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Anonymous 124713

Hey gals, I’ve been lurking for a year maybe and it’s my first post so please go easy on me.

So I’m 20 and I believe I might have autism, already asked my parents a few times and I trust their answer but they kept saying no.

Does anyone have or know someone that has autism? What are some signs you noticed etc?

I’m good in psychics and math but pretty bad at any other subject
anxious and have super hard time making friends
can ONLY memorize things visually/if I can visualize it
I keep misunderstanding other people vice versa
love taking it slow in life, if I have too much to do in a limited time I can’t do any of them/have a breakdown

Is there any red flags? I’ll be reading the replies

Anonymous 124726

All of that makes it sound possible. Your parents probably don’t know how autism presents in girls. If you can, make an appointment with a psychiatrist or autism specialist. If not, read the autism threads on lolcow and mumsnet and the female autism subreddits and see how much they sound like you.

Anonymous 124729

People that sympathize with Lady Manjaro can't be bad people.

Anonymous 124737

The thing is, if you have made it to 20 with autism as a women, you really don't have to do a lot. You should go to therapy to work through your trauma, and you'll need some social training so you can better function and not come off as a weirdo, but otherwise by being socialized as a female, you've brute forced your way through most of the hard parts.

Anonymous 124745


I have aspergers so maybe I can help, but I am not an expert on it or anything

Do you have any sensory problems? Do your own senses torture you? Or do you find you do things to stimulate sensation just to feel?
Do you get stressed out in public places if you are exposed to that environment for too long?
Do you go mute sometimes?

What about socializing? Do you often find that you get confused in social situations? Do you find it hard to keep relationships if you manage to forge them? Find it hard to express your sentiments and feelings to people?
Do people laugh at you for seemingly no reason?

Do you get easily obsessed with certain subjects and lose yourself in them?
Do you have laser like focus on things that interest you, and what you are doing?

Anonymous 124791

Don’t self-diagnose. See a professional.

Anonymous 124819


Do you have any sensory problems? No
Do your own senses torture you? Nope
Or do you find you do things to stimulate sensation just to feel? No
Do you get stressed out in public places if you are exposed to that environment for too long? Yes
Do you go mute sometimes? Rarely but yes

What about socializing? Do you often find that you get confused in social situations? Yes

Do you find it hard to keep relationships if you manage to forge them? Yes, oh my gosh do I work hard for it.

Find it hard to express your sentiments and feelings to people? Yep

Do people laugh at you for seemingly no reason? No

Do you get easily obsessed with certain subjects and lose yourself in them? Yes definitely

Do you have laser like focus on things that interest you, and what you are doing? Rarely but yes, It’s either if I really have to do something or it that amazes me.

Anonymous 124820

I know I should to but.. I’m too shy to see a doctor and ask this

Anonymous 124823

to be fair, even if your parents were the best psychiatric clinicians ever, it still wouldn't be fair to ask them to diagnose you with anything – you're too close. It wouldn't be appropriate for your parents to clinically dissect your life, it would be an invasion of your privacy and there's no way you'd come out of it less fucked up than you are now.

Google Tony Attwood, he's a world expert in autism whose son suffered greatly because like.. yeah, they just missed it. Must have thought he was "just a bit odd" or .. perpetually "going through a phase"… It's honestly always going to be a lot easier to dismiss abnormal behavior than it is to address it.

Anyways, don't ask your parents. If you have access to mental health services, try talking with your doctor. Otherwise, there are a bunch of online questionnaires… which is all the doctor's going to give you… most of them are built upon the diagnostic criteria for Autistic Bois, though.. so i mean, don't be surprised if it asks you some dumb shit like if you enjoy collecting stamps or learning about trains/engines.

Anonymous 124824

Anonymous 124847

Perhaps you might have a mild touch of aspergers. Or you could just simply be a socially anxious person

I often find that if there are multiple social dynamics going on at once I get confused and I might only understand it all and what was going on after some time thinking about it. Sometimes people might get mad at me for it. Might take me days, weeks to understand. But if it's straight forward I fare ok. I used to have a lot of social anxiety growing up because socializing was so confusing and I was alienated but now I just don't care any more and I have no social anxiety, it's just sensory stuff that messes me up mostly. And I know some spergs that were worse than me yet they had no anxiety at all and didn't care about being an outcast. So anxiety does not necessarily come from autism but it can

What kind of interests do you have if you don't mind sharing? How much you know about them?

Anonymous 124848

Also what do you think stresses you out in public spaces and how does it affect you?

Anonymous 124857

Religions or mythology, creating food recipes, the colour purple, cultures of other countries, video games(also collecting as many cosmetics as possible in them, especially mmos), puppets clowns jesters that sort of thing. I think I know a bit about them. Ah also animals, if only I could get half as comfortable with human beings

Anonymous 124858

I just can’t use stuff like public restrooms when there are someone in the room, I dislike the company

Anonymous 124872

Here's my question for you, anon. Let's say you did get professionally tested. What difference would it make to your life if you were diagnosed with autism? What difference would it make if it turns out you don't have autism?

Sometimes we can get caught up in wanting to get a diagnosis for our issues, but what difference does it make? You know that you struggle with making friends and that your social skills are lacking. You are aware that you can get overwhelmed easily and that can lead to a breakdown. Even if you were tested and didn't end up having autism, that doesn't mean that you aren't struggling in those aspects of your life.

I had a similar sort of conflict because for a while I couldn't tell if I had social anxiety or what exactly was wrong with me because I also struggle socially. Eventually I realized that figuring out what was "wrong" with me wasn't as important as just getting help for the things that were bothering me. Whether or not I had a diagnosis for something didn't matter as much as just figuring out how to cope with my issues. I hope everything I typed makes sense lol. Just something to consider!

Anonymous 124873

> I believe I might have autism
I don't think you have autism

Anonymous 124896

I think you're just not socialized and maybe shy and anxious. Religion and mythology is super based

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