anonymous 27178
>>27161rolling rock is fucking delicious
Anonymous 27655

(Same pic because apparently my post from last week was deleted?)
>doinFaffin' about until time to workout and shower.
>eatanHad a bagel and espresso.
>feelanTired because I didn't sleep well. The upstairs neighbors were shitting around which made the bf irritated and it kept us up all night.
>listenanCatching up on google play recommended releases so a bunch of random shit.
>>27136>>27137I didn't repost because it was already Thursday when I saw your responses, but cheers friends.
Anonymous 27656

sitting in my room, thinking about my future.
bagels, yummy!
sad and disappointed.
the cure — boys don't cry
Anonymous 27663
original (16).gif

listening to music and overthinking shit
just finished eating a yoghurt and drank some cider
terrible physically, conflicted mentally
coasts-let me love you
Anonymous 27668

gonna go study right now even though it's late but I got a test tomorrow and I don't feel tired so I'm confident I'll be able to learn something
maoam candy, it's so good, my aunt brought them for me from Austria, the pinballs are especially delicious, 10/10 do recommend
slightly motivated by the will to learn but at the same time slightly demotivated by my failures. Also still impressed that my friend can write poems, they were really good. And finally, thankful for crystal.cafe's spellchecking ability.
nothing but I think I'm gonna try listening to another new band today.
Anonymous 27676

Sketchin a dog for a friend
Just a green tea
Pretty okay
Some goofy youtube guy with cute eyes talk about whatever
Anonymous 27695
in bed
Anonymous 28096

Happy Odin/Woden/Wotan's day my dudettes
In bed. Going to do some grocery shopping soon after getting ready.
ate cheetos, what a terrible lulzy breakfast
groggy, but happy I woke up early in the morning and fixed this unregulated doom sleep schedule. Going to be cranky and short fused all day but, I'm at my happiest and most productive waking up between 5am and 8am.
Anonymous 28099

just waking up, sitting in the office with my bf
pretty good especially cause we had morning sex
nothing yet
Anonymous 28109

been playing the sims 4 for the last 6 hours
awful. Period cramps makes me feel so sluggish
the annoying build mode songs on sims 4
Anonymous 28111

>doin Bumming around the uni after finishing my first exam
>eatanFrench fries
>feelanRelieved that my next 4 exams will be more about memorization/facts and don't require practice
>listenanPeople talking. Crowd noise.
>>28109>playing the sims for 6 hoursGod I wish that were me (hope your cramps improve!).
Anonymous 28113

going to shower post-workout
gonna make lunch of egg salad after
mixture of post-exercise good but also shit because it doesn't come easy and makes me feel like a soft sack of garbage, also sad that my favorite cup (pic related) cracked when I put hot water in
King Princess
Anonymous 28120

volunteering, reading the sailor moon manga
nothin' although i had pasta earlier
like i should be doing something productive
Anonymous 28122
resting for an hour before i proceed to work
frozen grapes
grimes - venus fly
Anonymous 28153
trynna finish some homework before taking a shower
nothing. just ate some bread.
super tired and gross. groggy is a good word. woke up feeling sick and dealing w/ my period. in dire need of a shower.
nothing. feel to sick/my mind feels to cloudy and numb to really listen to anything now.
Anonymous 28446
A Wednesday bump for the Wednesday thread so that Wednesday dudettes will see it tomorrow morning to give their Wednesday replies before carrying on with their Wednesday activities under the Wednesday sun.
Anonymous 28448

>>28446thank you
>doinmaking tea
>feelan hungerrrrr also my eyes burn
>listenanto the water boiler noises
Anonymous 28452

browsing the web
capuccino my bf made
nothing yet
Anonymous 28454
Sittin' here
Kind of scared and anxious about surgery tomorrow but it needs to happen
cruel angel's thesis, lol
Anonymous 28463

>doinI should be doing some last minute review before my next exam, but here I am
>eatanCoffee with SUGAR which is GROSS
but I love my mom for making it for me so I can't pour it…
>feelanNervous both about school and some personal matters
Also want a bf, which is a constant mood
>listenanMy small room heater making white noise
>>28454What's the surgery for, ano?
Anonymous 28465

>>28463>What's the surgery for, ano?They're gonna fuck my shit up. I can give no other details.
Anonymous 28471
>>28454Good luck for the surgery anon, let us know how it goes <3
Anonymous 28472
>>28471Thanks. I'll be sure to give an update.
Anonymous 28474

>doinclicking around aimlessly online, half heartedly considering how i want to spend the rest of the month.
>eatanjust had some syrupy sweet shit from starbucks…starting to regret it
>feelanpleased. finals are over & i'm sure i did well.
along with that, the usual numbness.
>listenanhttps://youtu.be/kYZjsVO1YFk Anonymous 28477

taking the bus home
nothing, but gonna make cauliflower nachos for dinner
weirdly drained even though today wasn't terrible, but I will feel a lot better after a work project is completed tomorrow
Death Valley Girls
Anonymous 28479

homework and studying for finals.
nothing. I want coffee but im broke
lonely. wish I had a bf to cuddle with and talk to rn.
to the music the person a floor below me is playing
Anonymous 28482
[HorribleSubs] Jin…

Studying for my CS final tomorrow
rice and beans
Slight anxiety that comes with finals. Also rage at a sociology professor of mine for giving contradictory and vague guidelines for all our work, and for being condescending. I will leave a negative review on rate my professor, passive-aggressive style.
Anonymous 28528
>>28511All things considered I think I did pretty well. I know I made a few stupid mistakes on a couple of the multiple choice problems but other than that the test was easier than I thought it'd be. Thanks for asking!
Anonymous 28885
hungry corbin.jpg

Looking at new pc parts. I need a new cpu, mobo and ram. Gonna get a new monitor too
Toast and coffee
I have a UTI so I wanna die yano
Anonymous 28887
>>28885It's so cool that you know hardware stuff. I need to replace my ~7 year old cheap laptop and I'm thinking of buying a pc but I don't even know what to look for or what specs are important. Feels bad, man.
Anonymous 28889
>>28887is the pc just for general use?
also, if you plan on buying parts and putting it together,
https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/ is a good site to do it on. It lets you know if the parts are compatible
Anonymous 28891

getting ready to do the dishes and watch a couple yt videos
just had ginger tea and pb toast
nothing yet
Anonymous 28913

reading a book. I just realized what a weird word animal is. animal. An animal. So weird
I just had 2 pieces of chocolate because my stomach hurts and I thought it would help but it didn't :c
stomach pain
Anonymous 28914
making lunch, then mending some clothes and working on 2019 journal set up
vegetables with couscous salad
tired because I got home late last night and didn't sleep that ewll
vid related
Anonymous 28937
>>28914I haven't had couscous in so long that I'm not really sure when it last was. You've ignited a hunger in me.
In what ways are you mending your clothes? I have a skirt I'd like to tailor but idek where to start. I think the last time I used a sewing machine, I was in middle school at my friend's grandma's house and we made pillow cases and mine was not beautiful at all.
Anonymous 29210
>doin'Playing Dwarf Fortress and C:DDA between games of League.
>eatan'Unsalted peanuts, Shin Black ramen, and a cup of Spearmint and Wintergreen tea.
>feelan'Pretty good. Got art of my cute OC a few days ago.
>listenan'https://youtu.be/_Xu30tYn0D0 Anonymous 29240
sitting with cat
like shit
have the OP of madoka magica stuck in my head
Anonymous 29652

happy first wednesday of 2019 my dudettes!
studying, making phonecalls and talking with the bf
not eatin, but drinkin cider
neutral mostly, kinda stressed
carly rae jepsen - run away with me
Anonymous 29653

>doinbrowsing le web, hanging out with my bb while he eats a bowl of lentils
>eatanjust had ^
>feelanpretty good
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyoV1FyaqpM Anonymous 29655
>doinpreparing to get my ass on this schedule i've set
>eatanjust had a hashbrown
>feelandead, but in a good way
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUzBfBqbSmc Anonymous 29673

>doinbrowsing internet, playing vidya, the usual. gonna continue watching space patrol luluco with bf later
>eatanchocolate truffles left over from christmas
>feelanwanting attention, could be better
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9VGsYwD_Us Anonymous 29675

making some custom themes for discord
my shoulder has been in pain all day
Anonymous 29683

Trading in eve online. I usually fly around and doing some PvE instead of trading, but after new year it became more dangerous, so i decided… ahh, whom i try to trick… I'm just happy, because i bought a purple skin for a ship and spinning it in dock.
canned corn and beans
lofi hip-hop ofc
Anonymous 29888

Just sitting in my dark room wasting time not giving a fuck because my life just sucks
nothing. just having diet coke, I'm starving myself.
Shit. I barely want to live.
Archive - Fuck you
Anonymous 29889
>>29888It is not wednesday my dudette
Why does your life suck? How old are you?
Anonymous 29910
>>29888> diet coke> starvingThat's not how it's supposed to work
Anonymous 29911
>>29910Yeah, I'm bmi 14. I think I know how this works.
Anonymous 29919

>>29888You're depressed and feeling like shit because you don't eat and are starving yourself on purpose. Eat.
Anonymous 29920

>>29911And i'm muscular gay black man, who works as rocket scientist and fitness trainer and i say it don't works this way.
Anonymous 29926
>>29920What the fuck is your problem? Try having 100-600 calories a day for 3 months and see what happens. And what do you call having one meal a day or nothing but liquids all day if not starving? I mean, semantics I guess but damn you are a moron.
>>29919I'm depressed and feeling like shit because life sucks and I'm still too fat so I'm not eating.
Anonymous 29927
>>29926>BMI 14>still too fatplease, please go to a doctor. Do you truly want to die like you said? Because that is what's going to happen
But please go to a doctor, and I mean a psychiatrist.
Anonymous 29928
>>29927I already did and was sectioned earlier this year. They weight restored me but I lost the weight again. Recovery didn't work because it's too late to save me anymore. I don't really care whether I die or not, there's nothing out for me anyway.
Anonymous 29929
>>29928Earlier last year I meant. Sorry I forgot its 2019 now.
Anonymous 29930
>>29928I hope you do not die anyway. I know you have heard this a thousand times like everyone probably but you are a part of other people's lives too, and if you die they will miss you and regret it, I know everyone then thinks "but I'm not a big part of anyone's life - I have no friends etc etc." but that is not true. If not for yourself at least please live for the sake of those people. My friend killed herself when we were 14 (which was incredibly stupid and I just want to punch her in the face), she had no consideration for her family, for her many friends which she probably thought disliked her or something, she was a big part of all of our lives.
And it leaves everyone feeling like "why did she do this!? Could I have helped her? Why didn't I do anything?" - people are more willing to help than you realize, but you have to ask for help (I know, institutions are not the best help. Maybe a friend is better).
Sorry if I annoyed you with my preaching, but I would rather say something that not say anything. I know I would be annoyed too if some rando told me how to live my life too but I really wish to make you reconsider, dying is such a stupid thing to do.
Anonymous 29931
>>29930Don't apologize. You are coming from a good place and I appreciate that and I'm sorry what happened to your friend.
I don't have anyone thought. The world doesn't give a damn about me. Some people just don't belong here. Some are just so rotten and unlovable. I still try my best everyday (which is not as you can see, I can't even eat), even though life is pain and hope fails.
Anonymous 30004

sitting and waiting for my next class. I forgot that one was cancelled and missed a large chunk of ti.e when I could have gone out and run some errands…
Nervous and tired.
The building making weird sounds.
Anonymous 30005
Wasting time on the internet. Nothing new about that.
Just had a pot of Chai. Will probably have a pot of peppermint tea in the afternoon. I'm waiting until dinner to eat.
Bored. I mainly lurk so if it takes wasting a few minutes posting I must be really bored.
I'm going through exist(I don't know how to make the little cross symbol in the name)trace's catalog on Spotify right now. Decent Japanese metal band with a powerful female vocalist.
Anonymous 30007
>>30005whats the difference between chai and tea
Anonymous 30008
>>30007Chai is a type of tea with a stronger dried ginger flavor and cloves. Tastes spicier than your standard green tea. The Chai I have right now is an Indian traditional Masala Chai.
Anonymous 30010
>>30008Ah yes masala is cool
thx anon i never knew that
Anonymous 30011
>>30007You're welcome. I'm always happy to talk tea.
Anonymous 30012
>>30010Oops I mislinked. This
>>30011 was for you. Sorry.
Anonymous 30020

Watchin anime
Salad with sour creme
Anonymous 30022

trying to distract myself from complicated feels
bulgur salad
regret, irritation, grief
my own angry stomach gurgling
Anonymous 30027
Eating, thinking about the order of ingredients that will go in my stew, planning out my night, thinking about renting a movie on Youtube
Chicken, mushroom stirfry with veg and rice
Very full, tired, annoyed, stressed
Juno by Life Without Buildings
Anonymous 30040

watching critikals video on r kelly
nik naks
my bladder feels weird so a strong 4/10
was uli k
Anonymous 30050
winding down for bed. I'll read something for an hour, then sleep'
Nothing, had chicken soup for dinner.
My fingerpads hitting LED
Anonymous 30051
watching some aoe3 youtube vidz
just had some chicken n rice
alright. seein friends later
to the vid
Anonymous 30052
going to get ready to go to bed soon
Anonymous 30073

I posted in a Wed thread on a Friday, watchu gonna do now eh?
Anonymous 30077
>>28937Polite sage since it's not a Wednesday and I figure I will forget to reply again week after week. (Sort of thank you to
>>30073 for the bump)
Couscous is so convenient, from how easy it is to make and versatile it can be for meals. Go for it anon.
I patched some jeans and re-attached some straps on a couple dresses. I hand sew things because I don't have access to a sewing machine, but like all skills it takes practice to get decent results. Maybe look into hand sewing videos for tips?
Anonymous 30310

Sitting and waiting for my next class…and to catch a fleeting glance at the guy I'm attracted to since his geo class gets out soon lel
Nothing. Want a smoothie.
Tired but okay.
People having an indecipherable chat nearby.
Anonymous 30311

About to catch the bus.
Gonna eat a biscuit before class since it pushes my lunch late.
Sleep-deprived, the neighbors are loud and inconsiderate with the 4 am sex.
Anonymous 30312
planning. gonna read higurashi for an hour, then study.
just had a bowl of cereal.
Anonymous 30313
>>30310cool picture wheres it from?
Anonymous 30314
I just read all my otome games I'm gonna start studying now
candied ginger, it's very good
Slipknot, I used to be a big fan back when I was an edgy teenager and now, listening to the full albums, the self titled album is actually pretty good especially considering it was their debut album. I feel kinda guilty for still enjoying it though
Oh their new song is pretty good too, I am definitely interested in their next album now.
Anonymous 30316

>>30313Art by Kaneoya Sachiko!
Idk the story behind her characters, but it may be made clear in the English release of her artbook. Any sac fans know anything?
Anonymous 30318
>>30314I love ginger and I love candy. Will I love candied ginger? Basically I'm asking what it tastes like.
Anonymous 30319
>>30318It tastes like fire just like normal ginger but the texture is softer, it's not sweet although it's 3/4 sugar actually. I think it's delicious, it was a little pricey though.
Also I put ginger powder on cooked eggs one time, it was pretty good, you should try it.
Anonymous 30320
>>30319I love sushi ginger (pickled slices?) and ginger the ingredient so it's probably right up my alley. I'm going to check online to see if I can get some candied ginger shipped to me. Thank you.
Anonymous 30325

Playing Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story on SNES
Drinking herbal tea with honey
Comfy feels. Wanna rewatch SM, but need to download 1 tb of working shit first. So, i'll do it tommorow
Fallout FM android app
Anonymous 30328
in my bed writing my book
nothing rn
kinda neutral and tired
calming subliminal shit
Anonymous 30471
I'm that person who was eating candied ginger before and today I bought canned tuna and stupidly I forgot to buy bread so in order to not eat tuna just by itself I got the geniusly disgusting idea of putting candied ginger in it, and it's sooo good. I guess it's like desecrated sushi in a way.
That's all, I just wanted to ruin your appetite for you all. see you on wednesday
Anonymous 30673

Crying my eyes out
Just had some toast
The Smiths - Asleep
I'm hurting so bad… Reality is pain. Life is so fucking horrible, sisters. I don't want to exist. I shouldn't exist. I'm just so fucking useless.
Anonymous 30681
>>30673Hey honey, what happened?
Everything is gonna be okay. I promise <3
Anonymous 30683
reading shimanami tasogare while I go over my syllabus and fill out my google calendar
nothing, I'm drinking water though
like shit :D!
Lizzo - Juice
Anonymous 30684
Doin: Crocheting a blanket
Eatan: beef & broccoli
Feelan: cozy
Listenan: Garth Brooks, greatest hits
It is cold, rainy, but I am snug & happy
Anonymous 30687
gonna have paneer masala when bf gets home
vid related
Anonymous 30874

drinking coffee
had oatmeal with strawberries for breakfast
tired, want the caffeine to kick in
dishwasher sounds
Anonymous 30875

Sitting and sweating
NERVOUS since I'm going to confront my "crush" (sounds juvenile, but that's what it is) in just over an hour. I was confident last night but now I'm gonna poop my pants.
Rilo Kiley
Anonymous 30877

>doinprocrastinating :^). gonna push studying to six & read a vn / play new vegas instead. though i really shouldn't. haha
>eatannothing. but i'm about to make a grilled cheese.
>feelannumb. but in a good way.
sorta nostalgic too, i miss the old net.
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kz6hNDlEEg Anonymous 30880
My eyes BURN
White noise
Anonymous 30907
Anonymous 31067

drinkin coffee and about to take a shower
had oatmeal
a little on edge, like I won't be able to keep up on top of all my tasks for long
fan noise
Anonymous 31068
Thinking about why an arborescence is a matroid and how the MCA problem can be reduced to the matroid intersection problem fuck me
Just drinking coffee
Like a wreck. I have two assignments due tomorrow, another on Friday (which I haven't started), and I have to prepare for a job phone call…… aghhhhhhhhhh
direct link'd
Anonymous 31071

made a stressful phone call and set up an ultrasound appointment for my cat
yakisoba and red bull, wwwwwwww
still not "over" getting dumped six months ago - not crying about it, but not okay with it either
cat purring
Anonymous 31073

>doinreviewing for tomorrow's exam
>eatanmint 5 gum.
>feelankind of stoopid & dejected.
i majorly fucked up my c++ homework ( basically wrote 2 void statements to do something that should have been accomplished with a class ). i still don't understand constructors or classes or any of that. but hopefully i will by the end of the day ;_;>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uRCeaLmxJoi've had this on loop since monday…for some reason
Anonymous 31074

>>30875how was your crush consultation/confrontation?
>doinabout to go to a meeting. trying to injest as much coffee as possible beforehand
>listenanoffice noises and rain
Anonymous 31075

>>31074>how was the crushHe couldn't talk because he was on his way to his next class…but I have a chance after our shared class tomorrow to finalize everything and tell him my thoughts. It's been a long drawn out process for some reason this time. I'm usually blunt, but I think my increasing hopelessness about romance and socializing in general is making me a coward. At this point my brain expects one (unpleasant) outcome and doesn't provide much motivation for me anymore.
>doinWaiting for the bus home.
>eatanNothing but I'm HUNGRY
Can't wait for dinner tonight.
>feelanTired and melancholic with a dash of stress. It's a busy week.
>listenanMall soundtrack
Anonymous 31076
>>31075Quit fearing, and date him already! Better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.
Anonymous 31077
>doinstudying study study I must study now because I'm lazy and didn't study enough during the day
>eatannothing, I had cup noodles earlier, sometimes I feel like in another life I was Kohina because I love cup noodles so much
>feelanthe drive to LEARN
>listenanto literal nightmare sounds, it's helpful because I don't feel sleepy anymore. Please give them a listen too but beware, as I said it's literal nightmare sounds.
>>31071Is your cat ok?
>>31075good luck
>>31074and very cool picture
wew I sound like a hyperactive 12 year old
Anonymous 31078
>>31077Are you sure you aren't actually a hyperactive 12 year old?
Anonymous 31079
>>31078Yeah I'm sure but I sure wish I were 12 again…
Anonymous 31081
>>31079I'm always envious of people who have such innocuous minds. It's like youth that never goes away. You human parakeet!
Anonymous 31115
talking to friends on Telegram
vid related
Anonymous 31257
About to finish some job stuff I took home.
Finished a bag of marshmallows. Ya I know.
Lonely and hurt.
A child screaming outside.
Anonymous 31258

goin to class
had tomato quinoa stew for lunch
like shit because I had late nights the last few days
people talking
Anonymous 31259

>doinnothing. gonna start on my programming assignment in an hour, though
>eatanmint gum
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpVunjboAWg Anonymous 31265

>>12278>doinProcrastinating on some assignments. Tomorrow's gonna be hell since I have so much shit to get done before the weekend
>eatanNot eating anything but I'm drinking coffee
>feelanRotating between apathetic and stressed
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy0-S7IAlS0 Anonymous 31471

how did I forget to Wednesday post, gotta get it in while it's still here!
gonna have some potato soup
kinda burnt out, but I dunno how to fix it, I have too many things to do
shitty docs I have to watch for a project
Anonymous 31482
rye crackers and cream cheese
Everything But The Girl
Waiting for my BF to come over after work and spend 3 hours in bed with him!
Anonymous 31670

about to take a shower
Anonymous 31826
Workin' [WFH call center gig]
Nothin' [Ash Wednesday]
Tired [stayed up too late readin']
Enya [don't judge]
Anonymous 31839
procrastinating on some work
blissful soup on a rainy day
kinda stressed ngl but it'll pass
might put on some lets player in the background
Anonymous 31851

browsing absoluteunit.kitchen
nothing, but i'm about to go grab a coke
depressed, i slept for the past 16 hours so i'll be up all night watching anime or something and feeling like crap because i didn't do anything today
the sound of my fan, it's quite comforting actually
Anonymous 32243

about to take a shower
had muesli for breakfast
kinda shite
hammering coming from the neighboring apartment
Anonymous 32244
I was CONVINCED it was thursday
What has happened
What is going ON
Anonymous 32246
>>32244You're losing control. Please keep track of your time and spend it well.
Anonymous 32255

Sitting on the bus home
Tired and lonely. Want to hug a bf but I don't have one.
Also probably couldn't handle one.
Anonymous 32257

hw and deciding what to text some boy
really want hot fries but need2stayskinni
good for the first time in a while B) thankful too
jonathan richman
Anonymous 32264
>>32263This shit is serious. First it's days, months, and then it's years gone with no memories to them. Please help yourself.
Anonymous 32265
>>32244 and this wasn't me:
>>32263I've just been away from home for around 2 weeks so I mixed up the weekdays upon arriving back home.
Anonymous 32266
>>32257I always wanted Ned and Marge to get together
Anonymous 32279
Then begin again. Please anon.
Anonymous 32466

finna take a shit and get ready for my day
having morning coffee
blah, I want this week to be over
the exhaust running
Anonymous 32467
>>32466>the exhaust runningDo you live somewhere cold?
Anonymous 32469
Sitting on my couch, waiting.
Cheese and cashew kaki no tani
My heater
Anonymous 32478
Scrolling through all the stolen mommydom content on instagram
Whole grain English muffin with garlic butter
A bit emotionally groggy, had a mild nightmare with some imagery I'm still working through but it's not too bad.
Indulging in the Tiny Meat Gang podcast.
Anonymous 32480
>>32467More accurately, I meant the bathroom fan. I don't live in cold climate, but it has been colder than usual here.
Anonymous 32958

planning out tasks for the day
drinkin coffee
alright except my back hurts
yard work noises from outside
Anonymous 33238

about to leave for volunteering
no idea, can't decide what to eat
bf has lobos stream on
Anonymous 33240

About to doodle some bullshit.
Disappointed in myself.
Some clothing haul video.
Anonymous 34186

Waiting for a poo to develop so I can shower after. Sort of online browsing pencils.
Nothing, but finished coffee recently.
Tired, gotta stop using my phone in bed.
Outside noises, mostly birds.
Anonymous 34193

procrastinatin', i need to get my shit ready for work tomorrow though
i just ate some popcorn
tense :(
my computer's fan
Anonymous 34198
training a neural network over and over instead of improving the code, while pretending to be productive
green tea and crackers
sad and horny
see attached video. it's good!
Anonymous 34203
Starting the morning off by reading cc
Really good rye toast
Pretty calm. There's not much I have to do today. My shoulder is sore from carrying heavy stuff on it last might.
Cars and nature sounds. I don't like a lot of noise right when I wake up.
Anonymous 34204
>doinlistening to music and talking to friends on discord
>eatannothing just drinking some herbal tea
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJsUpeXK6Jo Anonymous 41288
wicked wednesday.g…

>doinworkin. have to go to a conference in vancouver and i'm picking out what events to go to. anyone have any vancouver recs? should that be in a different thread?
>eatana trail mix that seems to be mostly coconut
>feelanmy elbow hurts and i'm farting
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzBMJyhknVkthis board has seen some shit lately. i missed the wednesday thread :)
Anonymous 41289
>doinAlso at work. My supervisor is out for a week and I'm out of tasks to do so I'm on c.c and online shopping.
>feelanMy back hurts and I'm bored.
>listenanSee embed.
>>41288L'abattoir, eat poutine, go to Stanley Park, walk around downtown.
Anonymous 41738

Working on a handbook for work.
Shitty Hershey's milk chocolate but it was in the break room and therefore free.
pic related
Office ambient noise.
Anonymous 41742

I thought Wednesday thread had hit limit…so happy it hasn't. My luv.
Studying…well, I should be.
Mint tea
Easily distracted and a lil bit horny.
My dehumidifier
Anonymous 41747
sandra bullock met…

lazing about before putting in another few hours of work from home (big project)
just fucked up some duck curry and mango salad from the thai place
exhausted and like i need to stretch
jeopardy in the other room
Anonymous 41748
Idling. Satan's work.
Dusty air through my nose.
Lovely like a summer peach.
Gay Story by In Love With a Ghost.
Anonymous 42013
Killing time til it's Ambien o'clock
Nothing right now but had a piece of toast a while ago
Anxious, nothing specific just your standard free floating anxiety
The kitchen clock and my tinnitus
Hope you all are well
Anonymous 42041

laying in bed getting this Wednesday post in before it isn't Wednesday anymore
I had sweets before bed…
tired and anxious, been emotionally eating recently
noise coming through the window
Anonymous 42569
Reading book
Breath mint for my coffee breath
Shitty about not working out lately, also wasting so much time on discord when most of it is garbage
Anonymous 42572
>>12278>doinFeeding my baby
>eatan Had an egg sandwich
>feelan Discomfort, anxiety
>listenan Joji - Head in the Clouds (jemuzu club remix)
Anonymous 42577
Getting ready for work
Beans and rice
Tired so I’m gonna have coffee
David Bowie- Outside
Anonymous 42579

at work, about to go on my last break and then it's just another hour before i can do my workout and go home
nothing i'm trying to lose weight
pretty bad for a number of reasons
shitty hold music
Anonymous 42751

Watching Pokémon Giratina and the Sky Warrior
Nothing, I want pizza though
Ok but I have a headache
The movie and my cat purring
Anonymous 42754
chilling before I go back to school. I just had a five day break and I cannot overstate how much I don't want to go back.
just ass loads of coffee
fine, i actually got proper sleep last night
the fan running and my laundry finishing up
Anonymous 42756

at work, I'm a workin' gal now so Wednesdays are pretty routine
only drinking water
my back hurts, I feel fucking old
ambient office noize
Anonymous 42777

Just got home, preparing to write 2000 words for an essay.
Sesame snaps.
Happy but tired with a headache threatening to happen.
Anonymous 42781

>doinBoutta go to sleep soon, have to wake up early
>eatanAt this hour nothin, if anything I'll drink some water
>feelanBored as usual
Kinda tired too
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co5gy_2uOEY Anonymous 42782
>doinBrowsing the internet.
>eatanNothing, just ate dinner. The chicken was too salty.
>feelanLike crap due to waking up late.
>listenanThe sound of my heater.
>>42777I'd like to order a copy of this guy and have him delivered to my house, please.
Anonymous 42897
I’m not doing well today, I have to schedule an appointment to terminate a pregnancy.
Anonymous 42898
>>42897don't.. anon I have a child and I can just tell you it's worth it. She's all I ever need. I love her so much. if you need to talk about it, I have discord.
Anonymous 42904
>>42898I just don’t know if I can raise a half black product of rape. I’m not racist I just don’t have it in me I don’t want to kill but
I just can’t
Anonymous 42905
>>42904Do what you need to do. Don’t feel pressured to keep it. It’s your body, after all.
Anonymous 42952
>>42908I bet it’s not easy, but you’ll get through this. It’ll be okay, Anon.
Anonymous 44553

Wednesday Christmas Edition
About to go to bed, I spent this Christmas entirely alone
Way too many sweets
Kind of terrible recently, Seasonal Affective Disorder and untreated anxious depressive tendencies are…. great.
The rain coming down outside
Anonymous 45289

Fretting over a dumb situation.
Just chewin' on some gum.
Shitty, my back hurts, I haven't slept well. Getting old sucks.
Anonymous 45299
woke up early to watch some skiing
can of store brand coke and a shirataki noodle cup from the food bank
meh, but that's usual
nothing now but going to play some vidya later and listen to some youtube lp's.
Anonymous 45330
clown tats.jpg

o wednesday
>doinresponding to some emails about tech work
>eatanmy cheek and this booze
>feelani'm a little drunk and i feel bad.
>listenanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JqVLrGkxoEAnonymous 49516

did you forget it's wednesday?
"working" remotely
sourdough bread
sluggish, oafish, distracted
office-wide zoom meeting random clearing of throats
Anonymous 49517

About to draw, maybe something horny.
Preparing myself mentally for the quarantine.
Considering becoming a furry artist during this time.
The usual.
Mint tea.
Okay, I guess. I'm excited to videochat with my oneitis friend over the isolation period. I just don't know when would be good to ask? First day is definitely too soon, but I want to see him every day…
A youtube video
Anonymous 168600

fuck it, necro'ing this thread cuz it's a fun thread that i randomly remembered
just messin around on the computer to distract myself from my impending sickness, i was playing solitaire for a bit then switched to elouai cuz dress up games are fun and it doesn't need flash
nothing, drinking lots of water though
i have a dizzy headache and think i might be coming down with something, hopefully it's not too bad
no music, but i have my window open to get some fresh air and i can hear the wind and cars going by
Anonymous 168618
>>168606yes and i hate her. she knows she's pretty. posing for the camera trying to look gloomy, as if a pretty woman like her could be truly sad. she was just born and she had a pretty face so people naturally liked her and treated her like a human. she had friends and she got positive attention from men and she was offered work based on the extraordinary qualification of being born from parents with good dna in a wealthy nation. and then she gets praised even by uglier women on obscure imageboards for it. fuck. if you are born ugly, you should just die because you will never be anything. everyone will always look at you and just see an ugly monster.
Anonymous 168679
>>168618Holy based, i love u. FUCK attractive people!
Anonymous 168687
>>168618Pffft it's not women's fault men are trash. You play right into the completely braindead misogynisticthoughrforms men want. Pretty women just end up getting creeped on, stalked, groomed, sexually abused when theyre young
or abuse is used even MORE to control them. I don't want any kind of male attention at all and would be chubby to get away from it.
Anonymous 168701
As opposed to an inbred alabama retard
only moids say these things fr
you have to be braindead or so misogynistic you hate yourself to be rightwing anything
Anonymous 169976
Wasting my time on the internet
Fish pizza
bored, lonely, horny
silence, page turning, breathing
Anonymous 169982
ill try and answer quick before it turns thursday it's almost midnight
sitting here, knitting a lot today and fighting but now sitting, also sleeping
idk its been swinging around a lot, one minute happy the next angry and then depressed
to the rain outside and my washing machine creek.
Anonymous 169983
>>168618I think she is trying to look more solemn and serious than sad or gloomy. It's probably her eyes that make you think that, theyre very wide which makes you think sad. Shes really pandering to men who like large doe eyes because they portray fear also, and men love seeing women in pain, who are scared and sad.
Anonymous 170027
Waiting to go to IKEA
A vape
A lot
An archived Mister Metokur stream
Anonymous 173522
figuring out what to do
ate a steak and broccoli
confused (in limbo)
instrumentals/osts and jrock. instrumentals are from welcome to the NHK ost
Anonymous 173525
in class
ate eggs for breakfast
Anonymous 173531
procrastinating sleep time
halloween candy
resting in the spencer mansion~ relaxing resident evil [1-3] music (w/ thunderstorm & rain ambience)
Anonymous 173539

drying and watching yt.
cinnamon apple pie rolled oat yogurt thing my husband made.
Grateful, and a little bit devilish.
Said youtube video.
Anonymous 173566
lying in bed
soup and leftover pasta
Anonymous 173569
sitting here, soon I have to leave
Tired and grumpy
Earlier someone I cohabit with's blow dryer, now they have left and its just the sound of silence.
Anonymous 173581
Working on school projects
Prog House radio
Anonymous 173583
Light beer and sone healthy vegetable dishes.
I had a good day, but since I got home things haven't been great.
Someone washing their hands. Another person doing the dishes. Another person silently fuming.
Anonymous 173590

Trying to get an outfit together for an appointment I desperately don't want to go to. (
Leftover taco meat and vegetables I made last night before I passed out from exhaustion. I have an app that's telling me to drink more water but it's a chore. And I feel like I need to suck down some painkillers just to live through the day.
Tired and bored, I just want to have fun and get lost in my hobbies but everyday some other crisis or responsibility comes up and I hate it.
Mix of silent Hill ambient music and erotic ASMR role-play stories. (Pretty much anything that takes place on a desolate Faraway planet)
Short teen titans fanfic about Raven and Blackfire becoming really close friends after being imprisoned in an alternate dimension version of Tokyo that's very similar to mid-90s sailor moon/vampire princess Miu style anime
I bought a raspberry pie before the chip shortage but I haven't had the time or the energy to set it up as my ultimate portable gaming console with custom menus and music that matches all my favorite games.
So I've mostly just been playing torch light 2 when I have a minute to myself. It's okay I guess, I don't know what it is but I don't like it as much as the first game and I miss my custom-made Valkyrie